Alexandria VA

version 1.1.0

All time roster

Number Builder Model Serial # Built Former Notes
1 - 17 OBI 01.502 D6-756-817, D6-757-818, E6-758-819, E6-760-822 - E6-764-826, E6-765-828 - E6-770-833, E6-771-835, 836 84  
18 - 19 OBI 01.507 G6001328-1329 86    
20 - 28 OBI 01.507 M6002752-2760 91    
29 - 33 OBI 01.507 M6002926, 2928 - 2930, 2932 91    
34 - 38 Gillig 35096 T1087536 - 7540 96    
39 - 43 Gillig 35096 T1085843 - 5847 96    
44 - 53 Gillig 35096 T1087959 - 7968 98    
54 - 58 Gillig 35096 T1089151 - 9155 99    

Data from Andre Kristopans.
last updated 8/15/00

This page brought to you by: A. J. Reinschmidt

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Rosters are based on dated information. No matter how current they were when they were published, things change. New buses are acquired, and old buses sold or renumbered.
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