waving Spells For the Season

An easy protection spell to use when encountering new people places, and things.
Close your eyes, visualize a triple circle around you. Draw a pentacle in the air with your right forefinger. Chant three times: "Three times around the circle's bound, may evil sink into the ground".

Every once in a while I will put a spell or two up on this page that I deem appropriate for anyone from beginners to advanced. I just want to say that I will never put any spells up here that I feel are too strong for the amateur user to cast, nor any that will have any negative affects on anyone or anything. Also, you use these spells at your own risk, I am not responsible for any outcome, or lack thereof that may come about because of the use of these spells. If you would like to email me with a special request, please do. If I can help in any way, I shall. However, do not ask me for spells that will in any way hurt, manipulate, or cause any discomfort to another person, animal or living thing. (That includes the girl your ex-boyfriend is now dating...etc...). Unless you are in a situation where you are being seriously abused or your life is in jeopardy, there is no good reason for 'curses'. I will not even answer the email of anyone who asks for one. With that said, and understood, may I just wish you happy spellcasting! And Blessed Be!

  Email Wytche

A few Simple Love Spells

Love spells are by far the biggest request I get, so here a couple to cover the basics.

To Make Your Love Secure: Light a pink candle, and some frankincense and myrrh incense. Take a lock of hair and/or some fingernail clippings from your loved one and and a lock of your own hair and or fingernail clippings and put them both in a hollowed out apple with a dried unicorn root (available at magical supply shops), some pansy flowers, or spikenard. Pass the apple through the incense smoke, wrap it in a piece of white satin or silk and bury it in your backyard. If you dont have a backyard, bury it in a flower pot. See the grimoire for a list of plants that attract love and try to bury your bundle under one of these.

To Attract a Specific Person of the Opposite Sex: Use a small twig to carefully poke 12 small holes in a lemon. Place a whole clove into each hole, then give this to the person you desire. Accoding to medieval lore, from whence this spell came, if the person wants to return your love they will take a clove to freshen their breath and then kiss you. If not, they will not take the lemon at all.

To attract love to your life: Go to a moving water source, like a river, or even a hose turned on fulll blast and pointed away from you to make a psuedo river. Toss rose petals into the water at a place where the water moves fast enough to carry the petals away from you. As you toss them in, say " As this rose moves out to sea, so true lovce will come to me." Visualize your ideal mate while you repeat this incantation three times. End by saying, " I hereby invoke the law of three , as I do will so mote it be."

Now if your lover has really done the dirty on you and you just have to vindicate yourself somehow, try the following ( and keep in mind that this spell is karmically correct, so dont worry about any residual fallout landing your way.) : Gather together a piece of cloth, like one of your old lover's shirts, for example; a big handful of sandy dirt; a picture of your ex; a needle; a piece of black thread, nine inches long, some green paint, or a green felt tip pen ( although I prefer paint, cuz you spend more time, and therefore more energy which only makes the spell stronger.) Now find a safe place where you wont be disturbed. Lay the cloth down flat and put the dirt on it and then the picture of your ex. Gather up the sides and use the needle and thread to sew the sides into a sack shape. Use your paint or pen to draw the most horrific, ugliest toad you can think of on the sack. Leave it under the moonlight all night, and in the morning, toss it into the garbage, or bury it near his/her front door. The bundle eventually disintegrates, releasing the spell, and therefore not putting any longlived effects on the ex, hence the karma correctedness. This spell is best done at midnight under a full moon and is courtesy of Athena Starwoman and Deborah Gray, from their book, "How To Turn Your Ex-Boyfriend Into a Toad, and Other Spells".



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