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If you have a testimony of what the Lord has done for you in the way of healing, please EMAIL me with the story. I will try to post it here! Thanks so much.

I believe in the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit.

by Debbi Dickinson

        I was also diagnosed with Schamberg's Disease in 1994. This disease is so rare it’s not even listed with the National Organization of Rare Disorders. There is so little known about it. There’s no way of knowing if it also contributed to my miscarriages. I was diagnosed with SLE Lupus in Oct. 95; Antiphospholipid Syndrome in 1990. 60% of people with SLE go on to develop Lupus. My last pregnancy triggered the development of SLE. I still had the other 2 diseases, each with it's own individual consequences. All 3 syndromes/diseases are incurable and unpredictable. This is why I miscarried 4 babies (Junior, Christmas Eve 1980; Kimberly Melissa Aug. 25, 1987; Angel Winter Dawn, Christmas Day 1989; Ashley Brooke 9/3/95). We have no living children.
       In early May, 1996, a large mass appeared behind my left knee. All summer I was seeing different doctors - no one knew what it was. In September, 1996, the doctors said there was a chance I had soft-tissue sarcoma in my leg. The pain I was having was caused by the mass beginning to cut off circulation in my leg and, being very deep, was pressing against nerves.
       I wasn’t praying for a miracle cure. I asked God for strength and "Thy will be done."
       If it was cancer, I was not going to be able to take any chemo, radiation, or radical surgery. Because of my medical conditions, complications would probably kill me. If I didn't, I would die. We went for a whole week not knowing if I had cancer. Many people were praying for me.
       I went for an MRI. During the test, I felt God's presence. I had my eyes shut the whole time and was listening to a tape of songs that included “How Great Thou Art” and “Turn, Turn, Turn” I felt someone adjusting my pants leg and place his hands on my knee. I felt a warmth from the top of my knee all the way through to the back (where the mass was). Imagine my surprise when I thought the nurse was adjusting my pants leg and then hearing her voice from a room behind me where she was monitoring the procedure! No one was there (except God).
       Afterwards, I told my husband I KNEW I was healed. I was fine. I had a dream that night and told him about it the next morning. - I dreamed the nurse called and said “There is nothing wrong.” Later in the day, they called and said “There is nothing wrong.”
       I got blood tests results back on Oct. 1, 1996 from a SLE and Antiphospholipid check to see how I was doing. In June they said I was borderline high and they wanted to keep an eye on me and to come back in 3 months. To make this short - I am completely healed. She said my tests came back normal. It's not that I'm in remission, the SLE and other is GONE. I was 5 min. on the phone with the nurse going over this with her to make sure I got this right. I said "you mean I'm in remission and it's still lurking in the background?" She said no, it's GONE. Me:"So I'm normal like you or anyone else?" And she said yes. I said "so SLE and the other isn't even a part of my vocabulary anymore?" Correct.
       Praise God. I told her HE healed me. SLE and the other doesn't work this way, but God does. Once you have "it", that's it. You might be in remission, but it's not gone. If you were to have your blood tested for SLE, the norm. # for not having it is 0-12. My # was 5! I called up my Rheumatologist to tell him and see what he thought, etc. He's seen a few cases like this, but this is not usually how it goes. He said to keep doing whatever it is I'm doing.
       I believe that the body, spirit, and mind are intimately connected. I also believe in miracles and the power of prayer. Let us encourage one another never to give up hope, no matter how impossible the situation may seem. Nothing is impossible with the Lord. And I'm living proof.
       Update: Sept. 1997 God cured me of all my diseases on Oct. 1, 1996. Within 24 hours, my energy was restored (fatigue is common in these diseases). I am feeling terrific! My miracle story appeared in our local newspaper on Christmas Day 1996.

I believe God still wants to heal us today.

