Cranberry Stressline

September 1 - 7, 1999

A.D. Makepeace Company supports strategic merger
Recommends continuing business as a classic handler co-op

9/3/99 Wareham, MA - - A.D. Makepeace Company is the largest owner and grower of Ocean Spray Cranberries. In recent years the company has lobbied unsuccessfully behind the scenes to convince the Board and management of Ocean Spray to consider a "Strategic Merger" of the juice business with a major global consumer marketing company, while continuing to own the handler co-op business to provide a stable home for growers' fruit.  Makepeace contends that this would be in the best interest of all Ocean Spray growers.  

Makepeace has taken the extraordinary step of informing all owners of the Ocean Spray cooperative of its position in a letter dated Sept. 1, 1999. The letter proposes that an educational process needs to take place starting immediately to help owners fully understand the benefits of the "Strategic Merger" alternative. Additionally, they have retained a polling organization to call all Ocean Spray owners to gather their opinions and concerns about a strategic merger. 


"a powerful global conversation has begun. Through the Internet, people are discovering and inventing new ways to share relevant knowledge with blinding speed. As a direct result, markets are getting smarter—and getting smarter faster than most companies." from the Cluetrain Manifesto, read it here.


Ocean Spray touts cranberries in new press release

9/4/99 In its first press release promoting Ocean Spray products since July 23, 1999, Ocean Spray has issued a report entitled "Precision taste is the strongest weapon on beverage battleground."  You can read the press release HERE.

9/2/99 Did you know that...

Ocean Spray Named AmeriCold Logistics to Build and Operate a Freezer at its Facility in Central Wisconsin?

Press release from May 14, 1999... AmeriCold Logistics, the largest U.S. provider of refrigerated storage and food distribution services to companies worldwide, today announced it has signed a long-term storage agreement with Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc. Headquartered in Lakeville, Massachusetts, Ocean Spray is the largest processor of cranberries worldwide. The agreement calls for AmeriCold to construct and operate a 125,000 square-foot freezer adjacent to Ocean Spray's Receiving Station in Babcock, Wisconsin. Ocean Spray, with over $1.4 billion in annual sales, receives and markets 400 million pounds of cranberries. AmeriCold will provide a full range of storage and distribution services to complement Ocean Spray's production including binning, freezing and storing cranberries for further processing at local Ocean Spray facilities. AmeriCold will apply its sophisticated information systems for supply management, specifically to control and track real-time inventory levels to meet demand.

"We have had a long-term association with AmeriCold not only in Wisonsin, but on both coasts. AmeriCold's understanding of our needs and our business, their willingness to assist us in controlling costs, plus their long-term record of serving Ocean Spray at Tomah was a strong consideration in our decision to choose them as a partner," said Randy Kenny, Ocean Spray's manager, Manufacturing Business Team, Cranberry Conversion. Wayne Nikolish for AmeriCold said, "This approach to warehousing has become a common strategy for companies that want to reduce costs. Ocean Spray has taken the concept one step further by eliminating the capital expense of building and operating the warehouse, entrusting it to AmeriCold."

AmeriCold Logistics, headquartered in Atlanta, Ga., employs over 6,000 employees in 104 facilities including regional, consolidated and dedicated distribution centers throughout the U.S., handling more than 7.2 million case per day and serving over 3,500 customers including every major food manufacturer in the country.

9/9/99 - Independently Speaking

New Daughter

"I think she’s still holding a grudge because of the bedtime stories I used to tell the kids when they were little. “Bambi and the Pack of Starving Wolves.” was one of my personal favorites. I did it with gestures and sound effects..."

Yahoo Northland forum:

"a wealthy trouble maker?"

Updated: 9/3/99 - "Who is this Hal anyway....This character must be a wealthy trouble maker with a self indulgent agenda."   Read the rest of this interesting posting, No. 482, "put the blame where it belongs", and other messages on the Yahoo's Northland Message Board 

Forum Statistics:

9/2/99 Cranberry Stressline's Forum was created on Feb. 25, 1999. Since then "hits" have totaled over 50,000. Below is a breakdown of traffic through the month of August.

Feb. ------   29
Mar. ------ 652
Apr.  --- 3,473
May ---- 3,841
June --13,178
July ---  9,626
Aug. -  21,051

This is a rough estimate of readership as each time a response to a message is read and you return to the main page, it counts as a "hit". The numbers demonstrate that the Forum is read by virtually all those who log onto the web site directly, and by others who have bookmarked the Forum itself.



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