Here's abit of roleplay for you:

Immagine that you're a magician, and you need a particular
gemstone to complete your set, so you visit an old wise
alchemist to ask where you can find such a rare stone.
Obviously, he's not going to tell just anyone, or else
there wouldn't be any left for any other alchemists in
the future. So in the great tradition of such situations,
he gives you a test:

He asked you five questions, and you had to get all five
right before he would tell you his secret. Each one was a
riddle, with a choice of two answers, the last line of
each riddle being: "Am I Animal or Vegetable?".

You have Seven chances. After each time you have
answered all Five, he will tell you how many you've got right.

The number Seven represents completeness in symbolism,
and so the number Six represents being not quite complete.
Such is your situation here: You can't actually ever hope
to get it right with only Six chances, unless you were lucky.
A fool would say; "It's impossible to get it right with only
Seven, because there's Thirtytwo possibilities". But it is
in fact possible to solve with only Six incomplete solutions.
Leaving you the Seventh to guess the answers correctly.

The wise alchemist knows this, that's why he's set you
this problem. Well, can you prove your worthyness?
We'll see....

go to the alchemist now

Get some help

Admit defeat and give in now