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News Archives #25. 5/5/05 - 10/21/05

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    Send me your list suggestions.

  • Friday October 21st, 2005

    Bone: Senor Datafox has blessed me with a stackload of Bone comics. I've always wondered what all the fuss was about. Bone is good.

    House of M (1 to 7): what? The fact that I have no idea what was going on before House of M makes it even more confusing.

    Rank em.

    1. Desperate Housewives : not that great. But I watch. Kill me.
    2. The Apprentice : Going boys vs girls has made the season at least partially watchable. Unfortunately, the girls team absolutely sucks and it's been a boring blow out so far.
    3. Kitchen Confidential : This comedy has some of lowest ratings of any tv show, but it's actually funny.
    4. Amazing Race : Decent this season, but it's not that compelling.
    5. Arrested Development : This comedy has some of lowest ratings of any tv show, but it's actually funny.
    6. America's Next Top Model : OH NO YOU DIDN'T!
    7. Smallville : Being up against Lost last year really killed it. This year it's only competition (since survivor is at 7) is Chris Rock, but only for 1/2 an hour. It's been interesting so far only watching the last 1/2 hour.
    8. Everybody Hates Chris : This is funny.
    9. The Office : This is funny.
    10. My Name is Earl : This is funny.
    11. Survivor : olo @ stephanie and bobby jon coming back. weirdos.
    12. Prison Break : The greatest show of the new season isn't getting as much hype as it should. Teabag is the breakout star of the new season. A Neo-Nazi KKK white leader in jail, who f's other prisoners! That is awesome.
    13. Lost : All you morons who hated the season finale because of the lack of answers are idiots. Leaving the hatch an unaswered question led to one of the greatest season premiere openings in history. Lost is excellent.

    Bloc Party - Silent Alarm : C+
    Joy Division - Substance : C+

    Ultimate Spiderman : C : Too Short. too much mucking around doing "races". Web Swinging is awkward because of the camera angles.
    Prince of Persia The Warrior Within : C+ : It's fun running around and solving the puzzles, but beating the bosses and the minions is such a pain in the ass. dodge, dodge, block, attack attack attack. same crap over and over, and they just get more and more difficult.
    XBOX 360 : what? Franz Ferdinand : Do You Want To (3:07 - 3:30)

    I've finally got around to playing around with ruby on rails. I'm sort of impressed, but not totally. I'm still too raw in ruby syntax and understanding the rails way to do anything but throw new errors every 5 minutes. But, I'm working on it. The beginning stuff is all pretty ho-hum since I can do this in any framework, but I can imagine once I get to using SwitchTower and the UnitTesting, I'll be in hype mode.

    My personal framework is in awesome mode. I haven't touched it in a week, but since the last time I wrote, I've got a lot done in it. It auto-scripts just about everything now. You get an administrator umbrella, a mashed together admin menu, lists/forms for every table in the database and Ajax autocomplete for every field. Here's the magic command line that does it.

    C:\tools\superframework>C:\PHP5\PHP.exe gogogo.php

    gogogo.php reads a config.php that looks like this.

    $create_at_dir = "C:\\webroot\\fakesite\\";
    $site_url = "http://server/fakesite/";
    $conn ="mssql://user:pass@server/database";
    $ini_name = "database.ini";

    $generate_table = "*";
    //these are smarty templates
    $generate_template_list = 0;
    $generate_template_form = 0;

    //these are php files.
    $generate_ajax_autocomplete = 0;
    $generate_form = 0;
    $generate_list = 0;

    $generate_links = 1;

    // headers_admin is copied by gen headers.
    //this will insert an admin user
    $generate_admin_umbrella =0;
    $generate_admin_umbrella_use_table = "Users";

    $generate_config = 0;

    $generate_dataobjects = 1;

    $generate_headers =0;

    $generate_maintemplate = 0;
    $generate_basictemplate = 0;
    $generate_logintemplate = 0;

    $generate_styles = 0;
    $generate_javascript = 0;
    $generate_images = 0;

    $generate_pear = 0;

    You set the variables that it needs to know at the top (database, location, web url), then set the options below it.
    Depending on if each variable is marked 0 or 1, that thing will be generated (or regenerated) when you run it. Yes, I use Smarty Templates to generate Smarty Templates. haha.
    I still have to setup the dblinks.ini for auto joins, but that will come in about 3 months. I'm back having the time of my life using ASP.NET!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!! KILL ME!!!!!!

