Yen-Kuang Chen

Research Interests


Research Experiences


  1. Best Paper Award, International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, 2005.
  2. Microprocessor Technology Labs Division Recognition Award, Intel Corp, 1999, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, and 2009.
  3. Desktop Platforms Group Division Recognition Award, Intel Corp, 2000.
  4. George Van Ness Lothrop Honorific Fellowships, Princeton University, 1997-98.
  5. E-Council's Excellence in Teaching Award, Princeton University, 1998.

Professional Recognitions

  1. Selected leading young engineer to attend
  2. Invited speaker,
  3. Program chairman,
  4. Program committee members,
  5. Associate editors,
  6. Guest editor,
  7. Technical committee member
  8. Patent committee member on Architecture, Intel Corporation, 2007-present.
  9. MPEG (ISO/IEC JTC/SC29/WG11) meeting
  10. IEEE Senior Member since 2002.
  11. ACM Senior Member since 2006.

Patents and Publications

Other Personal Information

Yen-Kuang Chen
Last updated Jan 5, 2008