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01-Sep-2006: Placed the frame of the section nš 8. Here finish the cabin. This section is very complex because here the cockpit is integrated. All the longitudinal reinforcements of the cabin are also already placed.

01-Sep-2006: Prow view of the longitudinal reinforcements. I also already made the cuttings to place the strips that will be glued to the overboard.

01-Sep-2006: Detail of the cabin entrance through the section 8. Between section 8 and the section 7 (left), will be the door of the bathroom. In the right side of the section 7, I have cutting the entrance to the aft room.
01-Sep-2006: Beginning to place the support structure for the lateral of cabin.

01-Sep-2006: A view of all the placed sections. Lack to finish the fillets and to reinforce the joint with glass fiber.

01-Sep-2006: See of the skeleton of the cabin, almost finished.
01-Sep-2006: Pressing the strips of overboard and reinforcements. Also it is already finished the anchor box reinforcement where will placed the anchor winch.

01-Sep-2006: Detail of the lateral structure of the cabin being completed.

01-Sep-2006: Idem to the other side.
03-Sep-2006: Completing the strips of overboard towards aft.

04-Sep-2006: The strips of overboard and lateral reinforcements of cabin and under deck finished.

04-Sep-2006: Once sanded and leveled all the frames and longitudinal structures, I cut and glue the plywood of forward deck.
04-Sep-2006: At once, cut and glue the plywood for deck corridors. I paints them with epoxi so that they were not wet with the condensation of the tent.

04-Sep-2006: Lateral view of the construction.

04-Sep-2006: She is already taking form. I can't wait to see the cabin completed. To be able to walk above is a big sensation!!
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