
History of Bohavia

Bohavia Today

Geography of Bohavia


Player's Notes

The Story


Key Characters in the Campaign  

The Party - Past & Present


Winnacer Duene Stradheim

The Stradheim family is well renown for its legacy of mighty heroes. Winnacer finds himself in the awkward position of trying to uphold a family tradition without the brawn and blood thirst that his father and brothers all possess. Instead, the handsome youth seeks to use his intelligence, morality and 'The Ripper ', the longsword that he acquired from the Lord Protektor of Pardubitze, to make his mark upon the realm. Through his contact with Kesryk, the cleric of Holitze, Winnacer became a devout follower of Spravedelna, Goddess of Justice. Upon Kesryk's death, Winnacer decided to devote his life to Spravedelna and undertook the rigorous tests of the Church in order to become a LawBringer - a Paladin of Spravedelna.

Yaz Charaz

Yaz is no garden-variety druid. He's a scowling, rebellious, impatient, counter-culture vegetarian tree-hugger, with the defense of the defenseless nature as his goal, and cannabis as his holy crop of choice. He has grown up in the forest, almost entirely apart from civilization, thus his social graces are often forgotten. But what he lacks in tactfulness, he makes up for in unusually fair judgment ... and colorful hair dyes. When the party was attacked by werewolves in the shadow of Boscobelous' Tower, Yaz contracted lycanthropy. He embraced the idea at first, but later regretted it and approached Surgeon General Pasternak in Olmutz to cure him. Unfortunately the attempts of the Surgeon General were in vain and were-Yaz amanged to escape, killing Pasternak in the process.


A manhunter who hasn't many scruples regarding whom he works for, Porter's last job for a mysterious organization known as the 'Blue Marks' went wrong and his fee of 7,000gp went unpaid. Since then, Porter has been able to think of nothing else except for seeing the money returned to him. In Olmutz, he came upon Faewen'il, believing her to be a member of the 'Blue Marks' due to her tattoos. His attempt at capturing her for questioning went badly wrong and ended up with Faewen'il charming him. The pair of them tried to track down the 'Blue Marks' to no avail, but found that the group's trail led to Opava. Upon his leaving for the city, Faewen'il removed the charm and told him what she had done. Ever since then, the pair of them have had a rather tempestuous love/hate relationship.

Damene Solaris

Damene is an 18-year-old Bohavian female of average height who has a strong, toned body from her years of training. She continues to practice daily in order to continue to improve her skills and her physique. Her features are delicate, wide hazel eyes and arched brows, framed by thick dark hair which she keeps tightly braided and tucked into her collar. She is lovely in a soft, waif-like way---which she of course hates, her appearance being so at odds with the warrior woman she tries act like and be. Damene's demure nature means that her attractive good lucks are often missed as she tends not to be at the center of attention.

Millicent 'Milly' Fradiska

Milly appears to be a tall, heavy-set Bohavian woman in her mid-forties. Her once brown (and now heavily gray-streaked) hair hangs in a long braid which is sometimes coiled and pinned to the top of her head. In her youth, she may have been average-looking but age has not been kind to her. When not wearing armor, she is clothed in a simple peasant dress with long sleeves to cover the many scars on her forearms. When armored she wears simple chainmail with a breastplate and full-faced helmet (thus passable as a man for those that are interested.)

Dax Renhardt

Dax is a proud young man aged in his late twenties. At 6'2", with a sturdy and athletic build, Dax makes an imposing figure. His reddish-brown hair and goatee beard that contrasts with his blue eyes -- which at times seem to betray some inner pain that he is struggling with -- and his generally kind and genuine nature and sometimes-wry sense of humor usually enable him to make friends without much trouble. He is often quick, -- even eager -- to trust, yet easily disillusioned and prone to bitterness if he finds it mislaid. Dax dresses simply in a rustic style, showing that he is from a rural background. In fact, he hails from Holeshov, where he and his father lived and worked on the Renhardt's land until the Nyemetz occupation of the region forced both Renhardt's to take up arms in the defense of, and subsequent ongoing struggle to liberate, Bohavia .


