Capitol Metro Transportation Authority

Austin, TX

Snapshot roster, Dec. 31,1999

version 1.0.0

Number Builder Model Serial# Acquired Former # Notes
1001-1025 Gillig Phantom 40'   1985   retired
1101-1180 Gillig Phantom 40'   1986    
1600-1619 Gillig Phantom 30'   1986   retired
1400-1419 Gillig Phantom 40'   1986   1413 & 1418 out of service (burned)
1630-1639 Gillig Phantom 30'   1989    
1700-1779 Gillig Phantom 35'   1989    
1800-1829 TMC RTS   1992   CNG
7001-7079 New Flyer D30LF   1997    
7401-7479 New Flyer D35LF   1998    
???? Gillig Low Floor   1999-2000    

Data by Chris Giles
last updated 1/22/00

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Rosters are based on dated information. No matter how current they were when they were published, things change. New buses are acquired, old buses sold or renumbered.
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