Fun With Son is the annual District Cub Scout Camp out, held at the Ross-Rhodes Scout Reservation at beautiful Lake DeGrey in Arkansas. Pack 53 had a GREAT turn out. We had more campers there than any other Pack! In fact, our Pack were so large, that we filled up TWO campsites with more than 30 scouts and their parents. The activities included hiking, fishing, cookouts, archery, bb shooting, and games. There was a rocket demonstration, where model rockets were blasted into the air and floated to earth on parachutes.

It rained a little in the day, but the temperature was pretty nice. Around supper time, there was a down pour, so many of us deserted our camp fire to go eat the hamburgers cooked by the camp staff. Not to worry, though, the steaks we brought didn't go to waste.

Due to the rain, the campfire program was held in-doors. Pack 53 performed a song, and the Webelos II performed a skit. Awards were handed out for the top three shooters of each rank in the Archery and BB's shoots. Pack 53 was well represented with our members winning four awards in Archery and one in BB's. Our very own Bryan in the Rattlesnake Patrol won 1st place BB's in Webelos.

After the campfire program, we all went back to our own campsite, demolished many bags of marshmallows, and turned the woods separating Pack 53's two campsites into a battleground. The Great Flashlight War of '97 was fought for over two hours. Many prisoners were taken, and escaped. Spies were ever present, and the Captains of each side led their troops to many victories!

The dad's even joined in the fun by conducting a sneak attack on the flank of the opposing armies. However the attack was repelled and the dad's slain by superior numbers.

Meanwhile, the rest of us cooked and ate our steaks. :-)

Sunday morning dawned a cold and chilly day. We packed up and went home.

A good time was had by all. We can't wait until next year!

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