Anastasia 'Zia' Stonelake

Zia has blonde streaked red hair that is straight and untamed, reaching just past her shoulders. Her eyes are light blue and sultry, and she often seems to be looking into you rather than at you. She dresses to show off her 17 year old curves (much to her parents' displeasure). Zia's main goal in life is to have as much fun as possible. As such, she is rather wild, and constantly finds herself in trouble, but with the charm and social graces drilled into her by her pretentious parents, she usually can talk herself out of it. Her devil-may-care attitude doesn't keep her from taking things seriously when need be, however, and she is persistent and contentious as she is spirited when something demands her attention. She gets along well with others, provided they treat her as an equal, or have earned her respect otherwise. While she does have a certain regard for deserved authority, and will usually help willingly when asked, she doesn't like being told what to do, and won't hesitate to let you know about it.




Maire' (a.k.a. Faewen'il)

A young lass of just 14 years, Maire's naivete means that she has still a lot to learn on her travels through Bohavia, although circumstances are forcing her to grow up fast. Maire' has known a great deal of tragedy in her life. First her parents died, followed by her aunt who had become her guardian. During her later years, she was cared for by Master Luud, a wizard of great repute who taught her the basic skills of magick, although she still has a lot to learn. After seeing the result of Nyemetz atrocities at first hand, Maire' has started to be called by the elven name of Faewen'il until Bohavia is freed. Faewen'il's mind has recently been occupied by the spirit of the necromancer-lich, Boscobelous. While in Pardubitze, Fae made a deal with the Witchfinder General, Rudolf Holechek, receiving the position of Deputy Witchfinder General of the city as part of it. She is currently in a coma after being nearly killed by the poisonous blade of a ratman assassin during the Battle of Opava.

Rowan Farelith

A swashbuckler in every respect, Rowan is a ladies' man. After being sent to join up with the Pannon army in order to keep him out of trouble and teach him a little discipline, he found it not to his liking and so went AWOL and headed for Olmutz in order to join up with his cousin, Joyous DeVitesse. Together, the pair of them got themselves into even more trouble and ended up having to separate. It was here that Rowan ended up joining with the party after hiding in the same inn as them. He went with them to the Great Library of Kitry and it was here that he ended up spending the night with Winnacer's sister. Not surprisingly, Winnacer was livid when he found out and forced Rowan to accompany him on the party's mission to Opava where he could keep an eye on him.

Candy Dark

Candy is an attractive young woman in either her late teens or early twenties with shoulder-length shining gold hair. Unlike Damene, Candy is always the center of attention, not only because of her gregarious and fun-loving nature, but also because of the tight-fitting and somewhat revealing black leather armor that she wears, which serves to accentuate her curvaceous figure. Candy is a priestess of Boli, goddess of pleasure to those who follow Her, or goddess of Pain to those who do not.

Aithne Laurellan

The daugher of a forest elf and a human mother. Her father, a bodyguard for a mage, was killed by Witchfinders trying to protect his master, an event that has led to Aithne's having a great hatred of Witchfinders. With her mother already dead, Aithne joined the resistance movement in order to reap vengeance for the death of her family. After making her way to Olmutz in order to have some of her magick items identified, she stayed at the 'Pen & Parchment' tavern the night that the party had their final encounter with Boscobelous. It was Aithne that managed to fire the arrow that finally killed off the necromancer. Aithne spent just a short time with the party before the depressing environment of Opava became too much for her and she left the party in order to return to the Great OutDoors.

Joyous DeVitesse

Rowan's cousin and a Demarchess of Zlodey, Joy was born in Mnyesto but left for Olmutz when she was introduced into the priesthood of Zlodey, the god of thievery. Joy met up with the party after fleeing Olmutz shortly after Rowan made his escape together with the party when the mail coach she was riding in was ambushed by ratmen outside 'The Traveler's Rest' in Litultovitze where the party just happened to be spending the night. Although a devout follower of Zlodey, Joy does not take advantage of those less fortunate than herself. Joy never got on well with the other members of the party. After meeting up with the dwarves of the Temple of Zlodey, they made her an offer she couldn't resist and decided to stay with them for a while rather than continuing in the company of the party.

Xavier von Trauloft R.I.P

A native of Saxony until it became overrun by Nyemetz, Xavier was a former Teutonic Knight who more recently became a soldier of fortune after his close brush with death at the Battle of Lake Roga against the Rus. Xavier was a dour, battle-hardened veteran who had suffered a great deal of hardship in his tough life. As a man who put his faith in cold steel, he had little time for religion, magick or demi-humans, or 'the fey' as they are known to him. Xavier always seemed doomed to die and almost seemed to yearn for it. He finally met his fate in the Temple of the Nemotz after having his throat ripped out by a mini-demon.

