Second EditionJanuary 2004
You Are @ Abdessalami On_line
To surf, To dive, To drown, To Sink ... There surely is a very tough choice to make!

To this multicolour site of learning.

*Uniform Resource Locator Store
Teachers, Students and internauts Enjoy Surfing

Menu Pages
  • Top Level 1
  • For first year students but not forbidden for the others.
  • Top Level 2
  • For first year students again but not forbidden for the others.
  • Top Level 3
  • Index of menu page (General).
  • Top Level 4
  • Index of menu page (General).
  • Top Level 5
  • Index of menu page (School).
  • Top Level 6
  • Index of menu page for students.
  • Top Level 7
  • Index of menu page for students.
  • M/Activities
  • Students are invited to choose among many links. Enjoy! (NEW)
  • "Q" Index
  • Acknowledgements and menu store ... (NEW)
  • Ring it up
  • Students can dial the number of the page they are interested in. For 2éme Bac. Sciences.
  • Link Me To
  • If this menu page doesn't open, the following ones may lead to it.
  • 4 Students
  • Links for students of different levels. More than enough.
  • Link Page 1
  • Various links to different fields.
  • Link Page 2
  • You are invited to a menu meant to broaden your horizons.
  • Link Page 3
  • A menu of various pages connected to English. A general Review.
  • Link Page 4
  • The same thing with this page, more or less.
  • Link Page 5
  • This one, too. It is of the same brand.
  • Link Page 6
  • An extension to the previous ones.
  • Link Page 7
  • Multicolored page leading to different other pages.
  • Link Page 8
  • As many links as students need.
  • Link Page 9
  • As many links as students need.
  • Link Page 10
  • A menu of various pages connected to English. A general Review.
  • Alif
  • Abdessalami's bargain store.
  • Forum
  • Students' forum.
  • Intro..
  • You are invited to a nice party.
  • 7th Dimension
  • A page where you're linked to other pages through a black hole.
  • Childish
  • A page almost unique in its dressing.
  • Adventure
  • Multiple link page for various tastes.
  • Teaching
  • Incantations!
  • Madrasati (a)
  • For first year Moroccan students. Check here ( ).
  • Madrasati (b)
  • For first and second year Moroccan students.
  • A project
  • Nellie's English Collaborative projects   (NEW)
  • For Kids
  • A site for kids and their parents  (New)
  • 1ére Bac.
  • A series of reminders for 1ére Bac. Sciences and letters oriented students. .(NEW).

    Teachers Only
  • Teacher's job
  • What role, actually, does the teacher play?
  • 4 teachers
  • It generally works as a link to lesson plans.
  • Co-teacher
  • If the teacher needs volunteers for help, where does she get them?! (NEW)
  • Dying Language
  • Is it the end of the language taught in the classroom.(NEW).
  • Quick Way 1
  • Flexible transition from Unit 2 to Unit 3..(NEW).
  • Drilling ?!
  • To drill or not to drill, that's not the question!
  • Dictogloss
  • A lesson plan about a special dictating method.
  • All skills
  • A global lesson where almost all skills are interrelated.
  • Lesson Plan
  • The art of planning an E.S.L lesson.
  • Listening
  • Teaching listening ? Steps to to a more interactive class.
  • The Quiz
  • The Quiz As A Criterion Of Assessment. Testing Relaxingly!
  • ESP Global
  • English for Specific Purposes as a solution! {for teachers} (NEW)
  • E.S.P
  • English for specific purpoes. For teachers only.
  • E.S.P
  • Some ideas about English for Specific purposes.
  • E.S.P
  • English for specific purposes, a menu page.
  • E.S.P
  • English for specific purposes.
  • E.S.P
  • English for specific purposes.
  • E.S.P
  • English for specific purposes.
  • W.O.L
  • Our School and Work-Oriented learning!
  • E.S.P
  • Introducing ESP.
  • E.S.P
  • English for specific purposes.
  • E.B.P
  • It doesn't stand for English for Business Purposes..
  • E.S.P
  • What really is ESP?
  • E.S.P
  • ESP in Moroccan school; What for?
  • E.S.P & Tourism
  • How can E.S.P and Tourism business meet?!!
  • Project 1
  • You may like to see an extraordinary proposal.


