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Relevant P.O.S. - The Sounds

This page contains various audio and MIDI files by the band Relevant P.O.S.

 *  MP3 Files  * 

MPEG 2 Layer III is a very efficient way of compressing audio files. You can get much higher quality audio into relatively smaller (and hence faster downloading) files. You will need a player to play these files, as Web Browsers don't support them by default. See our links page for downloadable players.

Our MP3 files can be found on the Relevant POS page on MP3.COM.
There is also a Relevant POS page on BEsonic.com.

 *  MIDI Files  * 

To play General MIDI files, you will need a soundcard that supports General MIDI (preferably with a Wavetable synth), or a MIDI interface with a General MIDI synth attached.

NB You really need at least a wavetable soundcard to get the best out of these MIDI tracks. I set them up to work well on my Casio GZ-50M external GM module and also on my MAXI 64 soundcard. I have found that there is a lot of difference in relative volumes of the same instruments on different soundcards, so if some of these tracks sound crap on your soundcard - sorry - they sound OK on mine!

'Satelite' [MIDI track] Satelite 4 minutes long. Converted to General MIDI from the original Evolution Audio sequence.
'2 Years Too Late' [MIDI track] 2 Years Too Late The 'real' track has vocals. (John having a damn good rant) You'll just have to imagine that.
'The Phone Song' [MIDI track] The Phone Song A sequenced version of quite an early track (during our 'pop' period). Again, the original has words.
'Feel' [MIDI track] Feel This was originally done on a Sinclair Spectrum home-made sequencer, driving 2 Wasp synths.
'Cold Questions' [MIDI track] Cold Questions Vocals missing!
'The Waltz' [MIDI track] The Waltz '99 All you waltzers, I want to see you waltzing...
'980307b' [MIDI track] 980703b We never got round to thinking up a title for this.
'Home Page Intro' [MIDI track] Home Page Intro This is the v.short MIDI track you used to hear when you loaded our home page using Internet Explorer. (We tool the background files off most of our pages as they can be VERY irritating!)
'Gear Page' [MIDI track] 'Gear' Page This was the background MIDI track you heard when you loaded our music gear page with IE.
'Pictures Page' [MIDI track] 'Pictures' Page This was the background MIDI track for our pictures page.
'History Page' [MIDI track] 'History' Page This was the background MIDI track for our band history page.
Dave's Tracks
The following are Dave's solo tracks
'30-May-1999' [MIDI track] 990530 Created 30th May 1999. A 'lazy' piece. This might sound awful on your soundcard - it was based a lot on the specific GM sounds in the Maxi 64.
'29-March-1999' [MIDI track] 990329 Created 29th March 1999. A quiet track.
'30-March-1999' [MIDI track] 990330 Created 30th March 1999. This one builds up quite a bit.
'30-March-1999 No.2' [MIDI track] 990330a Also created 30th March 1999. I'm good with names, aren't I? This was an attempt to get a vaguely realistic guitar sound. It does sound quite good on the Maxi 64 soundcard. The track itself needs more work though.
'Fanfare For A New Life' [MIDI track] Fanfare A fanfare for a new life... (Written for Rolf's baby)

 *  More?  * 

If you want to hear more, get in touch by email - roland_rock@yahoo.com (Dave Sherriff)

On the music gear page there are some samples of some of our synths & other stuff.
On the Analogue Synthesis Explained page, there are samples of various synth sounds and effects.

[The gear]

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Contact - Dave: roland_rock@yahoo.com John: jmcgregor@bigfoot.com