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For now they'll just be characters from the game but soon I'll probably add the T.V. Show characters too. And I'll refer to your character as Ash and your Arch Rival in the game as Gary even if you may have named them something different. Plus there's some spoilers on this page so if you don't want ,to know some stuff this isn't a place that's very safe.

The Main Characters

Ash- You play as this young 11 year old boy living in Pallet Town (sorry for all you girls out there who have to play as a guy) who is destined to become the greatest Pokemon trainer.

Gary- Your one big Arch Rival. He's almost always a step ahead of you and in the beginning he always picks the Pokemon that works best against your starting Pokemon. Remember it's like Rock, Paper, Scissors. Water beats Fire. Fire beats Plant. Plant beats Water. Also just a quick note he's Professor Oak's grandson.

Professor Oak- He give you your first Pokemon which you get to pick from: Bulbasaur a Plant Type Pokemon; Charmander a Fire Type Pokemon; or Squirtle a Water Type Pokemon. He'll also give you a Pokedex and rate it throughout the game if you ask him to.

The Eight Gym Leaders

GYM Leader #1: Brock- The Rock Solid Pokemon Trainer.
Location: Pewter City GYM
Pokemon: Geodude-Level 12 & Onix-Level 14
Reward: Boulderbadge-Your Pokemon get a Slight Power Boost and it will Combine with HM05 to allow you to use Flash

GYM Leader #2: Misty- The Tomboyish Mermaid
Location: Cerulean City GYM
Pokemon: Staryu-Level 18 & Starmie-Level 21
Reward: Cascadebadge which will combine with HM01 to allow you to use Cut & TM11

GYM Leader #3: Lt. Surge- The Lightning American
Location: Vermillion City GYM
Pokemon: Voltorb-Level 21, Pikachu-Level 18 & Raichu-Level 24
Reward: Thunderbadge and TM24

GYM Leader #4: Erika- The Nature Loving Princess
Location: Celadon City GYM
Pokemon: Victreebell-Level 29, Tangela-Level 24 & Vileplume-Level 29
Reward: Rainbowbadge which make all of your Pokemon up to Level 50 obey you

GYM Leader #5: Sabrina- The Master of Psychic Pokemon
Location: Saffron City GYM
Pokemon: Kadabra-Level 38, Mr.Mime-Level 37, Venomoth-Level 38, & Alakazam-Level 43
Reward: Marshbadge which make all of your Pokemon up to Level 70 obey you & TM46

GYM Leader #6: Koga- The Poisonous Ninja Master
Location: Fuschia City GYM
Pokemon: Koffing-Level 37, Muk-Level 39, Koffing-Level 37, & Weezing-Level 43
Reward: Soulbadge which combine with HM03 to use Surf and increases your Pokemon's Defense a little bit & You Will Receive TM06

GYM Leader #7: Blaine- The Hot-Headed Quiz Master
Location: Cinnabar Island GYM
Pokemon: ???
Reward: Volcanobadge which Increases your Pokemon Special a little

GYM Leader #8: Giovanni- The Final GYM Leader
Location: Pallet Town
Pokemon: ???
Reward: Earthbadge which makes all Level 1-100 Pokemon obey you (that's every one of your Pokemon)

Dojo GYM Leader: Karate Master - The Fighter
Location: By the Saffron City GYM in Saffron City
Pokemon: Hitmonchan-Level ???, and Hitmonlee-Level ???
Reward: A choice between a Hitmonlee or a Hitmonchan

The Elite Four

The First Elite: Lorelei- The Icy Pokemon Master
Location: Room 1 of the Indigo Plateau Elite Four Rooms
Pokemon: Dewgong-Level 54, Cloyster-Level ???, Slowbro-Level 54,, Jynx-Level 56, and Lapras-Level 56

The Second Elite: Bruno- The Ultimate Rock Fighter
Location: Room 2 of the Indigo Plateau Elite Four Rooms
Pokemon: Onix-Level 53, Hitmonchan-Level 55, Hitmonlee-Level 55, Onix-Level ???, and Machamp-Level 58

The Third Elite Four: Agatha- The Haunting Trainer
Location: Room 3 of the Indigo Plateau Elite Four Rooms
Pokemon: Gengar-Level 56, Golbat-Level 56, Haunter-Level 55, Arbok-Level 58, and Gengar-Level 60

