Leonard Vance

Episode: Miracle Man

A young Samual Hartley brings Leonard back from death after a horrible fire. Years down the road, bitter about his grotesque features, Vance begins to poison Samual's followers. During a visitation from Samuel's spirit, Leonard is forced to commit suicide by ingesting the same poison he gave his victims.

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Volcanic Spore

Episode: Firewalker

Volcanic exploration yields evidence of an ancient parasitic lifeform living in the caves, and it begins looking for host bodies among a group of scientists. They come to learn that an unknown species may exist deep below the Earth's crust. All access to the volcano is sealed off by Army engineers.

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Ed Jerse

Episode: Never Again

This man's tatto contains a dangerous hallucinogenic chemical. He imagines hearing a woman's voice coming from the tattoo, provoking him to murder. He finally gets fed up with the tattoo's urgings and burns it off by thrusting his arm into an incinerator.

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Big Blue

Episode: Quagmire

Something appears to be hunting along a lakeshore in Georgia, and the locals believe it to be a Nessie-type lake monster. The local legend is blamed for the appearance of several mutilated body parts and a major decline in the frog populataion. This "monster" is also to blame for the death of Scully's beloved doggie, Queequeg.

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Lucas Henry

Episode: Beyond the Sea

Henry's father used to beat him with coat hangers and he witnessed a car accident in which his girlfriend was killed and his mother was decapitated. This killer's suppressed fury is unleashed on his victims when he kidnaps and tortures them. Henry refuses to give himself up and is killed.

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