Tracy's Writing Page

What a wonderful feeling of freedom it is to write. To express your thoughts, hopes, fears and dreams through words is such an intimate way to journey deep inside of yourself.

My great great grandmother also liked to write. I have her diaries, scrap books and poems that she wrote. In time you will be able to read them from this page.

I have been on a road of discovery ever since I started writing. I could even say it has been an adventure.

Below are some of my stories. I hope that you have time to read one.





MY TRIBUTE TO WORLD WAR 1 VICTIMS I found these poems in my great great grandmothers scrap book that she kept during the first world war. They are newspaper clippings. They are just beautiful words and I felt compelled to share them with others. So read and enjoy.


Tribute's To My Favourite Authors




A MOST TREASURED FRIENDSHIP This is the first story that I ever wrote. It is about a friendship I have had since about 7years old. We had a wonderful day playing at my beloved creek.

MY MAGICAL HOLIDAY HOUSE My grandmothers old federation home was so wonderful to explore. Read of how magical it was to a young girl. I had such a great time writing this story.

THE FADING OF A YELLOW ROSE I write about the loss of my sister to breast cancer. This was a hard story to write but I am so glad that I did. It has made my relationship with my sister much more clearer to me.

AN IRISH LASS BECOMES A MARTYR This is a story of how my great great grandmother came to Australia from Ireland as a child. This is only the first chapter. I have a goal of continuing this story and getting it into book form one day.

A GOLDEN GIFT A very special moment that I shared with my daughter when she was 7 years old. This is my tribute to a very special little person in my life. She is my sunshine.

DISCOVERIES IN MARVELOUS MELBOURNEThis story I wrote about a recent trip to Melbourne where I did some family research. I found some great treasures and a few disappointments also. I love Melbourne.

FAR AWAY LAND This page is dedicated to my beautiful country Australia.. Read the poem I wrote about my home land that I love so much.




Creative Writing Course

Pure fiction

Webster Dictionary

Children's Writing Centre

A Way of Writing

Seven Steps to Better Manuscripts

Free Zone Quarterly

Writers Write


Pink Line

Starlite Designs Logo
[Aussie History] [My Tribute to Australia] [My Awards Page]
[Jane Austen Tribute [Some Photos] [Kookaburra Page]
[Koala Page] [WW1 Poetry] [Tracy's Writing Den]
[Wattle Women Bookclub] [Wattle Women Tribute Page]
[Graphic Appreciation Page] [My Magical Holiday House]
[Fading of a Yellow Rose] [An Irish Lass Becomes a Martyr]
[A Golden Gift] [A Most Treasured Friendship]
[Discoveries in Marvelous Melbourne]