I have found a number of places on the Web that I like to return to often. You might also find them interesting. They meet my rather demanding requirements in that they load fast and are visually and musically stimulating.

I stumbled on this Zen Garden in my wanderings. I would go there to refresh my soul. Then one day it was gone! So I sent some e-mail to the creator and he put it back up. I hope you will visit there as well... It is truly a beautiful place even if you do not have an interest in Zen.

I have already mention Charmayne's Geneology page on Past. She also has a page with excellent resources for web design and html coding. You might find something new on CHARMAYNE's Links to Creating Your Own Web Page! Tell her I made the invitation.

When I was first on the Web I was looking for other sites created by women. I found Amber's home page and was very impressed with what she had done. She has art work you can download, and other fun stuff. Also try her Link-O-Matic! to see other ideas of where to travel.

There is a place on the Web that I found where you can do real time art. It is called Rosebud Artist Cooperative & internet coding corporation. Not being a genXer... I hesitate to say this is way cool... oh heck why not. I did this one... but I did not sign it... chuckle.

My last recommendation is The Why Files. Have you ever had a question that really puzzled you? The professors at the University of Wisconsin will help.

Lately, I have been spending a lot of time exploring SoHo and the Lofts. I am compiling a list to add here.

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