The Fourth Elite Four: Lance- The Dragon Tamer
Location: Room 4 of the Indigo Plateau Elite Four Rooms
Pokemon: Gyarados-Level 58, Dragonair-Level 56, Dragonair-Level 56, Aerodactyl-Level 60, and Dragonite-Level 62

The Final Boss: Gary-Your All-Time Ultimate Competetor and Arch Rival
Location: The Fifth Room in the Indigo Plateau Building
Pokemon: Pidgeot-Level 61, Alakazam-Level 59, Rhydon-Level ???, Arcanine-Level 61, Exeggutor-Level 63, and The Third Form of His Starting Pokemon Which Will Either Be a Blastoise, a Charizard, or a Venusaur-Level 65

The T.V. Show

Ash- An 11 year old boy who starts out with a little pikachu but is destined to become the world's number one pokemon master. So far he has 6 out of the 8 badges and still needs to earn a Soul Badge and an Earth Badge. With great determination, teamwork, empathy, care, love, skill, faith, strength, knowledge, and style well not really style but everything else he may be able to reach his dream.

Pikachu- An electric mouse. Ash's starting Pokemon and his best friend. Pikachu hates being in a pokeball and so he just usually perches on Ash's shoulder. This isn't any old pikachu. It's electrical powers make the other pikachus lokk like they're not worthy of living. This little pika is not a poke to mess with.

Misty- GYM Leader of Cerulean City! As a water pokemon trainer she's always fishing and to get to the water she rode her bike. In desperate need in the first episode Ash "borrows" her bike to escape from the following spearows. But when Pikachu shocks lightning through the sky and all around the bike is electrified and ruined. She follows Ash around throughout his adventures hoping that one day she'll make him get her a new bike. She owns a Staryu, a Starmie, a Goldeen, a Psyduck, and a Horsea at this point.

Brock- The rock hard, and very Pokemon knowledgable GYM leader of Pewter City! After Ash defeated him and Ash found out some of his deep secrets he decided to follow Ash around. Brock is a puppet for girls. He turns all red and becomes a zombie if a girl he likes is even in sight. At this point he owns a Geodude, an Onix, and a Vulpix.

Todd- The world's greatest Pokemon photographer! First seen in the episode Pokemon Papparazzi, Todd decides to follow Ash around because Ash is always running in to Pokemon with great rarity. After a long "battle" to get a shot of pikachu he decided to join the group.

Nurse Joy(s)- There are actually many Nurse Joys who are all twins well sisters or they must have been from the most people born at a time. They work at all the PokeCenters and the Pokemon Hospitals. They're also all sisters of Officer Jenny(s).

Officer Jenny(s)- Once again a character there are many of. The Officer Jenny(s) are sisters of Nurse Joy(s) and help fight crime all over. Whether it be catching a trickster kid who steals people's Pokemon and simply teach him a lesson or it be to train Growlithes and use them as police dogs they're always ready to serve and protect.

Team Rocket

Prepare for Trouble!
Make it Double!
To protect the world from devestation...
To unit all peoples within our nation...
To denounce the evils of truth and love...
To extend our reach to the stars above...
Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!
Surrender now or prepare to fight!
Meowth! That's right.

Always trying to make an entrance with their wonderful motto which I know by heart. A poetic group of bad guys out to steal, cheat, buy, gamble, fight, kill, and more for Pokemon! The main target... Ash's pikachu!!! The duo that's after Ash are Jesse and James and their talking Meowth. The reason they never accomplish anything they want to is because of their IQ level. Yikes it's low. I don't think I should even say this. You'd laugh to death and I'm trying to get people to keep coming back to this site so I don't want you dead. Well anyways Jesse is her own best friend and is only 12 years old with an incredible hair-do who becomes very psychotic if someone messes with her and especially her face. Like the time when she quoted "to get sweet revenge for stamping an 'X' on the most beautiful face in the world" of course the also 12 year old boy James simply mumbles this in reply, "talk about delusions" of course when she asks "what did you say" he replies "yeah!" James is extremely poetic and emotional and is best friends with Meowth. Even dumber than Jesse he is always screwing things up. Oh yes I should talk a little more about the genious of the group who's still not too bright but for a Pokemon he can talk the talk and walk the walk. He's also very poetic and emotional. So caring that he took care of a Togepi egg all the way until it hatched. If I had to have my pick of a favorite member or Team Rocket I'd proudly say Meowth!