Hgeocities.com/amliberal/us.htmlgeocities.com/amliberal/us.htmldelayedxt\JV>xvOKtext/htmlKvxvb.HFri, 11 Feb 2005 05:56:24 GMT+Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *t\Jxv American Liberal Political News, Information, and Commentary
Short Essays and Poetry                                                                                    Articles and Essays
Individual freedom and group tolerance are hallmarks of liberalism and America.  That is why we must remember and celebrate that our roots are liberal - American Liberal.
Declaration of Independence          US Constitution          Federalist Papers          Express Yourself
by S. L. McKay
How Do We Justify What We Cannot Define?

Pre-emptive Peace Poems

For What It's Worth

Dissent FOR Democracy
Wag the Dragon
Exposing truth in satirical tradition of Ancient Greece.
(written six months before 9-11)

Home of the Brave New World
Unflinching commentary on how Americans are easily manipulated and the dismal state of our  body politic. (written shortly  after 9-11)
Tolerence Does Not Mean Submission
(writtten after Coup2K but more relevant than ever)
Voters' March: More Life Than Some Can Handle
What Do Dog Attacks, School Shootings, and Election Theft Have In Common?
We are a People submerged in a sea of irresponsible bliss. We are shocked and saddened from time to time by waves of violence and injustice yet we quickly dive back into forgetfulness. Our escapism does not change the fact that we are a nation that continues to lose its humanity one bullet and one ballot at a time.
Was Madison Wrong?
      Reality Check:                                                                            Stand Up, Speak Out, Act:
Howard Zinn
JFK on Liberalism
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Liberals Like Christ
How Well Do You Know Your Bigots?
Separation of Church & State
Citizens for Legitimate Govt.
Fringe Folk Daily Delights
Activist Handbook
Govt. & Media Contact Info
Protest Via US Mail
ACLU Take Action
Knowledge is Power - 500 Links
Liberal Dose
      Facts, please.                                                                                                What is really going on?
                                   Won't find it on network tv, corporate radio or in major dailies.
Liberal Press
Democratic Underground         Earthside          ENN          In These Times         Mojo Wire        The Nation
American Prospect        Bush Watch        BuzzFlash        Common Dreams        Consortium News
Online Journal     Political Amazon     Practical Radical     Progressive Review    Tom Paine     Women Leaders Online
Those who TRULY believe in and strive for
democratic principles

Images of Voter March 2001  Remember...
This is what America Gets When It Embraces SELECTED, NOT ELECTED!
911 Oddities      911 Questions        Bush in FL on 9/11--WHY?    Bush bin Laudin     Bush bin Laudin II   

EnronGate    Fuzzy Math     Good-Bad Guys    Retro Petro     Rights Attacked     Stand Down

American Liberal has been warning Americans of the Dangers of "W" since 1999 --
pre Coup2K, pre 911, pre Preemptive Strikes, pre Increased Terrorism Due to US Policies,
pre death and destruction of young US military men and women and their families, pre Record Deficits.

American Liberal has never had access to any research tools that weren't available to any other American. POINT:  Drones  and Democracy  DON'T mix!
You want Freedom?  Then don't expect others to tell you what's what, YOU make it your job to find it!
You may not agree with data on this site.  GREAT!

It's up to each of us to seek and determine the truth for ourselves.
An American Liberal wouldn't have it any other way.
Voters' Bill of Rights
A Rock Cries Out
by Maya Angelou
Click for  evidence
  ...Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the
   governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is
   the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it ...  when a long train of abuses and
   usurpations ...  a design to reduce them (our Rights)  under absolute Despotism, it is their
   (We the People)  right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government....
-Delaration of Independence
USA Democracy R.I.P. - November 2, 2004
Welcome to the Fascist States of America  - COMMENTARY