Some statistics on Domestic Violence:

At least half of all homicide victims are killed by people they know

Domestic violence affects as many as one-forth of all American families

Six out of 10 couples will experience violence at some time during their marriages

Three million to 4 million women are battered each year by husbands or partners

Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women aged 15 to 44

A woman is battered every 12 seconds in this country

Scary isn't it? Imagine how scary it is for the people it is happening to right now, as you read this! I hope to provide some links on this page that will help those unfamiliar with domestic violence to understand it better and to get them to join the fight against it. And for those in the middle of it, I hope they find something to help them get out!

I know it is hard to get out of a situation like this. I had a friend who lived in an abusive marriage for 20 years. She didn't get out, she is now 6 feet under the ground. You can get out, there is help, you have to have a plan of escape. Start planning now, start making copies of all your valuable papers, keys and whatever else you need to get away. Contact the battered women's shelter in your area. They can help you. Please don't wait, it won't get better. Get out while you are still alive.



Please call this number if you know someone who is being abused or if you yourself need help. It is open 24 hours 7 days a week.

Domestic Violence Links
The Safety Zone Women Against Domestic Violence
Victim Services Domestic Violence Resource Centre
Domestic Violence Handbook National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence Hotlines Domestic Violence Notepad

Please feel free to e-mail me with other links or information you think would enhance this page.

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Page last updated on July 1, 2004
By Deborah

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