  • Students' Menu
  • A very wide variety of links for students.
  • 4 students
  • Students can find directions to their needs.
  • Classroom
  • There are four main links to lessons about the passive and the use of adjectives.
  • Passive Voice
  • Learn about the passive voice and its important role in language. (part One)
  • Passive What?!
  • Learn about the passive voice and its important role in language. (part two) [NEW]
  • Passive Voice
  • A stupid technique in Learning the passive voice.
  • Passive Voice
  • A lesson on the passive voice and its rules.
  • Passive Voice
  • The passive voice again!
  • Passive World
  • Particular situations in the passive voice. (NEW)
  • Adjectives
  • A funny way of presenting the function of adjectives in language.
  • Adjectives
  • Can language really work without adjectives?! (NEW)
  • Adjectives
  • Do you "adjective" your English well ?
  • Animals
  • What do animals stand for in our day to day elocution?
  • Colours
  • Learn colour names in a very exciting way.
  • Cause & Effect
  • How to express cause and effect in your writing.
  • Certainty
  • Expressing certainty, probability, improbability, possibility and impossibility.
  • Complaining
  • Express your complaints in correct English.
  • Functions.
  • Choose in the list which function you are interested in.
  • Functions
  • Ask for a sentence which expresses the function you chosed.
  • Inviting
  • Invite and accept or refuse an invitation.
  • Justifying
  • Explaining and justifying are very important in discussions...
  • Likes & Dislikes
  • Express your tastes about the things you like and those you detest.
  • Necessity
  • If you want to show that something is necessary for you to do.
  • Obligation
  • You must check for the different degrees of obligation.
  • Making Offers
  • Make offers, accept offers or rather refuse them. Find out!
  • Opinion
  • I feel you have to know how to ask for, give, agree or disagree with an opinion.
  • Permission
  • Almost all about expressing permission is there, check!
  • Preference
  • Asking about and expressing preference + examples and a quiz...
  • Prohibition
  • Express prohition freely. (at least on this page!)
  • Suggesting
  • How about checking about making, accepting and disagreeing with a suggestion.
  • Advising
  • How to advise or ask for an advice.
  • Lg Club Top
  • A language club: Lessons, quizzes, fun etc.
  • Lg Club 0
  • The outset of the language wonderland.
  • Lg Club 1
  • Words, words .. the lighter side of the club.
  • Lg Club 2
  • Enjoy some funny jokes.
  • Lg Club 3
  • The impact of pronunciation on language meaning.
  • Lg Club 4
  • Though riddles part one.
  • Lg Club 5
  • Though riddles part two.
  • Lg Club 6
  • Are you interested, then read about & Click for your fortune.
  • Games
  • Funny games usually in the context of language learning.
  • Abbreviations
  • Check some useful Abbreviations... (NEW).
  • Little Grammar
  • To make a sentence is one thing. To make it meaningful is another. (NEW)


  • A quiz repertory page to check ... (NEW)
  • Ask Me
  • You are given the answer. What is the question, then?!
  • Vocabulary
  • Choose the correct spelling for words ...
  • Days
  • The days of the week. Quiz!
  • Months
  • The months of the year. Quiz!
  • Quiz 1
  • Opposites of short adjectives.
  • Quiz 2
  • Opposites of long adjectives.
  • Quiz 3
  • SPEAK, SAY or TELL ?
  • Quiz 4
  • Plurals
  • Quiz 5
  • Funny quiz to test your General Knowledge.
  • Quiz 6
  • Multiple Choice quiz about your general knowledge.
  • Quiz 7
  • How far? How long? or How often?
  • Quiz 8
  • About the parts of the FACE.
  • Quiz 9
  • About some involuntary reflexes if you do like sneezing!
  • Quiz 11
  • Multiple choice quiz on your general knowledge 1.
  • Quiz 12
  • Multiple choice quiz on your general knowledge 2.
  • Quiz 13
  • Questions with "How.....?"
  • Quiz 14
  • What do you do when you have a cold? you panth, cough or sneeze?
  • Quiz 15
  • How do they say it in French?
  • Quiz 16
  • A quiz on Comparatives.
  • Function Quiz
  • Match the sentences with the functions they express.
  • 2éme Bac Voc.
  • Bac. Sciences students! Review your vocabulary.
  • 2éme Bac
  • Bac. Sciences students! Review your lessons.
  • 2éme Bac
  • Bac. Sciences students! Review your lessons.
  • Question
  • What is the appropriate question for each of the sentences.
  • Tense 1
  • What tense?
  • Preposition
  • Choose the appropriate preposition.
  • Comprehension
  • Answer the questions about the text.
  • Functions
  • A quick view over functions.
  • Who R U?
  • Answer questions about you.
  • Suffixes
  • 2éme Bac. Sciences! Noun-forming suffixes.
  • Prefixes
  • Which prefix for which adjective?
  • Opposites
  • Choose the appropriate opposites for the adjectives given.
  • Suffixes
  • Noun forming suffixes. An expert in physics is a.....
  • Words
  • Choose the names of the parts of speech given.
  • Vocab
  • Vocabulary quiz for 2éme Bac. Sciences. (2003/2004)
  • Search
  • A tiny search engine for opposites.
  • Passive
  • Change into the passive form...
  • Irregular
  • Irregular plural Finder. A search engine.
  • Tense 2
  • Which tense is used in which sentence.
  • Verbs
  • Irregular verbs finder. A search engine.
  • Translate
  • Irregular verb-translator machine. swing=se balancer.
  • Continuous
  • Practise the present continuous.
  • Jobs 1
  • What's your job?
  • Jobs 2
  • What are you?
  • Jobs 3
  • What do you do?
  • Comprehension
  • Answer some questions about a short text.
  • Beginners
  • A quiz for 1st year students.
  • Tense Quiz
  • A five-part-quiz in a form of a chain. You cannot skip any of the parts. (NEW)
  • Tense Quiz
  • Multiple choice quiz. Just CLICK the correct answer. (NEW)


