Transparent Background

I have made this page background light grey so you could tell image has transparent background


1)    Open a new image (select the size you want); be sure to select "transparent" and "16.7 million colors":

image1.jpg (20303 bytes)

2)    The background of your new image should looked like checks (color may vary) depending on your preferences:

image2.jpg (11615 bytes)


3)    Ok, let's say we have our button done; it looks sorta like this:

image3.jpg (10570 bytes)

4)    Now to the important stuff; Go to "Colors" and select "Set Palette Transparency..."

image4.jpg (17962 bytes)

5)    Click "yes" when this screen pops up:

image5.jpg (11578 bytes)

6)    Select "optimized Median Cut" and "Nearest Color"; click "ok":

imag6.jpg (18688 bytes)

7)    Ok, it doesn't show here, but when the "Set Palette Transparency" screen comes up, move the box over so you can see your button image; when you put your pointer on the background it will turn into a dropper; click the area you want to be transparent; in this case it is the background.  That will set the number at 255 as shown below:

image7.jpg (24373 bytes)

8)    Now click "File":

image8.jpg (21342 bytes)

9)    Now we have to file it and name it.  You must file the image as a GIF.  Gif's are are the only image types that can be transparent (there are exceptions, but they are another story):

image9.jpg (24116 bytes)

10)    TaDaa!

button.gif (4212 bytes)



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