My Near-Death Experience
by John Foreman

       On 3 August 1963 I underwent 6.5 hours of major surgery to repair a large hole in my diaphragm. I had been cooked internally by microwave radiation from a RF (radio frequency) leak in a Radar that I worked with while in the Navy. This all took place at the US Naval Hospital at NAS Jacksonville, Florida. The NDE was on 9 August 1963.
       On 9 August the entire surgical procedure broke open explosively because the tissue was so tender from having been cooked. I went through another 5.5 hours of major surgery.
       I woke up??? I was in the same ICU where I had been moved six days earlier following the first surgery. But this time it was different. I was looking down on a body lying in bed with tubing coming out of every body opening. The body was blue/gray in color from lack of oxygen. I did not at first recognize that the body was me. I had never seen myself before in a full all dimensional view. It's appearance was not like looking through a single pair of eyes. But it was like I was seeing from a position while dispersed around the top of the room. I recognized a woman across the room from me that had attempted suicide before my first surgery. She was still in the same bed she had been in six days earlier. I recognized the Navy hospital corpsman that was at the nurses desk in the center of the ICU. He was busy talking to someone on the phone and having a good time.
       I was watching when the Corpsman turned in my direction and realized that his patient had died. He immediately called a CODE BLUE. I watched people appear from all directions as they came and started the resuscitation procedures. I saw my surgeon apply the paddles to my chest and watched my body jerk when the current was applied. I watched them stick large needles through my back into my lungs to extract the fluid that had filled my lungs. I watched the huge portable X-RAY machine being brought to my bedside so that I could be X-RAYED to determine what had happened. I saw Dr. Segal inject the shot of Adrenaline directly into my heart. I watched him leap up on my bed and straddle my body and pound on my chest while he was shouting breath you *#@*#.
       I not only watched all of what was happening, I heard all of what was said. The view was actually indescribable in human terms, because my vantage point was still dispersed around the ceiling of the room. When I told some of these people what I had seen, they said you could not have seen or heard that! You were DEAD! This entire scene was timeless to me.
       I also saw my entire life pass before me from the womb to the experience of breaking open. I remember what happened right up to being moved into a green tiled room. I thought it was the operating room, but later learned that it was a men's dressing room where the Doctor's went to shower and dress for surgery. I was to contaminated to take directly into surgery. I had to have the gross cleanup done first.
       During the life regression, it was as though I were looking at myself and whoever or whatever was present when an event happened. The view was of me and everyone else. From outside of myself. I felt my feelings, but at the same time I felt the feelings of anyone that was involved in the scene. It was my entire life that passed before me. I saw things that I had never remembered happening. I saw my Christening in the Methodist Church in New Waterford, Ohio. I was probably only a few weeks old then, because I could not even crawl. I could see myself as this little baby screaming at the top of his lungs when the preacher put the cold water on it's head. I saw this same little boy crawl up to a screw in wall outlet and lift the brass flap and insert a tiny finger. I watched him jerk back and scream as he received his first electric shock. I watched him at four years old with some of his cousins in Barlow, Ohio go to watch the earth moving equipment while they were putting through the new road for route 50. I could see myself after I messed my pants and no one would let me near them because I smelled so bad. I was really screaming this time. It must have taken an hour for us to get back to my grandparents house. I was crying all the way. And the experiences went on.
       I was also aware of a loud rushing sound. I was being taken up through this dark tunnel like enclosure. But it was more like being caught up in the middle of a whirlwind or tornado. The walls were of an appearance that one would see on a foggy night in the vicinity of yellow or amber street lights. The walls were not a bright light, but made to take on a golden or amber glow. As I approached the end I became aware of the brightest white light that I have ever seen. It was brighter than looking directly at the sun. As I approached closer the light took on human form. The light was coming from where the face should have been. I am attempting to describe three different distinct things here that all seemed to be happening at the same time. My view of all of this was from outside of myself, because everything was all dimensional. Not just three dimensional as we see with our human eyes. Communication seemed to be kind of like mental telepathy. As I would think a thought the answer was already present with total and complete understanding. There was no such thing as having to try to figure out what was being said. I was shown many things and met many different people while there. I was not permitted to return with those memories. But I can never forget the following.
       I was told: "TELL THEM! TELL THEM! TELL THEM!"
       I then went back down through the tunnel or whirlwind to my body. They were finishing all of what ever they do before moving me to the morgue. The only place around the body that was clear of people was my feet. I re-entered my body through my toes. My feet hurt for months after that. Everyone was totally shocked when I opened my eyes and spoke to them.
       Dr. Segal told me that I had aspiration pneumonia as a result of getting stomach acid in my lungs when the entire repair broke. I was placed in an oxygen tent and had tubing in every body opening of my body. I had IV's plugged into both arms and both legs. I was really pretty much of a vegetable. My body temperature was at 107 degrees F. It took 11 days before the fever broke. They would take me with all of the plumbing still attached and put me in a bath tub filled with pink alcohol. Then they would drop ice into the alcohol and lower my body temperature to about 96 degree. This procedure continued about every hour for 11 days. Every time they would take me from my bed they would have to change the sheets. They were covered with a layer of gray greasy dust where my body had been. It was the dead cells that had sloughed off of me.
       I weighed 165 pounds prior to my surgery. I dropped to 78 pounds before my condition turned and I started to gain weight. I was 11 days with the 107 temperature. I was 31 days on the critical list. In all I was in the hospital for 101 days.
       It was hard living with the memory of this when no one would believe me. My experience happened 12 years before Dr. Moody wrote "LIFE AFTER LIFE" and made these experiences almost acceptable. I went deep into alcoholism trying to forget what happened. The memory is as strong today, as if it had just happened yesterday. It just will not go away. It is now more than 33 years ago.
       I would tell people that when we die that our spirit continues to live. Everyone treated me like I was nuts. I went through three marriages as a result of this unbelief. Strange things would happen sometimes which I could not explain. My second wife would go into deep depression. I would hug her to comfort her, just because I loved her. She would end up lying on the floor almost in a passed out or fainting condition. Then she left me shouting! "YOU THINK YOU ARE JESUS. ALL YOU EVER HAVE TO DO IS TOUCH ME AND I AM HEALED! I CAN'T TAKE ANY MORE OF THIS!" Well I didn't have a clue of what she was talking about. It took many years for me to finally understand what was really going on.
       On 10 June 1989, I drank, drove and crashed. My entire body was scanned with an MRI. Apparently they did not know what they were looking at, because they missed three green twig type fractures of my right leg, and a severe brain concussion. These all showed up later when I did not heal properly. Anyhow I checked myself into an alcohol rehab hospital to have someone to take care of me. While there I attended all of the meetings and was hearing them talk about praying to God or a Higher Power. Well I started to pray every night, but had no results that I wanted to see. Finally at about 11:00 PM on 23 June, I lay in my bed listening to a meditation tape on Building a Positive Self Image. I got the brainstorm that "I wonder what would happen if I pray to God while in such a relaxed state"? Well I figured out what I was going to say, put the tape on, and when it was time I said: "GOD! I CAN'T DO IT MYSELF ANYMORE. PLEASE SHOW ME THE WAY?"
       Well one more time I got to see my entire life pass before me. It was a repeat of what had happened on 9 August 1963. Except that this time it did not stop with my NDE in 1963. It continued on to that very instant. I had been having horrible dreams of falling into a BLACK HOLE or BOTTOMLESS PIT for the last four years that I drank. Well this VISION came to an end with my falling into this PIT at a very high rate of speed. I knew I was getting ready to hit bottom, when suddenly I heard the same voice that I had heard in 1963. It said: "JACK! TURN AROUND!" When I did, there was the exact same light at the end of the same tunnel that I remembered from 1963. I turned my life around and started to climb God's Holy Mountain. I have never looked back.
       My entire life suddenly and completely changed. The obsession to drink alcohol was completely removed from me. The filthy Navy language that I had always spoke with was taken from my vocabulary. I stopped womanizing and my entire life turned around.
       I began to become aware of some very strange things happening when I would touch people. I would feel like an electric current flow through my hands into other people. Miracles started to happen. I was seeing the Hand of God reach out through my hands and touch people that He chose, and some times they recovered from serious illness. i.e.,., Cancer, broken bones and you name it. At first it frightened me, because I did not understand what was really happening. But now I understand that I have been gifted with Gifts of Healing as God Wills. I finally answered the call, and in April 1996 I was ordained as a minister with the Association of Pentecostal Ministers.
John Foreman