Jihan Prirodnasson R.I.P.

Jihan was a wood elf who was born marked by the Goddess of the elves' beloved forest. He grew up sheltered and coddled by those hoping to gain favor from the 'Lady of the Woods'. Tired of the falsehoods and secular lifestyle, and consumed with curiosity, the elflad struck out for independence at an early age, traveling far beyond the borders imposed by the minds of his people. A free spirit in these dark times, Jihan quested for truth and the propagation of good across the land. To him, the foul malevolence that is the Nyemetz paled compared to the evils wrought on the torn country of Bohavia by itself in its disunity. Jihan finally met his end in the Temple of the Nemotz, where he fell victim to a dastardly trap, causing him to be hit by a number of poisoned darts, which proved to be fatal for him.

Bennett Corbinson R.I.P.

Bennett Corbinson was an abrasive, unattractive sort, who kept a hidden pain. He was large and hairy, but carried himself like a man of wealth and distinction. He despised orcs, goblins, and the Nyemetz for taking all he ever had and so sought their death wherever he might find them. He became imprisoned for this and was sprung by the party and their allies, finding himself in accord with their goals and thus traveled with them until his death. Bennett was deadly in combat, wielding his magick battleaxe 'Retribution'. Bennett died the death of a true hero in the battle of the Nemotz Temple, by killing the Nemotz High Priest, Zdenyek Spalek, plus several of his minions before he was eventually brought down by the GermSpreader anti-paladin of the sect.

William Kalador Thumarivan of Podyebrad

Will is a bard and troubador skilled in recanting tales of yore to the thrill of young and old alike, whether in word or song. He is a bold and hardy soul who is constantly the uplifter and optimist, always with a ready smile and winning word. Will was raised and educated in a Kitry temple of knowledge. Upon becoming of age, he struck out for Bohavia. Traveling from town to town, he seeks to keep the spirit of freedom alive in the hearts and minds of the people. Upon hearing of the party and their actions, Will sought them out. Since meeting up with the group, he became their honorary chronicler and singer of deeds done. Jihan bestowed the name 'Kalador' (Lightheart in elven) upon him.  Will has recently left the party in order to track down Yiri of Podyebrad together with Min.


Min is Will's canine companion, a small, speckled dog. It is unusual to see one without the other for very long. A part of Will's entertainment, Min helps out in a number of ways. When not involved in the act, Min rests faithfully behind his master. Will can be seen speaking to Min often, but Min is never heard responding by other than a bark or a lick. The two always sleep together whether it be on the ground, in a hay barn, or in a room at an inn. Will politely refuses to sleep anywhere that Min is not allowed, which usually gets him let in. 

Sylva Prochazkova R.I.P.

A beautiful woman who has showed her skill in assassinations, the party met up with Sylva at the Games, where she was exacting her revenge upon a noble who had imprisoned her father in Kutna Hora, or so she believes. She then joined with the party spending several weeks with them, under the cover story that she was accompanying them to get to Kutna Hora to look for her father. However, the party later determined that this was just a lie, as Sylva was really a top undercover agent working for the Nyemetz secret police, the STB. During her time with the party, Sylva was able to pass a great deal of her information over to the Nyemetz, the most damaging of which was the fact that the Church of Kozlo had been amalgamated into the Church of Kitry. Her true colors were revealed during the first battle against Kurtek's Elite Force, where she believed that the party would be slain and so killed Lenyn. She then met up with Kurtek and fought alongside him during the second battle of Vratzlav Hill. Sylva was finally brought to justice after being captured during the battle of Pardubitze Square, after which she was killed by Bennett.

Aneira R.I.P.

One of the few remaining followers of Zima left in Bohavia, Aneira was forced to leave her small village in Central Bohavia after it was annihilated by the half orc Witchdoctor Kurtek. Her travels to locate more of her faith led her to Hradetz, where Konan suggested that she head for Olmutz to find a Church of her Goddess. After meeting with the party and finding that they were planning on heading for the Holy City, Aneira journeyed with them for a month, fighting by their side. At discovering that the leader of the force that they were fighting was none other than her nemesis, Kurtek, she helped them with their struggle, eventually seeing the half orc destroyed. Never the happiest of individuals, Aneira's woes were increased dramatically when the spirit of Boscobelous left Faewen'il's body for hers where it resided until Konan's trap for Kurtek was sprung. During the final battle, Bosco killed off Aneira's soul in order to use her body as his own. Her body too was finally defeated when Aithne hit her in the head with an arrow, thus finishing off Aneira and her unwelcome guest.

