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MCSE Stuff

I am a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE). What that means, for those who don't know, is that I took and pass a series of exams that Microsoft set forth. Being able to pass these exams states that a person has a obtained a level of knowledge and "are qualified to effectively plan, implement, maintain, and support information systems in a wide range of computing environments using the Microsoft Windows NT Server and the Microsoft BackOffice integrated family of server products."

My road to become an MCSE started by taking the Networking Essientials exam, followed by Supporting Windows NT Workstation 4.0, that got me the Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) qualification. After that was Supporting Windows NT Server 4.0, Supporting Windows NT in the Enterprise, then IIS and TCP/IP. The only thing that I would change if I had to do it again would be take the Net Essientials exam last instead of first. You need to be well diverced in networking to be able to pass this one.

I don't have that much information on becoming an MCSE here because most of the information, except the answers to the tests, are already on the web. Here are the some links to more MCSE info that I used when I was studying for my exams. Thanks to all these people who took the time to make these pages and made then available to the rest of us.

If you find any of this links to be wrong send my an e-mail so that I can correct it.

MCSE Cram Session

The (gonna be) comprehensive MCSE study guide

The Creative Edge Page

MCSE Links to some of my favorite sites!!!

MCSE MCP Download

MCSE MCSD Braindump Heaven

MCSE Study Links

Microsoft Certification Exam Resource Page

Microsoft Certified Professional Magazine Online


New Visitor to Ken's Little Slice of the Internet

Pauls Home Page


Steve Topley's Self Study MCSE Page

Thomas Lee

Useful Microsoft Certification Links

Exam 70-59 Internetworking MS TCP-IP on MS Windows NT4.0

IIS Certification Exam Page

Windows NT Magazine

MCP Magazine


The opinions in this web are my own and if you want them you can have them. All other products mentioned are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.

Questions or problems regarding this web site should be directed to bclithero@oocities.com.
I will try to fix it someday.

Last modified: Sunday January 10, 1999.