A Duran Ghost story


"So ok, let me get this straight...I'm dead?"
"Yeah, that's about the sum of it"
"But how? when? why?"
"Dunno mate, it just happened, flying along then BAM, but hey, you hung in there for a while though, we thought you'd make it"
"Who's we?"
"Hey, I could get offended at that, don't you know who I am?"
"No I bloody don't, I can't see anything!"
"Ahhhhh, that'd be the coffin, you'll detach soon enough."
"Oh, so I feel so much better now for knowing that, just who the hell are you?"
It's me mate, John. Simon and Warren are off chasing girls, you know how it is, even when they're dead you can't keep 'em under control"
"John?  But what happened?"
"Aircrash my dear Nicholas...your bright idea to take the afternoon flight instead of the 10.30...great idea of yours there I might add"
"How was I to know...what happened anyway?"
"Some fans saw us go up to the cockpit, you know how gung-ho Simon is, anyway they just ran for us, scared the pilot who had a heartattack and someone knocked out the other guys with flying autograph books...a couple had big hardbacked versions of your damn photography book!"
"I liked that book"
""Why did you do that damn thing anyway, pain in the ass ever since you did it!"
"You are joking aren't you?"
"Wish I was...kinda ironic really, killed by our own fame"
"Hey...wait a minute, it's getting lighter"
"Hello mate" beamed John at the now ethereal Nick.
"Erm, hello" replied Nick looking bewildered at his unsubstantial form.
"Hey can I walk through things?" he asked.
"Of course, we now have a whole new world of opportunities open to us, although we still are dead.  Can't see what the fuss is about really, Don't have to eat or drink anything, you can if you want but it takes time with the concentration not to loose it all out your stomach, Whew...that was a laugh when it first happened"  before John could continue, Simon flounced into the graveyard, closely followed by a laughing Warren.
"I don't bloody believe it" griped Simon.
"What now?" asked John.
Laughing, Warren replied,
"He can't shag!"  doubled up with laughter, Warren fell to the ground and through a gravestone.
"Ouch!" he giggled.
"Hey, what happened to Warren?"  Mused Nick incredulously.
"Sod him, what about me?" whined Simon. 
"I thought this being dead lark would be great, shags everywhere...but it doesn't work!"  he pouted.
"What do you mean?" asked John, forming a bizarre mental picture.  Did he really want to ask that question? he thought to himself.
"I fell through her, she was just lying there dreaming and I thought..'Wehey', but I just fell through to the floor."
"So she could see you?" asked Nick.
"Nah, had to wait til she was asleep, thought I'd be on to something, but no, not to be."
"Perhaps you can only shag dead people?" offered John.
"Well I've only seen you three and I am not shagging you lot!" replied Simon tartly.
"We can't be the only ones, lets have a wander" said Nick
Picking Warren back off the floor, they began to make their way into the city.

"I told you it was them" whispered one.
"I can't believe it" said another.
"shall we follow?"  said another
"Oh most definately, if Simon can only shag dead people then I am so there!!"
C'mon then...I think I've got brambles growing through me and it is really quite perturbing"
As dusk fell, the three women followed the guys, not heeding anything or anyone, lets face it, they didn't have to.  But everyone on that street that evening would agree, if they'd actually all met up, that a chill passed through them all.....seven times to be precise.

It was late afternoon of the next day by the time they'd given up any chance of living normally and had returned dejected to Warrens home.

Throwing himself on the couch in his usual melodramtic way, Simon was the first to voice the opinion that they'd all secretly been thinking for the past hour.
"This is shit, isn't it?" he sighed heavily
"I mean, no birds, food isn't worth the hassle and John...I really do hate those orange trousers!"
"Yeah, hate the orange John"" reiterated Warren.
Becoming slightly offended John replied,
""I like them, so I'm keeping them on!"
Not realising his mistake, Simon pointed out,
"Yeah, but you're stuck in them anyway, you saw what happened when Nick tried on that Versace suit"
Blushing Nick tried to gloss over the whole sorry incident.

Having expressed a wish to get out of his casual clothes for something a touch smarter, he persuaded the guys to stop off in Bond Street to get something. Unfortunately two hours later, he was still in his jog pants and t-shirt.  The suit having fallen straght off him as soon as he put it on.  Which scuppered any chances of any of them changing, at least the wouldn't smell he thought wryly.  The others had found it hilarious, Warren was having a field day with all of them.  So far nothing seemed to be bothering him, which irked Nick like hell.
"Yeah well at least I'm not in orange" Nick replied pettily.
"Ha ha" said John sarcastically.
Before any more could be said Simon interupted them,
"Hey Warren...what's with all the cats anyway?"
"Whaddya mean?" asked Warren distractedly, as he had just discovered he could still use the recording decks.
"I mean, since when have you had this many cats?"

