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Contact Us

Membership in IXE is open to any person living in or outside of the state of Indiana. IXE has two forms of membership depending on the newsletter received. If the newsletter is received by mail, membership is $28.00 If the newsletter is received by email in the form of a PDF, membership is $20.00. The PDF format has working links and color.

Our monthly newsletter informs the reader of local and national events as well as giving news and articles from members and other groups across the country. All checks for membership should be made out to "IXE" and sent to:

PO BOX 20710

Please DO NOT SEND CASH THROUGH THE MAIL. Back issues of the newsletter are available at $2.00 each. The newsletter is sent in an unmarked opaque envelope and may be sent to any address of your choosing. Some members have it go to their home and others to a post office box.

IXE meets once a month. Admission is $5 per person. (They frown if we don't pay our rent). 1st time visitors are free. It is also a pitch-in, so if you are able to come, please bring a dish to share. There is a place on premises to change if you wish. But you can come in drab if you would feel more comfortable. The building opens at 6 pm. All changes of meeting dates, locations and times are noted in the newsletter. If you have moans or groans, praise, inquires or if you would like information on how to join our little band (and get the newsletter!!), you can contact us by email at ixe.insg1@yahoo.com.


We have a voice mail system at (317) 971-6976

We hope that we can be of service to you and will hear from you soon.