    Games        (())
  • Games
  • Funny games usually in the context of language learning.
  • Odd One Out
  • Choose the odd word in a list of items.
  • Common Features
  • What is common between the words in a list.
  • ABCs
  • A quiz connected to the abc-ies of the language. (very easy)
  • Words, words!
  • A three exercise game based of words only. (It needs thinking)
  • That's Latin
  • A game based on the choice of the correct translation of Latin words into English. (M/C)
  • Word-Chain Game
  • A three part game based essentially on verbs and tenses.
  • Naming Items
  • Matching game based on mouse use!
  • Furniture Game
  • Which furniture for which room in the house (Drag Items to fill in the chart).
  • Jobs Game
  • Drag job names to fill in the appropriate gaps.
  • Transport Game
  • Name the means of transportation and attribute adjectives (Dragging Game).
  • Animal Game (1)
  • Drag Animal pictures to match their names...
  • Animal Game (2)
  • Find names for the animals in pictures (Drag the pictures).
  • Category Choice
  • In three lists which has got all the words sharing the same characteristics?! (3 exercises)
  • Vocab. Repertoire
  • Write a short paragraph using the cues given. It's challenging!!! (NEW)
  • Flag Match
  • A quiz about some Arab countries' flags.
  • Days Game
  • Days in English, French, Arabic, Italian, German ... (NEW)


  • Time Riddle
  • One riddle only. if this doesn't open check the next.
  • Same Riddle
  • This is the next.
  • Poem Riddle
  • A riddle in poetry.   (NEW)
  • Lg Club 7
  • Guess and giggle. Some funny riddles.
  • Lg Club 9
  • Some more extra riddles to check! + More Links.
  • Funny Riddles
  • The technique is funny as well.
  • Who Am I?
  • A long riddle with solution.
  • Riddles
  • Challenging Funny alphabetical riddles.
  • Riddles
  • They are here as well.
  • Riddles
  • Riddles in verse.
  • Poetic Riddles
  • It may work with this page.
  • Riddles
  • Here are some more ones.
  • Riddles
  • More funny riddles.
  • 20 Riddles
  • Try with this one, too.


  • Jokes 1
  • Have a nice time with these chosen jokes.
  • Jokes 2
  • More jokes to enjoy.
  • Jokes 3
  • Some jokes for you to enjoy.
  • Jokes 4
  • More jokes ...
  • Lg Club 8
  • A hilarious page full of jokes for you.
  • Crazy Jokes
  • Five really crazy jokes to enjoy reading (NEW)
  • Proverb Dif.
  • What are.. actually ..proverbs? (+ links)
  • + 500 Proverbs
  • A dictionary of more than 500 English and French proverb(e)s.
  • Proverb Quiz
  • Matching English and French proverb(e)s.
  • Proverbs
  • More than 65 proverbs 4 u.
  • Proverbs
  • Get proverbs here, too.
  • Proverbs
  • Proverb translation Quiz (M/C) [English / French]
  • Proverbs
  • Put the words in the correct order to form proverbs.
  • Proverbs
  • A quiz on proverbs. (NEW)
  • Proverbs
  • A quiz on proverbs. (NEW)
  • Sayings
  • Famous sayings
  • Macbeth
  • Have a time with Macbeth.
  • Shakespeare
  • Scan some of Shakespeare's plays.


