Sigh. Here it is, 13 September 2000. Second Impact is happening right now, and I'm stuck doing C++ homework. -_- Sigh. What a waste. -Darniil Entroth

You are numberto stumble onto my page since I added this counter in, er, April '97, if I remember correctly.

03 September 2001: Long time since I last updated this section, though I'd had some smaller updates since then that I didn't post about. The main thing this time is that I now have a domain of my own,, and I'll slowly be rebuilding my webpage over there in the coming months. There's some stuff there already, but not very much. Not yet, anyways. When I consider it "done", there will be a lot of the stuff that's here, as well as a lot more stuff. But it'll take me some time to do it. So, until then, feel free to check it out every so often and see what I've done new there.

13 September 2000: Altered 'rant' section on mainpage.

15 August 2000: Updated 'rant' section on mainpage.

26 May 2000: Minor revisions/alterations to the Homecoming area of my site.

15 May 2000: Updated Amber: Homecoming page; added two pages to Homecoming 'site'.

14 April 2000: Minor changes to Amber: Homecoming PBeM page; cosmetic changes to this page.

This goes to my random links page

Visit my Amber links page.

Go to the Campaigns' Intro Page to find out all about the Amber campaigns I'm in.

Theories! I got theories here! Who wants to look at some theories?

Amberite, (and Chaosian), Theme Song Page. Check it out; it's fun for the whole family.

Amber stuffs Page

Return to my gateway.
And now for the good stuff:
My banner

All others, including our own, are merely Shadows.

The Chronicles of Amber is a ten part, two series story that tells the tale of Corwin, Prince of Amber, in the first five books, and Merlin, his son, in the second. Corwin and his siblings are the children of Oberon, first king of Amber, who in turn is the son of Dworkin Barimen, mad creator of the real world. Dworkin drew the Pattern, the thing by which all of his decendants are able to walk through Shadow. Amber, being the only true world, casts an infinitude of Shadows, things we would call dimensions.

Over the years, the Amber books, written by the late Roger Zelazny, have gained a large following worldwide. Amber is very popular here in the States, as well as in France, and I happen to know a Russian who is fond of the books as well. In fact, Amber is so popular that a group of people in Michigan a few years back had decided to make their own role-playing system based on the books. The main partner-in-crime of this endevour was Erick Wujcik, who eventually went on to go and write much of what was in the the Amber: DRPG main book. (By the way, the "D" stands for "Diceless".) There is currently a sequel to the main book called Shadow Knight, and a third book is in the making, called Rebma. These books can, (and in the case of Rebma, will), be available through your local comic shop and Phage Press. For those of you who don't know how a diceless game would work, or for those who are just curious, I've put together a page telling the basics of the whole thing here.




Walk Corwin's Pattern

Click here.

Hoopy Frood
Dave voted me a Hoopy Frood!
By the way, my UIN is 795401. (Go get ICQ.)
Yeah, like your page'll do any better. Free Speech Online

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