Regional Transportation District

Denver, CO

Denver RTD 4839

Denver RTD 4839 at Coor's Field, Denver, CO, July 17, 1996 photo by A. J. Reinschmidt

Denver RTD 5059

Denver RTD 5059 at Cold Spring Park & Ride, Lakewood, Co, July 16,1996 photo by A. J. Reinschmidt

Denver RTD 9018

Denver RTD 9018 at I-25 & Broadway Denver, Co, July 16,1996 photo by A. J. Reinschmidt

version 5.1.0

roster from 18/81-5/98 with some backdateing
Number Builder Model Serial# Acquired Former # Notes
.01-.06 Highway Metal Products (Twin Coach) TC-25 25212-25217 1972 ggone by '81
.07-.10 Highway Metal Products (Twin Coach) TC-25 25507-25510 1973 gone by '81
1-6 GM T8M-5308A 1972 Suburban;
gone by '90
6-15 GM T8M5307A 1974 Suburban;
gone by '90
9-10(II) Collins RE-185-D VLOO0280-281 1997
19-36 GM S8M-5304A 1975 Suburban;
gone by '90
42 GM PD-4107 1966 gone by '90
44-47 GM PD-4107 1966 gone by '90
51-62 FMC 2900V 00670-00675, 00681-00691 odd numbers 1974 Lift equipped;
gone by '90
63-89 FMC 2900R 00837,00839,00843 - 00891 odd numbers only 1975 gone by '90
101-155 Flx HD31-35096 1978 138-155 with lifts;
re# 2301-2355
gone by '90
201-226 Flx 111CC-D061 1972 gone by '90
214-227(II) Metrotrans Classic RHB32900-912, 36244 1994
227-254 Flx 53102 1974 gone by '90
260-266 GM TDH-5303 1964 gone by '90
301-476 AMG 10240B 1105-1280 1977 gone by '90
431-434 Goshen Goshen Coach II RHC1 1658, 645, 636, 646 1995
501-545 GM TDH-5301 1961 gone by '90
601-683 AMG 10240 109-191 1975 gone by '90
701-732 MCI MC-8 32962-32993 1978 re# 1401-1432
741-743 GM PD-4107 1966 gone by '90
744 MCI MC-7 11774 1972 re# 1205
745 MCI MC-7 12411 1973 re# 1206
746-747 MCI MC-8 30562, 30567 1974 re# 1208-1209
748-749 MCI MC-7 10936-10937 1971 re# 1203-1204
750-753 MCI MC-5A ?, 5168, 5624,? 1964-'66 751-752 re# 1102-1103
754-755 MCI MC-5A 5946,6345 1967 Re# 1106-1107
756-758 MCI MC-5A 6481, 6482, 6860 1968 Re# 1108-1110
759-760 MCI MC-7 10177-10178 1969 re# 1201-1202
762 MCI MC-7 12412 1973 re# 1207
763 MCI MC-5B 7086 1973 re# 1111
771-782 GM P8M-4905A 1598-1709 1977 re# 1301-1312
801-818 GM T6H-5305 1968 gone by '90
901-940 AMG 10240B 486-525 1976 Suburban;
re# 3401-3440
1001-1014 Collins RE-185-D VL000268-279, 293-294 1997
1016-1025 Collins RE-185-D VLOO0282-291 1997
1102 MCI MC-5 5168 1964 Ex 751 gone by '95
1103,1105 MCI MC-5 5624, 5857 1966 Ex 752, 761 gone by '95
1106-1107 MCI MC-5A 5946, 6345 1967 Ex 754-755 gone by '95
1108-1110 MCI MC-5A 6481, 6482, 6860 1968 Ex 756-758 gone by '95
1111 MCI MC-5B 7086 1973 Ex 763 gone by '95
1201-1202 MCI MC-7 10177-10178 1969 Ex 759-760 off roster by '98
1203-1204 MCI MC-7 10936-10937 1971 Ex 748-749 off roster by '98
1205 MCI MC-7 11774 1972 Ex 744 off roster by '98
1206-1207 MCI MC-7 12411-12412 1973 Ex 745, 762 off roster by '98
1208-1209 MCI MC-8 30562, 30567 1974 Ex 746-747 off roster by '98
1267-1269 GM TDH-5303 1964 gone by '90