  • Failure
  • People generally like to talk about their success, but rarely about their failure.
  • Generations
  • Always the question of learning!
  • Introduction
  • An opening page for a private location.
  • Invention
  • Inventions and consumers on the verge.
  • Lover
  • The technology of love!
  • Multicolor
  • Is the princess Diana the only one to be mourned?
  • Nice Place
  • A short invitation ...
  • Keep Silent
  • Some separate ideas in words.
  • Temporary
  • "Life is just what you make of it".
  • Love ??!
  • How writers define love and how it is conceived here upon.
  • Death ?!
  • A story about how death never dies. Long but exciting, I hope!
  • Go On
  • Things which has already been said.
  • I C U
  • A little girl's message in wise words.
  • Mouse Click
  • How perfect do you click your mouse? Check here!
  • Animals
  • Dog, cat and horse in language use: proverbs, idioms, sayings and connotations.
  • Spider Web
  • If it happened to you, what would you do?
  • Go
  • Do you easily get frustrated?!
  • Let it be
  • If we just stopped talking to listen to the others.
  • Love Letter
  • The longest funniest letter of love.
  • Pivot
  • Does the past exist in the present?
  • French
  • Fifty French Proverbs to enjoy.
  • Welcome
  • You have got a brain which may see better than your eyes.
  • Project
  • An ambitious project if you want to participate ...
  • Definitions
  • Funny definitions for different terms.
  • Work Page
  • This is a list of different pages dealing with school and learning.
  • Literary Work
  • What is it?
  • Language 7
  • For students and surfers in general.
  • Language 9
  • For students and surfers in general.
  • Project
  • Welcome in the funny world of learning.
  • Planets
  • Learn about the planets in our solar system.
  • Proverbs
  • Match English and French proverbs.
  • Acronyms
  • Concerning the web jargon. Learn about them.
  • My Page
  • Learn something about me...


  • Library
  • Get stories and many more.
  • The Lesson
  • This is an Anecdote.
  • Flag
  • Stupidity is a fun but it is an art as well.
  • Shbak 1
  • A famous person in El-Hamri District tells you funny stories. (dog story)
  • Shbak 2
  • An extraordinary weird cow story.
  • Shbak 3
  • The story of a crying dog. Has any dog ever cried?
  • Singer
  • The image of a particular pop singer in a southern town ...


  • Metaphysical
  • The question about the after death. The hereafter: Paradise or Hell?
  • Prophecy
  • Was the prophet "Mohammad" (pbuh) mentioned in the old & new testaments?
  • Muslims
  • Moses and Jesus were real Muslims ...
  • Trinity ..?!
  • The false equation...
  • Crucifixion
  • Was Jesus, the messenger of God, really crucified?!
  • Time
  • What is about time ....?
  • WAR 1
  • When war is no more than a game.
  • War 2
  • What do they like to declare war so much?
  • Money
  • Is money really the source of all evil?
  • Message
  • A little girl's message to the world.
  • Do it Now!
  • An essay about school and learning.
  • Pockets
  • What pockets represent for each one of us.
  • Yeats
  • A view about Yeats's poem "Why should not old men be mad?"   (NEW)
  • Religion 1
  • Does Islam really preach terrorism? (NEW)
  • Religion 2
  • The religiously false equation! (NEW)
  • Religion 3
  • Moses and Jesus were God's messengers and they were Muslims. (NEW)


    Arabic Pages
  • Main Menu
  • What Arabic pages are there to read?!
  • Takhalouf
  • Regress or backward. Is it our fate?
  • Civilization Clash
  • Is it an undeclared war against Islam?!
  • Proverbs
  • Proverbs and sayings. In Arabic.
  • Dream
  • "A dream in the era of terrorism" A poem in Arabic.
  • Few Words
  • A personal Arabic poem. A kind of a riddle.
  • Very Local
  • Most typical Moroccan proverbs. In Arabic.
  • Global
  • Various proverb themes from different nations. In Arabic.
  • Prophets
  • The 25 prophets mentioned in the Holly Qur'an.
  • A Poet
  • Who said the selected verses from different poems? In Arabic.
  • Loudly
  • Are we doomed to suffer indefference! In Arabic.
  • Flag Game
  • Match the Flag with the Arab country it belongs to.


    Pleased to meet you!

    If you want
