---[ BILLY IDOL ]---

Man, this guy has got cool written all over him. Doesn't he remind you of Romero, the freaky-haired, right hand man of the Duke of New York? And even though he's pushing 40, Idol still retains this particular look. Kewl!

I'll admit I'm a fan of Billy's, he is a great icon of 80's music. I always appreciated him going his own way and doing his own thing during those days. There was nobody else on the scene who could come close to replicating his particular punk style. He had great songs like EYES WITHOUT A FACE, HOT IN THE CITY and others. I think he's a lost treasure of those bygone days and I would really like to see him again in the limelight. He was quite a performer in his videos and on TV, and that sneer! No one has that patented sneer but Billy.

Personally, I think it would be great for JC to use Billy as a lead. He's got looks, charisma and is risky enough to play a lead. That would be exciting, to see how he could pull off the role. Either as a lead, or heavy, but preferably as a lead. Now that I think of it, if you wanted to continue the Escape film franchise without Snake Plissken, then it wouldn't be a bad idea to fashion a character that resembles Idol to carry on the mantle.

I sure hope that Billy wouldn't butt heads with JC if he were hired to do a film b/c both men are true to their craft and to themselves. There's a great quote early in Billy's TV/Video career where studio execs told him to do something with his hair (that was not so flamboyant) and Billy told them to go "Fuck off," you don't touch the hair. Now there's a trooper, someone who'll stick to his guns. The same way JC is with his films. Besides, anyone with an album titled SHIT FROM THE LIP has got to be in JC film! ;)

So do you think Billy Idol is a good choice? Do you agree or disagree with me? Let me know what you think. If you want to see a particular person appear in a John Carpenter film let me know who it is and I'll start up another page dedicated to actors that viewers of this site want to see in a JC film. Email me with your suggestions at carpenticized@hotmail.com


---[ carpenticized@hotmail.com ]---

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