    And in 3 months, this will probably start showing signs of progress, which I think will spell doom for all other PHP frameworks.

    To the batmobile! Later!

    Sunday September 18th, 2005

    And another framework makes the leap: Just announced is yet another framework, Turbo Gears. This one is python based (like django) but looks like it's an umbrella framework that puts together existing pieces rather than a from scratch project.
          It looks like the next big thing for web devs are these easy to do, 10 minute movie, frameworks. I'm 100% for it. From the rumblings I've heard, microsoft is going to try to pull off a scaffolding trick in the next iteration of .NET too. With some of the best J2EE devs jumping ship from hibernate/spring/struts/etc to rubyonrails or django, I can't imagine this is not the future. Dynamically typed!
          I've been pimping out my PHP framework over the last couple days. While there are already plenty of php frameworks (cake, mojavi, seagull, horde, prado, cerebalcortex), I don't have the patience to figure any of them out, and if I was going to figure one out, I'd probably try rubyonrails or django. Sorry PHP, but the hype isn't in your corner anymore.
          I doubt I'll ever release my framework. It's asking for too much trouble to have other people start trying to use it. But when I'm deving, it makes my life way easier. Not to mention it's way more satisfying programming that, then putting together the 100th site that I really have no interest in. I just completed auto-template building for the forms and auto-labeling. Next up is auto-lists. Which I'll probably never get done because I'll be pulled in to another Visual Basic nightmare. I'll save my .NET stories for when they are composed of more than just cuss words.

    Franz Ferdinand - You Could Have It So Much Better : A : Welcome Franz Ferdinand to my list of Great Bands. Just awesome, from Top To Bottom. It's hard not to like any of the songs on this album. But, as a reviewer, I have to pick favorites, because that's what all assholes do. Track 4, "Walk Away" is a brilliant slow paced immensly hummable song. The DanceRock songs "Do You Want To" and "You Could Have It So Much Better" are great for waking up from Visual Basic nightmares. Clocking in at 41 minutes, the album always ends with you wanting more.

    HP Photosmart R607 4.1MP Digital Camera : I've finally joined the 21st century and bought myself a digital camera. It's tiny, and cheap, and everything I need in a camera. I'm going to try to take a bunch of photos of uninteresting things and spam them all over the web. HERE'S A PICTURE OF A WALL. WOW.

    Television Mini: I'm going to do some bigger Fall previewing as more shows come on, but this is something that needs mentioning.
          Big Brother 6 was worth watching this year. Yes. Big Brother. Arguably the worst reality show ever, Big Brother was actually one of the best this summer (Along with Beauty & the Geek). Of course, like every great show, it ends with a whimper. The final 2 candidates for the 1/2 a million dollar prize suck. 5 years from now I'm going to read this post, and wonder wtf I was doing writing about big brother.
          Prison Break on Fox is as compelling a show as you can get. Great concept, Great Execution.

    Out! Until next time

    Friday August 12th, 2005
    Did anyone else not know that AIM has an invisible mode? what the hell. Not only can you add people without them knowing, now you can watch them from invisible mode too? Stalker client + 1.

    Please use this mode for the good of humanity and not for evil!

    Wait a second! There is no valid use of invisible mode OTHER than stalking. WTFMATE


    It's been a while since I've had a nice short story to tell. My wordcraft needs some tuning up anyway.

    After work a couple days ago, I was walking past the railroad tracks near my office. This is a typically uneventful walk (sans the time I've been assaulted by racial epitaphs. It's hard being me!). Usually I'll see bums literred near the tracks on the grass. 100% of the time they're sleeping. Just laying on the grass, being bums. But this day, one of the bums was standing up. More specifically leaning against a wall.

    The End

    As I got closer, I began to notice other intricacies of the bum against the wall. First, he wasn't standing up straight. No call to alarm yet. I just kept walking. I was more worried about a Train flying down the tracks and crashing in to me. You may be asking yourself why I was worried when I have Super Strength and mutant powers. This is true, but I did not want to reveal my true identity to the bums.

    Then I noticed, to my dismay, his pants were down.

    See, this was no ordinary day. This was the day I saw a bum with his pants down with his ass up against a building. Immediately I looked away. My mind has wondered since what was occuring at that moment. There are only a couple valid options.

    1) taking a dump.
    2) wiping his ass against the wall.
    3) scratching his ass against the wall
    4) Being a bum

    I've since taken a closer (20 feet) look at the wall where the bum was standing. Using my CSI skills, I've determined that the bum was either doing #1, #2, #3, or #4. The wall does appear to be a different color at that position, but that could be the lighting. And I sure as hell am not getting closer to that wall to find out.

