I've got a secret obsession

Redheads. Can't get enough of them. I've been a sucker for them since day one.

That simple fact, coupled with an indescribable sense of personality made me choose Alyson Hannigan as someone I'd like to see in a JC film.

Her main claim to fame is her role of Willow on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I hate the show, but find myself watching it at times if just to see Alyson. She's got a unique gift and plays her role like she's some sort of soft fuzzy-wuzzy teddy bear or something. She's smurfy, there's no other way to describe it, you just wanna put her in your pocket & take care of her, she acts so defenseless.

Sometimes I hate myself for watching the show, but it's true, Alyson is terrific. She's not a supermodel beauty, but she is very natural looking and generally easy on the eyes. Her drawn out intakes of breath whenever she speaks is also endearing and (excuse me while I gag) adorable. I mean, seriously folks, when a girl looks down at her own chest and says "Wow, look at those!" as if seeing it them for the first time, you can't help but smile at how clueless this person really is.

Problem is that while Alyson is in her mid-20's, she looks like a teenager, and I don't know that JC is into that sort of thing anymore. I think that the only thing that might work for her is a role kind of like Gracie Law in BTILC or maybe Karen Allen in Starman.

I'd say she would work best as a romantic lead in a JC film. But whose to say that she can't handle action? On Buffy, Willow's vampire-alter ego is a startling transformation from the mousy version of the character we are normally used to. This vampire doesn't take shit from anybody & Alyson for all intents and purposes is somebody else completely. There's a twinkle in her eyes that is absent in good-Willow's eyes. The complete look of relaxation on the vampire-Willow's face, as opposed to the crinkle cut french fries that bunch up good-Willow's brow every time she's got something on her mind plays a big part in solidifying Alyson as someone worth giving a second look.

So do you think Alyson Hannigan is a good choice? Do you agree or disagree with me? Let me know what you think. If you want to see a particular person appear in a John Carpenter film let me know who it is and I'll start up another page dedicated to actors that viewers of this site want to see in a JC film. Email me with your suggestions at carpenticized@hotmail.com


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