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Joker Construction

Home Joker 6.7 Joker 820

The following photographs are of the hull construction of a Joker 820. The construction of the smaller Joker 6.7 is identical.

This image shows the hull in frame ready for planking with 8mm plywood.

The photo to the left is of the same hull partially covered in ply. When the planking is complete it will be covered with epoxy and 6oz glass cloth, then primed, faired, the final top coat applied and all work on the underside of the hull completed before turning it over. On average it takes about 200 hours to this stage.

This photo on the right is of the hull turned over and work in progress on the interior. It shows the baffles in place for the water ballast tanks, prior to fixing on the tank top. The top forms the base of the settee seats in the boat. The slot for the centre board/ ballast keel has been cut and the case will be installed later to allow better access at this stage of construction.

The following thumbnails may be enlarged individually by clicking on the required photo.
20.7 Kb
670 hull
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670 hull
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670 hull
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670 hull
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820 interior construction
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820 interior
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820 interior
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820 quarter
22.2 Kb
820 cockpit
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820 deck
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820 fore hatch
Home Joker 6.7 Joker 820

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