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Tenement Houses Research Project

C.W. Witham: Set design forThe Leather Patch, 1886, a play by Edward "Ned" Harrigan. The Leather Patch was a typical Harrigan comedy of low life set in the notorious "Five Points," the juncture of Baxter, Worth, and Park Streets--New York's roughest neighborhood. The plot involved a pair of pants into which money had been sewn under a leather patch.
Source: Jerry E. Patterson,The City of New York (New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc.) 1978.

***Five Points/ Seneca Village***


•Five Points, a notorious slum neighborhood in 19thC New York City.

•Five Points.

•African Burial Ground site, including FAQs about Five Points, the neighborhood in which it was located.

•"Slum Lore" from The Village Voice 1/2/96.

•Tyler Anbinder's Review of the Five Points Archaeological Finds and Website (with a response from Rebecca Yamin).

•Dion Boucicault Collection (author of The Poor of New York, a play from 1857, set partly in Five Points).

•Searching Dickens'American Notes, a literary source for Five Points.





•Seneca Village (New York Historical Society).

•Seneca Village (Central Park).

•Underneath Central Park.

•History of New York City Parks.

•Central Park in the Summer of 1863.

•Central Park Web Site, including a tour and a history.


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