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Tenement Houses Research Project

New York City

Collections and Primary Sources

•Museum of the City of New York.

•New York Public Library Digital Collections.

•New York Public Library Resource Guides.

•New York Public Library.

•New York Public Library Exhibits: An Alphabetical Listing.

•New York City Documents.

•Records and Resources in New York State Archives, including a guide and an on-line catalog (SARA).

•New-York Historical Society Exhibits and Resources.

•Library Collections of the New-York Historical Society.

•The Diary of Philip Hone, 1828-1851, vol. 1.

•The Diary of Philip Hone, 1828-1851, vol. 2.

•George Foster (d.1856), New York in Slices (1849).

•Matthew Hale Smith (1810-1879), Sunshine and Shadow in New York (1868).

Reference Tools

•Digital Atlas of New York City by William A. Bowen.

•New York City Reference.

•Selected New York City Resources.

•Selected Website Resources about New York City (Columbia list).



History of New York City

•History of New York (Kenneth Jackson, Columbia).

•Harlem: Mecca of the New Negro.

•Ira Rosenwaike, Population History of New York City (Syracuse University Press: Syracuse, 1972) Chapter 4.

•New York, 1600-1900, by Theodore Roosevelt (1899).

•New York City History and Facts.

•History of New York City.

•Historic New York (NYC 100).

•Old New York.

•Outline History of New York City.

•Forgotten New York.


•New York City History.

•Society for New York City History Homepage.

•New York City History Internet Resources.

•Manhattan History (NYPL).

•NYC 100: New York City History, 1898-1998, from pages in the New York Times.

•Riot at Astor Place Opera House (May 10, 1849).

•PBS series on the History of New York (Ric Burns).

•Seneca Village (Central Park).

Urban Planning

•The 3Cities Project (UK).

•H-URBAN network.





New York City Architecture


•How to Research Architecture (NYC).



Visual Evidence

•Moving Uptown: nineteenth century views of Manhattan (New York Public Library).

•Images from "Moving Uptown" exhibit (New York Public Library).

•100th Anniversary of the Five Burroughs (images from the Municipal Archives).

•The Library of Congress, American Memory Collection, including over 600 images of New York City (1850-1920) in searchable form.

•Museum of the City of New York -- Currier & Ives.

•The Byron Collection of images of New York, 1892-1942 (MCNY).

•I.N. Phelps Stokes Collection of American Historical Prints (NYPL) .

•New York Album (1883).

•New Metropolis Exhibit: Greater New York 1898-1998 (Museum of the City of New York).

•Museum of the City of New York--Federal Arts Project Negative Collection (New York during the Depression).

•Early Films of New York, Life of a City, 1898-1906 (Library of Congress).

•Big Apple History Spot: Images from the Museum of the City of New York.


Twentieth Century New York City

•Official New York City Website.

•New York City Reference.

•The City Review.

•Netizens Cyberstop New York City Page.

•New York City Links.




•Selected Bibliography--History of New York City.

•Recommended Reading on New York City.



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