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Young Artist

YABC member area! All new!


Welcome. This is a site for ballet students all over the world. I know how hard things can be for us, I'm a student myself. I've seen many dance sites on this large world wide web... but never one for the rising dance community, and that's us. That's why I started this site! Now we can really share our thoughts, tips, and stories.  It's kind of like a club, because you can come on every day and find at least one thing new to do! You get to add stories, ask questions, and hear the thoughts of others just like you. So read on, and remember this: This site was made for you.


Site Map

JOURNAL: my day to day
class triumphs & challenges.
updated nightly......................

NEWS: news young
dancers can really use.
updated monthly..........

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you can do to improve at home.
updated when needed................


MINE: all about me,
and my love of ballet.
updated when needed.....


JOIN: become a member
of the YABC today!
updated when needed.........


opinions & helpful hints.
updated weekly.................


SEARCH: search for
more artistic ballet sites.
updated when needed......



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