Online Poetry

That Irresistible Relay Chat!
Here's some poetry that came to me through mIRC!!


Friends Without Faces
author unknown

We sit and we type, and we stare at our screens
We all have to wonder, what this possibly means.
With our mouse we roam, through the rooms in a maze
Looking for something or someone, as we sit in a daze.
We chat with each other, we type all our woes
Small groups we do form, and gang up on our foes.
We wait for somebody, to type out our name
We want recognition, but it is always the same.
We give kisses and hugs, and sometimes flirt
In MIRC we chat deeply, and reveal why we hurt.
We do form friendships - but - why we don't know
But some of these friendships, will flourish and grow.
Why is it on screen, we can be so bold
Telling our secrets, that have never been told.
Why is it we share, the thoughts in our mind
With those we can't see, as though we were blind.
The answer is simple, it is as clear as a bell.
We all have our problems, and need someone to tell.
We can't tell real people, but tell someone we must
So we turn to the 'puter, and to those we can trust.
Even though it is crazy, the truth still remains
They are Friends Without Faces, and odd little names.

Online Friends
We Have to be leary of our Online Friends,
The Reason for this, Comes from down deep within.
Throughout our lives, from birth to the grave,
Our Impressions of others come from How They Behave.
We can touch them, feel them, see them and Hear,
The truth of their words through a Multi-sensed Ear.
We can tell by their eyes, or their Language, or Look,
If Their words are Sincere, or out of a book.

But Online?

The words we read on the screen,
We Interpret to say What We Want Them To Mean.
Our innermost feelings are brought forth there,
From the words that appear on the screen where we stare.
Does "I Love You' From Them, Mean the Same as From Me?
Or am I only a game to them, and should I then Flee?
Are They Laughing, or joking, or smirking, or worse....
While I pour out my Heart in short little spurts...?
And that night, on the phone, when we spoke those same words,
Did they hang up and say
" Good God, What a Nerd .." ?
In All other places, we choose friends with care...
Online, It is sad, We must truly BEWARE...
To all of you whom I've poured out my heart...
Remember, Be Gentle, Even though Far Apart...
Because " I LOVE YOU " From Me, Comes From Deep Down Inside,
Where Trust, and Hope, and My True Feelings Hide.....
And No Matter the Image, I show to the Rest...
My Online Friends Know the Real Me the Best....
While With you I share My Fears and My Dreams.....
And I Pray When we meet, I am all that I seem....
**The End**

Thanks to Mr.Delta & Sunshine!!
Re.....visit a little later please!!


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