Real Name: Jared Corbo
Group Affiliation: Beta Flight, former member of Alpha Flight
First Appearance: Alpha Flight #-1
Creators: Steve Seagle & Scott Clark

      Jared Corbo was a resident of Hull House before he was recruited into Alpha Flight along with his half-brother Adrian and Arlette Truffaut.
      Jared is a young man currently enduring the trials of growing up. A rather arrogant person, he's been forced to grow due to guilt over causing the death of his team-mate Sasquatch II. Jared has managed to come to terms with his guilt by saving another team-mate's life (that would be Manbot.) Helping him is the fact that the Sasquatch who died was not Walter Langkowski.
      Jared's half-brother Adrian has initiated a search for the boys' parents using an adotion services web-site. Although nothing has yet to appear about the boys' mother , reports have come back about both boys' fathers. The organization running the web-site claims that Jared's father was a mutant named Gunther Bain, otherwise known as Unus the Untouchable. It is unknown how accurate this claim is. As well, Adrian has yet to tell Jared about the report.
      Radius is now a member of the newly revamped Beta Flight.
      Radius is surrounded by a force-field at all times. The field grants him a great amount of immunity to physical harm. He has also learned to manipulate the shape of the field somewhat. Stunts he has pulled to date include inserting a thin thread of the field into a crack in a door and then expanding it, wedging the door open; and using the field to push a large object that he couldn't hope to move otherwise. Radius seems to have a fair amount of natural talent for the super-hero life, but his arrogance makes him a poor team player.

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