    For now, that wall will always be known as the THE WALL THE BUM RUBBED HIS ASS AGAINST.

    The End


    Music Reviews
    Doves - Some Cities : C : Some really great aural sounds, but not catchy enough to listen to for longer than a couple weeks.

    Eels - blinking lights and other revelations : B : A Double CD that really should have been a single CD. There's 1 great track (Trouble with Dreams) and a bunch of good tracks. If E cut down on some of the songs that sound the same, he'd have a real winner. 32 songs is a little much.

    Foo Fighters - In Your Honor : A : In further proof that I've been shifting to whiney emo music at a far too great rate, I'm going to have to say that my favorite tracks are on the acoustic cd. "Virginia Moon", "Cold Day in the Sun", and "On the Mend" are brilliant. Dave Grohl and Norah Jones really do a great duet and I do not have a vagina. Cold Day in the Sun proves that Taylor can whip out some cool tunes as well. This is not the say that first CD is not awesome. The Rock CD is brilliant and stands on it's own. "Hell" and "The Last Song" and great guitar crunching songs.

    Thursday July 28th, 2005
    I just bought a new pair of shoes. More specifically, the Nike Shox Turb Oz.

    As great as those shoes will be, I am now going to have to refer to them as the shoes that I could've gotten for $3.60 less.

    Last night I was contemplating buying them from eastbay (30% coupon floating around right now). As I did more research, I realized that if I used FatCash from fatwallet, I could get an extra 5% rebate on my purchase. I was going to buy it last night after work, but I didn't go online.

    So fast forward to this morning (top o the morning). Groggy as hell, I made the purchase. Of course, I forgot to buy through Fatwallet. And you can't cancel orders from eastbay. And now the shoes will be arriving soon.


    I can almost buy a value meal at burger king for $3.60. and the value meals come with a chance to win a $1 at amazon!

    Torturing yourself over <$5 is what makes me awesome.


    ---------------5PM update---------------
    this story is null and void! I emailed customer service and they canceled my order for no penalty. Then I re-ordered the samething. haha. If I was eastbay I'd send me a steaming pile of bad shoes. nice!

    Monday July 18th, 2005
    Rise of Nations : Thrones And Patriots :: The alexander conquer the world campaign is crazy. I've already lost more times playing this campaign then I did the whole time I played Rise of Nations without the expansion.

    Being regulated to just Age II is unbelievably difficult. Alexander didn't have tanks and computers???? This is the reason I didn't really like Age of Empires. Units at this age are just too weak, and catapults are the only fast way to take out a building.
      The mission I just beat involved taking a capitol on a small island. In Age II, your water units are a boat that shoots arrows, a boat that shoots more arrows, and the always sad fire boat. The island was crowded with units and Stuffed with buildings, so transporting in more than a couple units at a time is near impossible. Now imagine trying to get on to this island when the computer has 2 docks pumping out boats that are guarding the water. What would you do? Destroy the docks right? The boats do 1 DAMAGE, the docks have 2600 hitpoints. sad face.

    Eventually I won by rushing ground units through the water, sacrificing hundreds of men to destroy a low HP building to make space for more guys, then rushing even more in and taking the capitol.

    There's a new framework in town. And it's name is Django. This one's in Python. Looks cool

    It has a built in Admin maker, which is something that I wondered about rubyonrails (and I had planned for my framework!) Since rubyonrails generates all the CRUD features, shouldn't there be a admin thing wrapping it up?
    Doing more research, it looks like ruby on rails does have one too (3rd party maybe?).

    This is greatness. How much more work is there left to do now? The explosion of frameworks has really made web development one of the weirdest businesses to be in. How much time should you spend on a web site? how much should you charge? Have we reached the point where configuration and not development is the true obstacle? Is the graphics timeline actually going to eclipse the development side from this point forward? When should you jump ship to the newest framework in the newest language? huh? .net, rubyonrails, pear, django.. who's next?

    Maybe none?
    I tend to agree. Sometimes I'm so frustrated with some of the things I use that I start to wonder if it would take less time to just write it myself. And once modifications start to occur, writing it yourself definitely has it's advantages.

    the real question is, when will I stop looking at these frameworks and actually test them out? right after I stop looking at money and start spending it instead.

    out bitches!

    Monday July 11th, 2005
    Here's today's log of my glamourous life.

