Comet ChironComet Halley

Questions and Comments

First, I must point out that English is not my native language. I studied it in school and apologize for any grammatical or spelling errors. If you find any mistakes please contact me by E-mail so that I may correct them.

If you find something that is not scientifically correct please contact me so that I can rewrite it.

I found materials for this page all over the Internet and I would like to thank those who have placed them there. You can find those pages on my links page.

If I have broken any copyright laws it was not my intent. I have no commercial interest and only want to make an interesting website about asteroids.

If you have any questions or comments about this website please E-mail me. I will respond if you request it. Thank you for visiting this site and I hope you enjoy it. Pulsar

Let's go!

I'm here if you need me!

Last updated: June 15, 2000 .
