Roswell, N.M

       We are from Roswell, New Mexico. No, we didn't arrive in a UFO.. we just hopped in our little Gremlin car and pulled a UHaul there.

       We started our journey from Evanston, Wyoming on a cool, summer day. The trip was long and tedious with the four children and Bob and myself, stuffed into a small car. But, we made the best of it, as the miles passed by one by one. It was the most scenery I had seen in ages. I really liked the countryside of Colorado as we passed through.

       When we reached New Mexico, the first thing I noticed was the intense heat between Vaughn and Roswell. It was over 100 degrees and climbing. Since we were in a car without air conditioning... we would have to rough it out. The 95 mile stretch of road, was not only hot... but there was nothing out there! Just one small town called Mesa and if you blinked, you missed that completely. There was just enough sage brush and mesquite to feed whatever critters could possibly be living out in the wilderness.

       As we reached the end of our journey, Roswell, I marveled at the way someone could build a town, city, in the middle of nowhere. It was 95 miles from Vaughn, a place that couldn't really be called a town, could it? My house was a nice sight! It had been sitting empty for a couple of years and the animals in the neighborhood knew that. My mother-in-law had done her best to make it homey, which it was, and I was grateful for her efforts.

       We settled in and lived there for many years when I started hearing stories of a UFO crash that was supposed to have happened there in 1947. I was intrigued as I always am about aliens and UFO's. Some of the people believe it was only a weather balloon,but there are the ones that would stake their lives on the incident being a genuine UFOcrash happening.

       I honestly don't know what I think about it, but I do know it has helped the economy of the one place that is near and dear to my heart, Roswell, N.M. I love the people there. My church, World Harvest Outreach Center, will always have a large place in my heart. The crime is high, good jobs are hard to find, but there is a certain charm that holds onto you and won't let go.

I Miss Ya Roswell

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