I believe God still wants to heal us today.

My Healing Experience
by Bea Enlund

       My name is Bea Enlund, and yes I know that the Lord healed me. For over 13 years I struggled with Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis. To live without pain was something I didn't know, to turn over in bed at night was shear agony and to sit to long or to walk was only something I did a little at a time.        It took the Doctors years to finally figure out what was wrong with me and I was to the point that I even thought it might be in my head, and yet I knew it wasn't.        The bursa that are in my hips use to swell so much that you could see them through my close. To run was a real joke if what I did could be called running, and years earlier I had to have a bone fusion in my back so I couldn't bend over and touch my toes without bending my knees.        Then about seven years ago Benny Hinn was in our town for a crusade, I had seen him on Television and was real curious about him and I went to see if he was for real. Well I was way up in the bleachers at the Met Center in our town and we were singing praises to the Lord and I fell under the Spirit. I could feel someone behind me touch my shoulder and was praying in the Spirit and then I stood up and the lady next to me suggested that I sit for a while longer, which I did. When I stood again then Benny Hinn pointed up to the area where I was and said that someone had just had their hips healed and if they would move their legs that the pain would be gone. I thought could it be me?        So I slide my hands down my hips and the lumps were gone so I excused myself and I literally ran up the steps and down a hall and back again, which before I could not do. Then he said if you think that you have been touched by the Spirit to come down, which I did . I had to meet with one of their Doctors and my own and if I had been healed to get a statement from my Doctor .        I did all of these things and to this day my blood tests are still normal and I know that they will remain normal till the coming of my Lord and Savior.        I give all the credit to Jesus and also all the praise and I love to share this with everyone that I can. And just like our Lord, He is bringing people into my life that I can encourage in healing and also other areas of my live.        It such a joy to serve Him for all that He has done for me and of which I do not even deserve. Bea Enlund

