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   Technical Support   
Technical Support 
Technical Support is provided, free for 30 days, online or by e-mail from the moment when you purchase ZipZag. Before asking for technical support, however, we ask that you follow a few steps first in order to allow us to better serve you:

Please follow these steps. In doing so, you help us control our support load, which allows us to dedicate more resources to the most serious issues.
  • Step #1: Read the documentation thoroughly. Almost all technical support issues are covered in the help file.
  • Step #2: Visit our websites or There may be updated information on those sites that answers your question.
  • Step #3: Make sure you are running the most current version of the software. You can see what version you have by running the software and reading the title bar text. Check the About window for more information (Main menu -> Help -> About). If there is a more current version available, download the latest version and install it. Your problem may simply be an issue related to a non-current revision of the software. In fact, this is the most common technical support issue.
  • Step #4: Now, please, read the fine print. (and have fun)
    Consult your physician before starting this program. Batteries not included. May cause drowsiness. Must be over 17. Not available in all states. Not responsible for acts of God. Read label before using. Some assembly required. Not responsible for typographical errors. Some restrictions apply. Subject to local regulation. Close cover before striking. No resemblance to any person, living or dead, is intended. Subject to availability. Local restrictions may apply. For external use only. May cause excitability. Avoid alcoholic beverages while using this software. Use caution while operating mechanical devices. If symptoms persist, consult your physician. Keep this and all software out of the reach of children. May be unsuitable for sensitive people. Parental guidance suggested. Do not use this software if you are currently taking a drug for depression. Neither the seller nor the manufacturer will be liable for any brain damage arising from the use of this software. The buyer assumes all risks associated with using this product. In case of irritation, flush eyes with cold water and consult your physician. This software is not a savings account and is not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Use with adequate ventilation. Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with skin. Contents under pressure; do not puncture or incinerate. Store in original containers. Always replace sleeve before discarding any computer disk. Get medical attention if symptoms persist. Harmful if swallowed. Do not remain in enclosed areas after use. No vaseline required.
  • Step #5: If your problem is still not resolved, then:

Get technical support online at:
E-mail you request to zipzag(at)zipzag(dot)com. Thank you! or
Fill the form bellow:

Your full name:

Your email address:

Your web address:

Windows version you use:

Your computer configuration:

Your request:


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