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News and Opinion about the Cranberry Industry

Archives for May, 2002




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Email Hal Brown, Ed.

 Is consideration of a sale of Ocean Spray a moot point?

A thoughtful discussion about Ocean Spray

5/25/02 Updated 5/28 1:00PM Whether you agree with the poster who goes by the name of "Dove" or not, I think his/her post is well worth reading, as is the thread which it fostered.   Here.


Vaccinium Oxycoccus - Beware

by John C. Decas

5/24/02 -- John Decas on including Vaccinium oxycoccus in the definition of cranberry in a proposed amendment. CONTINUED

Editor's Note on CMC Hearing

5/22/02 I was unable to attend the hearing on the proposed Cranberry Marketing Committee proposed amendments. If you were there, please consider writing an article (an objective report), or offer your opinions (subjective Op-Ed), for publication on Stressline. Email

Decas and Makepeace land deals
from Boston Globe South

Teens, it seems, love berry best

From 5/14/02 CNN interview: "The first thing you do is talk to them and we did that with (Pepsi) Blue. We went out to teens and let them help us design it. We probably thought that it was going to be something far different than what it ended up being, but teens love flavors, and they told us make it berry, we love berry flavoring, we think the berry cola concept is great and make it blue. They love colors too, so they're the ones who really designed this." Katie Lacey, V.P. of Marketing at Pepsico on Pepsi Blue, planned for introduction this summer. Read Pepsi press release. Ed. Note: Dr Pepper/Seven Up is introducing Red Fusion in July, a red, fruity addition to its Dr Pepper soft drink lineup.

Parents: This editorial contains one
R-rated link (for language)

A flea and a fly in a flue *

5/5/02 -- I've been thinking about why people insist on posting anonymously on the Cranberry Stressline Forum. This continues to puzzle me. Is it fear, shyness, ignorance of the unlikelihood of negative consequences, or just plain human nature?
Sunday Editorial


On Cliffstar contracts 

By Gregory Gitter, President,  Wisconsin Cranberry Cooperative

5/1/02 -- In a  letter sent today to James Gloss- Director of Fruit Procurement, Cliffstar Corporation  the Wisconsin Cranberry Cooperative is strongly objecting to the recent actions of Cliffstar representatives in asking Wisconsin growers to sign a new growers agreement which clearly is not in the best interest of the individual grower. CONTINUED




DeMarco Case documents

5/31/02 USDA ousts papaya committee chairman in The Packer

5/29/02 Ag Secretary Rules Out Meat Label AP article in Progressive Farmer

Farmland, largest Co-op, files Chap. 11 - AP article

Decas offers $1000 reward for information on vandals in Middleboro Gazette

Neighbors band together seeking relief from nearby bog excavation in Middleboro Gazette

5/28/02 Northland to sell bog land in Halifax, MA in Brockton Enterprise and related Boston Globe letter

5/23/02 Maine: "Cranberry growers resist move to thin crop" from Portland Press Herald

5/1/04 From the USDA AMS: Proposed Rules PDF TEXT

5/3/02  Florida Citrus Mutual statement to International Trade Commission on effects of elimination of tariffs.

5/2/02 USDA organic certification announcement

Press Releases                       

5/16/02 Ocean Spray outside director Thomas elected to board of Rayovac

5/9/02 Northland Cranberries, Inc. will close bottling plant located in Dundee, New York

5/8/02 Clement Pappas and Hi-Country Foods to combine Related: Hi-Country Website and Clement Pappas Website