The menagerie of cats that had been following Warren since the morning, all began to mew and flick their tails as Warren looked up to see what was going on.
"My god!" he said "Where'd they all come from?"
The twenty or so cats flicked their tails even more, several began to kneed their claws in the furniture.
"We were kinda hoping you'd tell us" replied John, glad that the focus was off his trousers and on to something else the guys could moan about.
"I've only got one, well kind of, but I've no idea where all these came from" he said startled as a large ginger tomcat leaped onto his lap and head butted him in an affectionate cat like way.

Bored, Nick looked up and said,
"I'm gonna go home, see how things are"
"Yeah right" spluttered Simon, who until now had been picking absent mindedly at a newspaper that he'd rescued from under a black cat.
"What's that supposed to mean?" asked Nick angrily, he was fed up with the others treating him as if he was an idiot.  It wasn't his fault they'd all died earlier than him.  Sighing, seeing the resolve and  determination in Nicks eyes Simon replied,   ke, stop bloody laughing at me, what now?" shouted Nick, this was really pissing him off now.
"No, no, go on, give it a go" snickered Simon.
"Aw c'mon Charley don't be mean" said John.
"What? will someone please tell me what is so bloody funny?!"
"Look Nick, we've tried it, you can't get into cabs or buses..."
"Or planes" interjected Simon
"As I was saying" said John, shooting Simon a look "You give yourself a headache of monumental proprtions trying to stay put in the damned thing, Simon tried it, had a headache for two days, now THAT was a nightmare"
"Ha ha" sulked Simon, who still even now, got the odd twinge of a headache from that episode.
Getting up and going to the door Nick turned back to say,
"Well I'll bloody walk then"
With that, he slammed the door behind himself and readied himself for the long walk ahead.

"How long  are we going to sit here" Whined Carly.
"Oh for god sake" snapped Ali "Why are you moaning now?"
The three girls had been crouched outside Warrens house for what seemed like an age and still nothing was happening.
"I'm bored" said Carly.
"Me too" offered Sherry hesitantly.
Sighing heavily Ali turned to the other two girls,
"I've had four cats walk straight through me and I've had enough!" said Sherry more boldly than before.
"I've got brambles trying to grow through me again" moaned Carly.
"Do you girls want to meet the guys or not?" Ali asked them.
"Yeah" said Sherry, "But I was thinking, none of us are 'going' anywhere seeing as we've got eternity and all that......"
"Yeah, there's no rush is there?" interupted Carly.
Both Ali and Sherry scowled at Carlys interuptions.
"As I was saying" said Sherry glancing at Carly "Maybe this could be to our advantage...like I've never been in the Met Bar, could never get in...and...um...er...." she faltered under the stare of Ali
"Um....maybe we could go now" squeaked Sherry as she hurridly finished and broke the gaze on her by staring at her shuffling feet.

Before either Ali or Sherry could say anything more Carly spoke again.
"You know, I wish I'd got my hair done properly, like before.......well before our little accident, cause if we can't change how we are and all that, then I'm stuck with this hairstyle for ever"
Silently the girls pondered this never before realised thought.
"Shit yeah!" muttered Ali.
"I'm ok" said Sherry happily "I was the one who said to look our best for the flight in case the guys were there, but you two, oh no, poo-pooed the idea, now who's got the last laugh eh?"
"Shut up" said both Carly and Ali, as the both fiddled and twirled their hair absent mindedly.
Before a war of words could break out, the front door to Warrens house opened and a blond haired figure slipped out into the night.
"Eeekkkk" squealled Carly "It's Nick" she stage whispered "Lets go!"
"But what about Simon and the others?" asked Sherry, reluctant to leave the vicinity of her idol.
"He'll still be here won't he? C'mon, lets go!" said Carly hopping from one foot to the other, while trying to keep an eye on the receeding figure of Nick.
"Oh ok" sighed Ali "She'll never lets us live in peace if we don't"
"COME ON!!" insisted Carly as she skipped off down the road.
The othet two girls followed, marvelling at how well Carly had adapted to being dead.

  • Chapter 2
  • Chapter 3
  • Chapter 4
  • Chapter 5
  • Home