The Phenom

The Undertaker

Update 9/09/98 No longer are the Undertaker and Kane enemies, they are United, a cohesive unit, an unstoppable force. And it sucks, fucking hell I wouldn't have minded but the idiots fucked up Steve Blackman's leg which makes my blood boil!!!!!! Raaaarghhhh!!!!

The Undertaker is an awesome human being standing at 6 ft 10 1/2", weighing in at 328lbs with astonishing strength and agility.

For those who don't know his real name is Mark Calloway (affectionately known as Mean Mark) and he is the half-brother of the awesome monster from the depths of hell, Kane. Who due to the influence of his evil father, Paul Bearer, has made it his goal in life to destroy the Phenom.

But never the less the Man from The Darkside has battled on and defeated his younger brother in two out of three match-ups, only losing the last one due to outside interference via Mankind. Speaking of Mankind it was one hell of a match-up at the 1998 King Of The Ring Match when The Reaper Of Wayward Souls tossed The Boiler Room Dweller OF THE TOP OF THE HELL IN A CELL, which is over a 16ft drop and straight through the Spanish Annoucer's table (Again? Poor souls do they have a bullseye painted on them or what?). And then the unthinkable happened. While everyone thought that he was seriously injured if not dead, Mankind got off the stretcher and CLIMBED BACK UP THE CELL where he was CHOKE-SLAMMED THROUGH THE TOP OF THE CELL by the Undertaker. And that wasn't it, Mankind bravely got back to his feet after his teeth had been forced upwards and out through his nose and carried the battle to the Undertaker who's face was busted open in the process after leaping over the ropes, straight into the wire mesh. After fishing under the ring, the deranged Mankind produced a bag of drawing-pins (thumb-tacks) and poured them over the ring canvas where he proceeded to try and knock the Undertaker down onto them. Things did not go according to Mankind's plan and he was the one slammed down onto the pins where instead of rolling off them he ROLLED OVER THEM! Again, somehow Mankind got back up where he was subsequently CHOKE-SLAMMED back onto the pins. When Mankind had struggled to his feet, the Phenom gathered him in his arms and delivered the tomb-stone pile-driver and pinned him for the three count.

But that was not the last of either the Undertaker OR Mankind as during the First Blood Championship Match between Stone Cold Steve Austin and Kane Mankind appeared (God knows how!) just in time to see Kane recieve the Stone-Cold Stunner and recieve one himself. The Undertaker limped down to ring in time to drag the refree into the ring and revive him with gasoline(?) before walloping Stone Cold with a chair, busting him open and costing him not only the match but the championship. Later the Undertaker explained that he had done that to prevent his younger brother from setting himself on fire (as he would have done if he had not won the championship) so he obviously still has feelings for him despite his father being Paul Bearer. The question is; where do the Undertaker's loyalities lie? Hopefully this and all the other questions will be answered shortly.

The Undertaker is NOT repeat NOT in cahoots with his younger brrother Kane and the hideous Paul Bearer. This was proved at Fully Loaded when he and STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN thrashed Kane and Mankind to smithereens, which means...

Austin and Undertaker are

the TAG TEAM champs!!!


Only one problem what on earth in McMADMAN gonna do now?...

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