Abbeygail's Dreamland

A Place for Gentleness, Innocence, Relaxation and Love

Hi, and welcome to dreamland. ! May I thank you all for visiting my world. You will find my story page! some are fact some very much fiction,? I will leave you to work that for yourself??

I am in the process of adding more stories and extra chapters at the moment. Please bear with me during the update period, Thanks Abbey.

Basically, I'm a male who in reality is an 11 year old girl. Although I am a grown-up now, my yearnings are still for my 11 year old girl-self, Abbeygail. I do still dress-up and play at school's with of course me being a schoolgirl, It is fun and I enjoy it, and in my dreamland that;'s all that counts. It's what makes me very happy....because that's what I am and that's what I like.

Tell this Schoolgirl what you think of her Site by signing my register.

Please go to my


And you will find a true account of my growing up as well as some other fiction stories I have recently written.

Please write to me and ask me anything you want to. I promise to answer you back as soon as I can. I need new friends for Abbeygail so please write to me at the end of your visit, or leave a message in my guestbook, thank you all. Bye for now! Please call back later!

Hugs and Kisses!!!!!!

E-Mail Abbeygail



'The Begining’

‘Cold hearty orb that rules the night,
‘Removes the colour from our sight,
‘Red is Grey, and Yellow Is White,
‘But we decide which is right,
‘And which is a illusion?

‘ Pinprick holes in a clourless sky,
‘Let insipid figures of light pass by,
‘The mighty light of ten thousand suns,
‘Challenges infinity and soon is gone.

‘ Night time, to some a brief interlude,
‘To other the fear of solitude,
‘Brave hellios wake up your steeds,
‘Bring warmth the countryside needs.

‘Breathe deep the gathering gloom,
‘Watch lights fade from every room,
‘Bedsitter people look back and lament,
Another day’s useless energy spent.

‘Impassionate lovers wrestle as one,
‘Little Girl’s cries for love and has none,
‘New mother picks up and suckles her son,
‘Senior citizens wish they were young.

‘‘Cold hearty orb that rules the night,
‘Removes the colour from our sight,
‘Red is Grey, and Yellow Is White,
‘But we decide which is right,
‘And which is a illusion?

‘From the Album:
‘Days of Future Passed
‘By The Moody Blues. 1967

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