1301-1312 GM P8M-4905A 1598-1709 1977 Ex 771-782 off roster by '98
1401-1432 MCI MC-8 32962-32993 1978 Ex 701-732
1501-1511 Neoplan AN340 H293, H311-H320 1987
1512-1528 Neoplan AN340 H292, H295-H310 1987 Lifts
1601 Neoplan N128/4 82-87-65 1982
1702-1722 GM TDH-4516 1960 gone by '90
1701-1721 (II) MCI 102A3 1991
1801-1820 Neoplan AN-340/3 1993
1901-1905 MCI 102DL3 WP049869, 50278, 82, 88, 91 1998
1906-1936 MCI 102DL3 WP050321-351 1998
1937-1958 MCI 102DL3 WP050388-410 1998
1959-1968 MCI 102DL3 WP050413-422 1998
1969-1971 MCI 102DL3 WP050426-428 1998
2301-2355 Flxible 35095-6-1 63416 - 63470 1978 ex 101-155 Some lifts; gone by '95
2501-2506 MCR-Vetter 700E 37004 - 37009 1982 Battery-powered; lifts
2507-2519 MCR-Vetter 700D 37001 - 37003, 37010-37019 1982 Lifts, 13 left
2520-2526 MCR 7000D 1985
2601 Neoplan Mall Prototype NLO13066 1992
3001-3020 Gillig 40102TB6V92TA 1992
3401-3440 AMG 102408-8 486-525 1975 ex 901-940 'Suburban;'
off roster by '98
3701-3710 S&S Starship S-28 LW026379-87, L2100077 mixed 1990 Lifts
3711-3715 S&S S-28 ? 1990 CNG-powered; lifts;
gone by '95
3716-3730 S&S T-30 002-016? 1990 Lifts;
off roster by '98
4101-4120 GM TDH-5301 1962 gone by '90
4801-4927 GM T6H-5307N B402-B528 1981 Lifts, Sotrak AC;
Note 1
5001-5117 Neoplan AN440A GL013435 - 551 1986 Lifts;
5003 is off roster.
5118-5165 Neoplan AN440A GL013553 - 600 1986 5127 / 5153 / 5167 to LADOT same #s
5166-5167 Neoplan AN440A GL013552, 630 1986 5127 / 5153 / 5167 to LADOT same #s
5201-5305 Neoplan AN440A HL013531 - 635 1987 Lifts
5254 / 5302 to LADOT same #s
6001-6005 TMC T8J-206 5874, 6074-6077 1989 Methanol-powered; lifts
7001-7045 FLX 40102-6T ND103516 - 560 1992
8001-8085 Gillig S5040102 R1084987 - 066,
8101A-8136A Gillig S50T40102 R1085318 - 353 1994
8201L-8256L Gillig S50T40102 R1085262 - 317 1994
8301M-8344M Gillig S50T40102 R1085218 - 261 1994
9001-9089 MAN SG-310 0498-0535, 0537-0587 1983 Lifts
Data from January-Feburary, 1992 Motor Coach Age, updated by Alan Gryfe from 9/95 RTD data, corrected data from 8/81 BUS World, and May 1998 edition of Western Transit and Adris Kristopans

last updated 4/29/05

This page brought to you by: A. J. Reinschmidt

Your help is needed!
Rosters are based on dated information. No matter how current they were when they were published, things change. New buses are acquired, old buses sold or renumbered.
If you can provide any additional information or corrections to the rosters or delivery lists please let me know. Also if you can provide rosters of your local properties I'd be glad to post them. With your help we can make this THE place for bus roster information.
My e-mail address is:


Note 1
Only 22 active - 4824, 4850-4851, 4853, 4855, 4859, 4868, 4870, 4873, 4875, 4885, 4887-4889, 4895, 4897, 4899, 4908, 4910, 4915, 4920 and 4926.

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