Gronkruulden Axegrinder a.k.a. Gronk The DemonSlayer R.I.P.

The party stumbled upon Gronk sleeping in the burned out chapel in the village of Vratzlav just before the second battle against the Elite Force. Having no love of the Nyemetz, Gronk joined them in the fight, performing well. He then joined the party where he and his axe 'Thunder', which Gronk was convinced was able to talk to him, proved to be of great assistance during their various battles in Pardubitze and also the delve into the Nemotz temple. Gronk achieved legendary status during the final battle of the temple by almost single handedly slaying the gigantic disease demon summoned by the priests. The battle saw Gronk's heroic death after he was finally felled by the GermSpreader who was also responsible for killing Bennett.

Padre Stanislav Kokal

Padre Kokal was sent by Padre Lubos Kochi at Winnacer's request to the free villages in order to assist with the military training of the villagers. Honza was none too keen on the Padre's assistance due to his devotion to Spravedelna, but a compromise was reached in that Padre Kokal would train the foot, while Honza would continue to lead the cavalry. While Honza was out campaigning with the party against the Elite Force, Padre Kokal looked after the defense of the villages. Upon Honza's return, Padre Kokal led the villages' Foot to Pardubitze along with the party. The Padre was one of the five Radegast Padres that led the Foot against the Nyemetz in the Square, during which battle, 37 of the 50 Foot were killed. After that time, the Padre accompanied the party in the clearing of the Nemotz temple and then on to Olmutz. Here he left the party to assist the Church of Radegast to prepare the city for a possible defense against the Slovenes. After the death of Xavier, Kokal took Tadeus under his wing to initiate him as an acolyte in the Church of Radegast.

Darius Pangbourne R.I.P.

Darius was not the luckiest individual in Bohavia. Being born a goblin was not the best of starts in life, but things got worse for Darius. Much worse. His parents were both killed when Darius was a child and Darius was forced into slavery. After escaping, he met up with the party, but his luck just got worse. When there was fighting around, Darius could usually be relied upon to be the first to get hit badly. His worst misfortune was to fall off a rooftop while fighting wolves resulting in brain damage, removing what little sanity Darius was left with. Darius met a grisly fate when he was captured by Eladria due to his obsession regarding seeing the demise of the fur farm. Here he was captured and became part of one of her bizarre experiments which saw his severed head being grafted to a hybrid creature. The resulting 'Darius-monster' was killed by the party as it threatened to kill them.

Corrow Bode

Corrow is an illusionist, aged about 35. He is weak of body and spirit, but strong of mind. He is practically self-taught in magic, and regards it as an art, not to be wasted by brutally slaying one's enemies. Corrow is impulsive and restless, quick to seek out new thrills. This is just one of the many factors motivating him to crusade against the Nyemetz. After conning the Nyemetz in Dvur Kralovye into giving him his freedom, Corrow managed to secure the aid of the Blue Dragons' into giving the rest of the party the means to escape. Until they finished their mission to assassinate the Guildmaster of the rival Black Diamond's gang, Corrow was held as a hostage. While held, he met up with the stunning Sonya and fell deeply in love with her. He has now separated from the party so to be with his beloved. He has, however, kept in touch with the party, continuing to fight by their side in both the assault upon the Diamonds' HQ in Pardubitze and the attack upon the Games.

Colin diVericce R.I.P.

Colin's background was always something of a mystery to the others, as Colin never liked to speak about it. He was a young, simple man, more comfortable in the country than the city. Colin did, however, have strong views on religion and nobility, both of which he hated with a passion. A man of some skill with a blade, Colin was unlucky not to die a hero's death. He was murdered in cold blood by a halfling thief while on sentry duty for the party after less than two weeks with them - the first of several fatalities among the party members.


 Click Here For Imformation On The Characters That The Party Have Met During Their Adventures

Supporting Cast



History of Bohavia

Bohavia Today

Geography of Bohavia


Players' Notes

The Story

 'AD&D' and 'Advanced Dungeons & Dragons' are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

The creator of this page is Nick Pendrell

This page was last updated on 17 March 2000