
History of Bohavia

Bohavia Today


Players' Notes

Key Characters

The Story


The Geography of Bohavia

Bohavia is not a large country. It is around 550 miles east/west and around 250 miles north/south at the widest points. It is similar in shape to an egg, lying on its side, pointing eastwards.

 The northern, western and southern borders of Bohavia are all mountainous, with wide passes due north and due west of Mnyesto. The north and north western ranges are home to the dwarves, who call the area Sudeten. The southwestern and southern ranges are poor in minerals and home to many large monsters and are devoid of population as a result.

 Sudeten, on the other hand, is rich in minerals, particularly silver, iron ore and coal. There are also small deposits of gold and gemstones.

 All dwarven cities and towns are underground in large cave structures which have been extended by much tunneling. The dwarven capital is the city of Aussig, 80 miles NNW of Mnyesto. Other major cities are Ostrava and Tyeshin situated in the extreme NE corner of the country. Liberetz and Jablonetz are both close together and are situated 80 miles NNE of Mnyesto, and Most and Komutov are both east of Aussig.

 The south west and southern parts of the country are heavily forested and home to the elves, who call the area Shumava.

As elves are by far the most ancient of all of the races of Svyet, it is hardly surprising that they have split into a number of sub-races. Scholars currently divide the elven race into four kinds, although there is a great deal of blurring of the edges of the different sub-races.

When any non-elf uses the term 'elf', he is usually thinking of high elves (a.k.a. white elves, silver elves) as they are by far the most numerous of the sub-races and the only type that most Bohavians will have ever encountered. Only high elves will ever be found living together with humans and dwarves in Bohavian cities. High elves have been very much influenced by their dealings with humankind. They live in permanent towns and cities built in the treetops of forests, the most impressive of which is the elven capital of Budyeyovitz. They trade with the other races and have prospered as a result. The safety of these towns and cities means that the population of high elves has grown fast compared to the other types of elves. 'High elf' is the name that they give to themselves. It is a sign of their arrogance and the fact that they look down upon the other elven races as somewhat primitive and inferior. Although Prirodna is a popular Goddess amongst the high elves, her worship is far from universal among high elves. Recently, more and more high elves have begun to worship other deities. There are exceptions to this rule, however. Tabor, for example, contains the greatest temple to Prirodna in Svyet and has become something of a mecca for followers of Prirodna, as the city was the birthplace of Janhuss. There is a higher concentration of druids in Tabor than anywhere else in Svyet.

Wood elves (a.k.a green elves, sylvan elves, Shumavan elves, Prirodna's elves) are closest to the original elves of Svyet. They are a nomadic race who live in tents and are used to moving from one location to the other within Shumava. They are still devout worshipers of Prirodna. A very shy race, they will avoid contact with strangers wherever possible. Under no circumstances will wood elves ever leave the Shumavan forests, as they feel very nervous without a wooded canopy over their heads. The numbers of wood elves are falling constantly as a result of Nyemetz attacks. As wood elves produce nothing of interest to the Nyemetz, they will exterminate wood elf villages whenever they find them (although this does not happen too often, thankfully)

Gray elves are even rarer than wood elves and very few people have ever seen them. Thousands of years ago they left Shumava and set up home in the hills of Sudeten and the South West mountains. Most of the gray elves were killed by dwarves and the monsters who also make their homes in the mountains. As a result, the numbers of gray elves are very limited. No gray elves worship Prirodna.

The fourth race is believed by most scholars to be only a rumor. They are the black elves (a.k.a dark elves, drow) who are said to make their home far underground in the South West mountains. As these areas are devoid of civilized people, there is no proof that this race exists at all. Some say that the black elves are simply a fantasy race made up by elven storytellers to frighten children, as the black elves are said to be evil through and through.

The elven capital of Budyeyovitz is 120 miles due south of Mnyesto. The second city is Pilzen, 60 miles SW of Mnyesto. The third is the druidic city of Tabor, 60 miles south east of Myesto. High elf towns are spread throughout Shumava. Wood elf villages can never be placed upon the map as they are constantly in transit as the wood elves try to evade attention.

 Situated right in the center of the 'egg' is the Bohavian capital, Mnyesto, located on the banks of the River Vltava. The population is around 75% human, 10% dwarven, 10% elven and 5% half-elven. On the extreme western border of the country is the city of Eger, which was won from Nyemetzko some 150 years ago. It contains 50% humans and 50% Nyemetz. Despite the recent de-population, it is still one of the largest cities in the whole of Svyet, with a population numbering several thousand inhabitants.

 Immediately east of Mnyesto is the heavily populated Yizera valley, containing the silver town of Kutna Hora, which used to have a population of 60% humans and 40% dwarves. Most of the dwarves fled for Sudeten during the troubles to be replaced by gnomish slave labor, that now makes up 30% of the population. Further east along the valley are the cities of Koleen, Hradetz Kralovye and Pardubitze, all of which are 80% human and 20% dwarven.

 A range of hills splits the west of Bohavia from the East. East of these hills, the population is almost exclusively human. The second biggest city in Bohavia is Brunn, the major center of agriculture and a booming river port. Nearly as large is the clerical city of Olmutz. Znoymo and Zleen in the south are famous for wine and leather goods respectively. Most of this area is strongly agricultural.

 Bohavia used to have a good network of roads, but these have fallen into disrepair as a result of the troubles. The area is also crossed by number of major rivers, mostly flowing north/south. The biggest is the Vltava, which flows into the Labe and onto the Northern Sea. The second biggest, the Morava flows into the Donau and onto the Eastern Sea.

 Many merchants bring goods from the east through Brunn by sea/river, then by road to Mnyesto and then on by river/sea to the north. It is a risky route and the Nyemetz charge crippling taxes, but it is still highly profitable for traders.

 The climate in Bohavia is typical as having very pleasant warm summers, but rather cold winters with regular snowfall and temperatures averaging several degrees below freezing for most of the winter.

Map of Bohavia

Map of Bohavia


History of Bohavia

Bohavia Today


Players' Notes

Key Characters

The Story

 'AD&D' and 'Advanced Dungeons & Dragons' are registered trademarks of TSR, Inc.

The creator of this page is Nick Pendrell

This page was last updated on 23 February 1998