cloudtitle.gif (3907 bytes)

Every aspect of this tutorial can be changed/modified to your taste to create different effects.

1)     Open a new image 300x300. I always start with a transparent background.
Fill the background with a dark blue (I use the dark blue because it lets me better see when I am working with the grey); you can use black or any dark color,

2)     Add a Layer.  Keep all of the default settings for the new layer.  We will be working on Layer 2; not the "Layer 1"

tutcloud1.gif (27781 bytes)

(If you don't have a Layer shortcut (icon) on your tool bar, go to "Layers" in the Menu on the top; go to "New" leave all the default settings)

tutcloud2.gif (6143 bytes)

3)     Go to the "Spray Can", usually on the lefthand toolbar. Color=White Setting for "spray"; Shape=round; Opacity=36; Density=100; Size=55; Hardness=0; Step=70.

tutcloudspray.gif (40350 bytes)

Give the image a few sprays here and there; just sort of haphazardly.

4)     Now, go the the "Retouch" tool; also on lefthand toolbar (It looks like a hand/finger). The Tool Control should be "Smudge" and No Texture -- Brushtip=round; Opacity=55; Density=100; Size=56; Hardness=14; Step=25.

tutcloud3.gif (34936 bytes)

5)     Smudge to your liking; left, right, up/down.

tutcloud4.gif (14275 bytes)

6)     That is all there is to a basic white cloud, but most clouds have some gray and other colors so.....

Go to "Spray Can" again, this time choose a medium to dark grey, give your cloud a whispy stroke of grey, not necessarily all over the white part of the cloud but maybe towards the bottom or to a side; (My settings for the grey were: Brushshape=round; Opacity=36; Density=100; Size =30; Hardness=0; Steps=38; Go back to smudge (you can leave the settings where they are or play around with them)

tutcloud5.gif (29755 bytes)

After Smuding:

tutcloud6.gif (15326 bytes)

7)     Delete background layer. The blue will go away and the cloud will be left.

 tutcloud7.gif (41936 bytes)

The Results:

tutcloud9.gif (29946 bytes)

8)     To see how the cloud will look open a new image, fill it with a color of your choice (not white); go to your cloud and make a copy of it then paste it onto the new image you just opened that has the color background you want to use.

tutcloud10.gif (55617 bytes)

Clouds look more realistic when they are place randomly and sometimes partly ontop of each other.

If you want to make this cloud into a tube the instructions are here.

QUESTIONS......Just ask (e-mail)

Another picture of clouds

Another concept of clouds

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