I believe God is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Just like the Lord, no pomp and circumstance, no fanfare, just a simple miracle that made my life whole.
by Sharon Hemmerly, Roses of Sharon

       On December 13th, 1971 I delivered my second child, a daughter, born exactly 3 years to the day from her brother. My son said she was his birthday present then the fight was on! To this day, almost 29 years later, they still occasionally argue. But, I digress. At the point of delivery of my daughter, I became eclampsic which as most mothers know means real trouble... Well, I had it alright. I became uremic, went into Polynephritis and then developed high blood pressure which went away and came back periodically for years.        In 1973 I developed pelvic inflammatory disease from the Dalkon Shield and was in the hospital 5 times in 10 months before they finally did a hysterectomy (at the age of 25, I could no longer have children. Due to extreme amounts of infection in my bloodstream, my kidneys could not function properly and because of the prior history of nephritis type diseases, my kidneys were extremely weak anyway. I developed Glommorrular Nephritis which progressed to Chronic Kidney Disease. Because of all this rampant infection in my body I developed an immunodeficiency disorder which eventually was diagnosed as SLE (Systemic Lupus Erethymatosis) Lupus for short. This was in 1987. My blood pressure soared until normal for me was in the range of 180 over 100. I was taking 3 different courses of blood pressure medications.        To compound problems, I was a smoker until 1995 when I had a bronchial asthma attack so bad I had to be entubated. I am now 4 years and 2 months and 3 days away from being a smoker (praise the Lord for this the first miracle). I was able to quit smoking and didn't even look back. Thirty-two years of cigarettes were out of my system and no desire for them ever really returned. This was my first health related blessing.        Back to 1976. I had always been athletic, so in 1976 I tried out for the softball team at work. It was an industrial league coed team and I was fortunate to make it in. I was a catcher. I loved playing the sport and was pretty good at it. While at work one day, I fell down wet steps and was hurt pretty bad. I went back to my desk and told my supervisor who sent me down to the nurse. She sent me to the emergency room with the diagnosis of sciatica. I drove myself to the hospital near my home, got out of my car and fell to my knees. I couldn't make my body work right to get up and walk, so I headed for the ER door on my knees. They saw me and came out and helped me. I had a spinal cord injury from falling on those steps. By the time I was xrayed and in a hospital bed, I was numb from the waist down with little or no ability to move. I was faced with a life of paralysis.        My children were small... my husband had left me for another woman. Thank the Lord for my family who stepped in to help me. My second health related blessing was my family. My third health related blessing was that nine days later, they performed a laminectomy on my back and relieved the pressure on my spine and sciatic nerve and the next day, I was walking. My third blessing. I was able to walk, but did not escape the pain at all. For two years I was unable to work. My children and I lived on welfare and help from my family. It was a definite low point in our lives, but He never deserted us. I was finally getting well enough to return to work after two years and by 1983, I no longer even needed to go to the doctor for my back. Oh, I have the normal aches and pains of deterioration, but that's nothing compared to what it was. I developed an extremely high tolerance to pain which is what carries me through Fibromyalgia today.        But, again, I digress... I went on pretty normally until around 1989 I began having bronchial problems (the asthma) and high blood pressure problems... I was sent to a urologist who found the kidney problems had developed into the chronic kidney disease... and finally, I was sent to a rheumatologist in 1991 who diagnosed me with Lupus. In 1993, I was also diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and also later chronic sinusitis... I hurt from head to toe! (literally, I had ingrown toenails to, LOL)... I had all the symptoms of every disease... I was a mess. Finally, earlier this year (99) I faced the choice of quitting work and what would I do with myself.        As a web designer, I knew I could likely work from home. I began developing a business and getting it registered and also purchasing a domain and getting it online... I began having an extreme amount of pain and began praying to the Lord to help me... I asked that he either heal me or make it so I could support myself from home. I didn't want to retire on disability... those old days were still too haunting. I asked my church to put me on the prayer line which they did. A few months later, it was time to go to the doctor's for new scripts for my meds and a check up. I realized that I hadn't had too many problems... When I got to the doctor, she couldn't understand it either... she did a urinalysis (she had the equipment in her office) and there was no blood in my urine from the kidney problem... hmmmm.... I had not had that type of result since before my daughter's birth. She then did blood work and sent it in to a lab. The ANA results were NEGATIVE!!! So, she called me in and repeated the bloodwork.. again, the ANA results of Lupus were Negative again!!! She called me in again and drew blood and sent it to a lab in California where they do a DNA Stranding test which is the ultimate in diagnosis Lupus... I already had two positives from this test which meant I definitely had Lupus... this time... Negative!!!!! It was gone! Then I realized... The Lord is healing my body... bit by bit, he is restoring my health!!!!!! Now, even my blood pressure is down to 140 / 65... For heavens sake I am a 51 year old woman... He is remaking me! I have had so many health related and life related blessings that I no longer count them... I just praise Him and give Him the glory and can't wait to see what he has in store for me next.

