Bruce Clithero's Home Page
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In need of a professional computer system consultant? I can help!!

I specialize in networks and Microsoft Windows Family systems and Backoffice Family. I can assist in designs, installations, configurations and much more. See my resume for my qualifications.

Send me an e-mail or give me a call (5) 579-8256 to see how I can help.

Don't worry about this stuff at the bottom. This page is still in construction. This page WILL contain referances to common questions often asked about computers, along with some tips and tricks that I have found useful and presented here.

  1. How do I ... ?
  2. Where can I find ... ?

How do I ... ?

This is the answer to the question. This is the answer to the question. This is the answer to the question. This is the answer to the question. This is the answer to the question. This is the answer to the question. This is the answer to the question. This is the answer to the question.

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Where can I find ... ?

This is the answer to the question. This is the answer to the question. This is the answer to the question. This is the answer to the question. This is the answer to the question. This is the answer to the question. This is the answer to the question. This is the answer to the question.

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The opinions in this web are my own and if you want them you can have them. All other products mentioned are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.

Questions or problems regarding this web site should be directed to or

Last modified: Wednesday April 22, 1998.