My goals with this site were to provide a place to publish my Grandfather's diary. But I also wanted to have a showcase for my art and a place to share my other interests. I hate waiting for things to happen on the WEB. Because of this I wanted a speedy home page. At the same time I wanted it to be visually and musically interesting and appropriate to its content. If you would not mind taking a minute to fill out the following survey you will help me work on making it better. Thank you...

Did my pages load quickly? Please rate from 0 (it did not load at all) to 10 for quick

Did you find the controls intuitive?

yes no

How do the pages here look to you? Would you say I have met my goal of a visually and musically interesting site?

How did you find me?

What did you find of interest here?

What would you like to see me add?

Any other suggestions or comments?

Where are you from?

What do you do?

Grade School Student Highschool Student College Student Employed (homemakers are employed) Retired

Do you have a site you would like me to visit or an e-mail address you would like to leave me so I can update you on additions to the site?


Thank you for your time.
Contents Evaluation Credits Kudos and Love


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