Lisa'Astronomy   Page!

This page is for all the things I do as a hobby...astronomy is the foremost.  Keep will change a lot!  Note:  The background picture is Hale-Bopp as taken with a 10" Meade LX-200 by Dale Penkala.  Dale is a member of the Sunset Astronomical Society (I am too!).  We do not have a web page yet but are working on it.  Stay tuned!

This picture was taken in downtown Saginaw, right at my friend Chris' house.  It gives you an idea how bright Comet Hale-Bopp was.  The light is on in the window and you can still see the blue ion tail. I put this at the top of the page at Chris' request.  He likes this one the most.

This is a picture Chris took on March 23 (night of the lunar eclipse) over Sanford Lake.  I just love the way the mercury vapor lamps show the colors.  This was one bright comet.  The picture is taken with a Pentax K1000 with the standard 50mm lens.  We used Kodak Gold 400 film and the exposure time was 20 seconds.

These are pictures of Chris and I with the comet in the background.  You can also see the Pleides in these.  I thought they were pretty cool.

This is a picture of the comet in Loomis, Michigan on April 3.  Very dark skies...

Well...I had to add one more picture.  This one is of Hale-Bopp with a satellite.  How do you tell it's a satellite? keeps the same brightness as it moves across the sky for one thing.  For another it appears in another picture I took and keeps the same trajectory.

My Homepage: Things about me and my family.
Film: : A page of festivals and indy films.
Lisa's Friends: Yes, I do have friends...
My Family: People that have some of the same genes as me...

Places to go...

If you think this is a cool page check out the Sky and Telescope page!