    Woke up late. Temperature at 8am : a nice 70 degrees Farenheit. Temp at 9:30 : a crazy 90 degrees. SUCK.

    Usually I spend the first couple minutes at work getting readjusted to where I left off the day before. Today I got an email about a bug right when I came in.

    Then I got 2 more emails from 2 different people about bugs. Still not finished with the first bug hunt.

    I finish those 2 before the first. CRAZY!

    I finally reproduce bug #1. This completely blows me away and I spend at least 5 minutes reproducing it over and over again. This is unbelievable!

    Get word that I'll need to go to another meeting on Wednesday. After presenting the project once, I'll have to do it again. Except this time with more written documentation. yay.

    I write my first line of code of the day. Aprox 2:30pm.

    I copy that same line of code to another portion of the same app where the fix needs to be put.

    Email out that the bug is fixed at aprox 3:30pm.

    I start writing documentation for the wednesday presentation.

    Leave work. Total code written : 1 line.

    Really. Pretty awesome right? Laters!

    Tuesday June 28th, 2005

    Go away.

    Monday June 27th, 2005
    Something I've always been fond of is finding interesting stuff on the internet. I've gotten a lot of neat links from purusing the shack, but lately I've been pulling a lot more from del.icio.us/popular.

    Social Bookmarking is the new fad for the internet. del.icio.us, I believe, is the pioneer. It works right now because it's real people linking to real things. In a couple years when advertisers figure it out, it's going to be spam city. So while it lasts, check out the popular stuff, or choose your own topic, and you can almost guarantee you'll see something you haven't seen yet.

    If you're interested, you can look at my bookmarks. Those suck.

    Geocities' keyword ads search your site for words that distinguish your site in order to find ads that they believe your readers will like. It's depressing that they've chosen "Access Developer" as the target demographic for me. And also more depressing that these "access Developers" are probably getting a lot of business to warrant ads.

    Dell recently released their new 9100 series desktops. Compared to my already Obsolete 8400, this one has a new motherboard, and a new BTX case. This is worth mentioning because the new BTX case has a hole in it's side. Yes, a big freaking hole. I can imagine some marketing/design guy was watching the Apprentice and decided "Donald Trump liked the hole in the pepsi edge bottle idea. Let's Steal it and put in in a computer!" The problem with the hole is that someday, somewhere, some idiot is going to think the hole is a handle. And will either hold it via this "handle", or latch it to the top of his truck. They've made this "handle" look even more like it should be held on the 5100 model as well

    Nevermind my rant if it really can double as a handle. that would be nice if it was.

    I've got a headache. I'm out.

    Friday May 20th, 2005
    Um. Microsoft Access Still sucks. But I'm better at VB now, and better at Access, so this new project is going much more smoothly and there are less "HOW DO YOU DO THIS IN ACCESS?" moments. I wonder if I just took a really simplistic approach to the whole project, that I would be able to complete it in a couple days. This is the 2nd time i've brought all of my L33T DATABASE baggage with me and started creating these database that hae 1:n n:m insane relations. On one hand, it's the right way to store data. On the other hand, Access isn't exactly great at doing multi rows on a single page. eh

    I've archived the last 10 or so months in to news archive #24. Pretty impressive.

    Music: Weezer - Make Believe : B : Pitchfork media gave this album a 0.4/10. They're a little psycho over there. This album is not horrible. The 1st 2 singles (Beverly Hills and We are all on drugs) are argubaly the worst 2 songs on the album and don't capture the fun of it. This is such a pity, Hold Me, peace and The Other Way all strike a old school weezer feel for me. Weezer fans will enjoy this, but others who have never liked a weezer song before should probably stick to pitchfork and stay away.

    Interpol - Turn on the Bright Lights : B+ : I like antics better, but this is a great album in it's own.

    Peace out homies.

    Thursday May 5th, 2005
    wtf is going on?

    wtf is funnyjunk.com? why is it hitting my site so much? what are you looking for? somebody contact me. wabut at yahoo dot com

    I'd like to know why I got 82 uniques on tuesday and 80 on wednesday, for a total of 202 hits on tues and 184 wednesday. What are you people doing on my damn web site? Why does extreme tracker log it, but not geocities built in stats?

    The hits easily eclipse any day/month I've ever had in terms of hits, but they're probably all bull shit. Somebody tell me what you're doing on my site!
    These 4 are taking turns hitting this site up and throwing screwed up referral urls at me as well (email.funnyjunk.com)
    I'm confused. somebody email me. wabut at yahoo.

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