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One Hundred Ways
to Survive as an Artist-
Without Cutting off your Ear


51Nothing lasting survives a false foundation; don't fake it.

52What are the
vibrations that come from your work?

53Are the ingredients in your work
fresh? And close to you?

54All things are a part of your work: your hopes...your pain.

55Anything, however small, if it is real, you can build on it.

56You will suffer doubt, but you can regain your

57Surround yourself with
positive energy: strong, quiet support.

There are no rules. Think about it. It is your turn. Take it.

59Feeling sorry for yourself is always destructive.

60Whatever you are hiding will
reveal itself in your work.

61Filling the hole in your life with your work makes it bigger.

62Any place can be a studio- a corner- you carry it inside you.

63Real discipline comes from following your

64When you reach an impasse, turn it up a notch, take a risk.

65Treating your work like a problem makes it a problem.

66Keep your eyes on what's at the
source of the work.

67You are making something where there was nothing.

68You can be as brave as your imagination will allow.

69What you set in motion in your work will never die.

70The light in the tunnel is inside you; more faith -- more light.

71Live somewhere where
art matters, not where it doesn't.

72Artists are all in the
same boat; same needs, struggles, joys.

73Live where you work, work where you live. It costs less.

74Use cheaper materials if that allows you to keep working.

75Accept that you are
lucky to be doing what you want to do.

76Don't expect support from people not doing what they want...

77NO toxic materials/media, they will hurt you down the road.

78Who likes criticism; we all want understanding,

79Surround yourself with art that always shows you something.

80Believe it or not, you are not in competition with every artist.

81Don't exploit your art to prove something, it might smell bad.

82Fortunately art can
happen despite our worst intentions.

83Conviction is more than half the battle, but not essential.

84Hard work doesn't always work; it just makes things hard.

85Sometimes art is 99 %
inspiration and 1 % perspiration.

86Avoid acquiring techniques; find your
own way getting there.

87Music is an artist's best friend, listen, play an instrument..

88There is no room for no sense of
humor in art.

89There is no justice in a juried exhibition, only agendas.

90Be open to alternative means of getting your work out there.

91Don't have a priceless collection of your own work.

92Attitude is everything: it is your life and your work.

93Color is energy; it is a part of everything, get to know it.

94Composition is what comes when you have the run of space.

95Work like it is the first time;
anything is possible.

96Beware: bitterness and disappointment follow every artist.

97A life of art is its OWN reward; anything else is a lie.

98Your work can bring
light to the dark; a smile; even wonder.

99The artist is part witness, part tattletale; they see and expose.

!!!In the end there is only one way: yours!

Good Luck.

Since 1995;Last update:4/10/05
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