Thanks for this opportunity to share this.

Sharon Hemmerly Christian Resources smhDESIGN

I believe God is still on the throne.

Tom Thompkins's Story
by Tom Thompkins

       When Tom Tompkins jr was born his parents, Tommy and Heloise where very proud. They had been trying to have a son for a long time and had finally accomplished their goal. Tom did all of the normal things that a newborn did but, seems to be a bit bothered by the light. However his Father Tommy thought it was just normal for a baby to have that problem.
       At the age of one, Tom was taken in for a checkup. Since his normal doctor was not available, he was sent across the hallway to another. The first thing out of the doctors mouth was "This child can't see" Tommy and Heloise where devastated.
       As the years went on Tom was taken to many eye specialist but, only one gave any hope of a normal existence. He encouraged that Tom go to a regular school and be allowed to attempt anything he desired.
       In 1983, Heloise became a born again Christian and began to believe for a healing in Tom's eyes. At this point Tom's vision was 20/200. 20/20 is considered perfect. As the years went on, a work of God became more and more evident. Tom always loved cars and wanted to be a drag racer just like his Dad. In 1993 he for his wish and even went on to win a class championship in 1994.
       THe thing that makes this such and incredible miracle is that the problem with Tom's eyes was that some muscles were not completely formed. At the current time Tom's vision is 20/60.
       Tom has done all of the things that a normal boy would do and now all that a normal man does. He continues to be a tough competitor at the drag races and is earning a degree in Psychology in college.
       Please continue to pray for a complete healing to take place. 20/20 is the goal !
Tom Thompkins

I believe God is the great I AM

In 1961, My dad, Claud H. Love, developed malignant Brain Cancer. He was transported from Norman Regional Hospital to St. Anthony's Hospital in Oklahoma City, OK, at N.W 10th and A few blocks EAST of Western Avenue, where he spent 16 weeks in a COMA. During this COMA, my Grandmother and Grandfather, Jesse Robin Love and Horace Greely Love, Lived in Bakersfield, CA. One day my grandmother turned to my grandfather, and told him that "SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH CLAUD... WE MUST GO TO HIM!" With that, they set out for Oklahoma, making NO phone calls to say they were coming. BAKERSFIELD is at the west END of I-40, and Oklahoma City is on I-40 about 1400 miles away. Norman, where my family lived, is 20 miles SOUTH of I-40 on I-35. However, when my grandparents reached WESTERN AVE in Oklahoma City, my Grandmother told my grandfather to exit and go norh. When they reached N.W. 10th she told him to go east. When they reached St. Anthony's hospital, she told him to park in the parking garage of the hospital. She went straight to the 3rd floor without stopping at the information desk! She went STRAIGHT to my dad's room, and he had JUST termporarily regained consciousness, and asked, "CLAUD, WHAT'S WRONG?" She visited several days, and prayed before she left and went back home, saying everything would be OK. about 3 weeks later, my dad came to, sat bolt upright in his bed, and began quoting what sounded like the book of Job, so my sister, who was sitting by his bedside, got out the bible and followed while he quoted the entire book of JOB! He then laid BACK down, and slipped back into the COMA. 3 days later he regained consciousness once again, and this time, they wheeled him into xray and found, you got it, N O T H I N G... not a TRACE of the cancer. They had performed EXPLORATORY SURGERN and could NOT reach the cancer to remove it WITHOUT KILLING HIM. 3 days after THAT, he was RELEASED, HEALED, but was told they did not expect it to last, that he had to come back in 2 weeks for a checkup, and that if we lived over 6 months he would probably be paralyzed. When he returned for the check up, they gave him a 100% clean bill of health and he returned to work! He worked as a Meat Market Manager until age 72 (1991) at which time he began triming trees as a retirement income. About a year ago, his wife, my mother died and the stress was more than he could handle, so he was placed in Rosewood Manor rest home in Norman, OK, but to this day the cancer has NOT recurred. Anyone who questions the power of God is missing major blessings..there is no question that the healing power of God is REAL!.

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