Ferengi symbolFirst seen on Stardate 41386.4 in the TNG episode "The Last Outpost", the Ferengi have proven themselves to be capitalists who can be counted on appearing wherever there is even a hint of profit. They are considered a neutral race, with no affiliation to any other political power in the Galaxy. Known for their shiftiness and marked materialism, the Ferengi's disrepute preceedes them, so the discovery of the Gamma Quadrant is seen as an unprecedented opportunity to exploit naive new worlds for profit.

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Betazoid Physiology

Ferengis are slight for humanoid races, rarely passing 5 feet in stature. Primary facial features are their ridged nose, razor-sharp fangs, and highly sensitive ears, but their main deviation from ordinary humanoid physiology is the four-lobed design of the brain, whose unusual patterns prevent telepaths such as the Betazoids from reading their mind.

Ferengi peopleEars The other uniquely Ferengi characteristic is the large ears that are receptive to touch. Their homeworld of Ferenginar has a thin atmosphere, and in time the Ferengi ears grew larger to better receive sound waves. The lobes are receptive to touch, and fondling them, termed oo-mox, is pleasurable to most males. The ears also have fine hairs on them, which with age grows to be lengthy and even shaggy. Hearing is undoubtedly the finest tuned sense of a Ferengi, and the ears unmistakably symbolize their innate "Ferenginess". One who has the "lobes" for something is marked out as gifted.

Eating habits Ferengis delight in worms and various insects, preferably alive and squirming. The one caveat is, insects must come from Ferenginar, or it isn't food at all. Their small and sharp teeth make them efficient eaters. When young Ferengis need to sharpen dull teeth they use latinum tooth-sharpeners or chew-sticks.

Ferengi society

The Rules of AcquisitionThe Ferengi society was founded on the principles of capitalism and chauvinism combined. Though reasonably advanced in technology, they live for the accumulation of profit, whatever the means of acquiring it. Their whole race lives by the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition, a compilation of the proven methods for earning profit. After all, as ROA no. 18 puts it: A Ferengi without profit is no Ferengi at all. Never mind leaving all the rest to lie in the gutter when you're through stepping on them, ROA no. 212 states quite explicitly: Employees are the rungs on the ladder to success. Don't hesitate to step on them. In fact quite a few of the Rules of Acquisition endorses such disregard for sentiment or compassion when it comes to making profit. As ROA No. 21 warns: Never place friendship above profit.

Capitalism aside, Ferengis are a sexist society. The Ferengi male views his female as property not to be shared nor exposed to the public. Females are not allowed an article clothing, earning of profit, traveling, looking or speaking to strangers, or even quoting from the sacred Rules of Acquisition. Another demeaning practice females are subjected to is chewing food for the males. This inbred sexism is sanctioned in rule no. 94: Females and finances don't mix and no.139: Wives serve, brothers inherit. Even so, a Ferengi regards his mother with affection, often taking comfort in laying his head in her lap and defending her honor against the taunts of mean-spirited playmates.

Small nuclear families consisting of the father, mother, and children makes up the family structure of Ferengi society. Grandparents and cousins do not live within the same household. The father figure is the sole bread-earner, so his position is supreme in the house. Quark the Deep Space Nine bartender has an exceptionally unique mother. Ferengi marriages are male-oriented, with a string of Latinum Dances, Bridal Auctions, and of course the scantily clad bride to mark the event.

The total enslavement of the female population seems to come quite natural to the males, and they even attribute their family harmony to such a culture. However, affirmative action seems to have come into vogue even in Ferenginar. Grand Nagus Zek revised the Ferengi Bill of Opportunities to include female Ferengis. Understandably, Ferengi culture is still adapting to the sweeping winds of change.

Ferengi written language
Ferengi written language
In government, the Ferengis are as openly corrupt as they are in daily life. The Tower of Commerce on Ferenginar, the tallest building within the Ferengi Alliance, is the bastion of profit-taking and scheming. Going up the tower in an elevator will cost seven slips of latinum. Talking to the front desk will mean another slip. Standing, sitting, coming, going, the Tower absolutely swallows latinum with unparalleled voracity. Housed within the Tower of Commerce is the headquarters of the Ferengi Commerce Association (FCA), the most powerful single organization within the Alliance. It is the terror of the land, as is has jurisdiction over every aspect of a Ferengi's profit and property. Every Ferengi must submit a yearly statement listing all the profits earned that year. Most Ferengis conveniently "forget" to put a few items on the list, and that is where the Ferengi IRS personnel come in. Registered Liquidators are sent in to investigate charges of misreported profits, and if evidence is found, or the bribe insufficient, all the property and holdings will be summarily liquidated.

Ferengi History

First Contact was like this
The first Ferengis ever seen by the Federation were wielding blue whips
The Ferengi originate from the planet Ferenginar. 10,000 years passed before the squabbling Ferengi-populated planets finally united to form the Ferengi Alliance, their present governing system. By the 2300's, Ferengi acquired warp drive technology and could engage in interstellar travels. The Alliance is ruled by the Grand Nagus, recognized as the greatest merchant and slyest manipulator in the Quadrant. The Grand Nagus possess the power to rewrite the Rules of Acquisition, which sets in print many useful and ruthless principles of capitalism to be employed by all Ferengi. These rules, of which there are currently 285, are memorized and taken to heart by every Ferengi boy at a young age. Rule number 202 sums up the whole Ferengi code of business enterprise: The justification of profit is profit.

The Federation knew very little of the Ferengi Alliance until first contact was made in 2364 at the planet Delphi Ardu. The Ferengi encountered by the away-team of the Enterprise-D wielded stunning whips, snarled viciously, hissed incomprehensible remarks, and was quite unsociable. However, though hostile at first, Ferengi soon realized the market potential the Federation had to offer (to quote ROA no.75: Home is where the heart is, but the stars are made of latinum) and many have established businesses on Federation planets and starbases.

During the Dominion war, when most of the Alpha Quadrant powers were battling the Dominion threat pouring in from the Gamma Quadrant, the Ferengi Alliance blissfully stayed neutral, content to rake their profit even when chaos abounds just by the side. Quoting from the ROA no. 34: War is good for business. War for other worlds is expensive, long, and detrimental to internal economy, so why engage in war?

In 2374, at one time there were two Naguses in power: Zek and Brunt. Zek had lost his power when his amendment of the Ferengi Bill of Opportunities to give females the right to wear clothing resulted in planetary chaos on Ferenginar and he was removed from office. Brunt became now Acting Grand Nagus, a temporary position which could have been made permanent if the FCA followed through and gave him the title of full Nagus. Zek succeeded in getting the FCA to reinstate him, through the allure and intelligence of "Lumba".

Zek successfully regained his position, and he carried out a series of amendments to the Bill of Rights, such as taxation to fund social welfare programs and environmental protection. Ishka is heavily suspected to have been the driving force behind these unprecedented legislation, and great upheaval accompanied each amendment. As Quark puts it: Ferenginar will soon be like the ... Federation.

Zek chooses Rom as his successor
Zek chooses Rom as the next Grand Nagus
Zek tired of the affairs of state and chose Rom as his successor, a decision which reflected his goal of remaking Ferengis into a kinder, gentler race. With a person as decent and nice as Rom as Grand Nagus, the Alliance will see sweeping changes to curb the greed and bad reputation of Ferengis. With the end of the Dominion War accompanying Rom's ascension to the post of Grand Nagus, a new day truly has dawned on Ferenginar.

| Ferengi Alliance || Federation || Quark's Bar || Rules of Acquisition |


Daimon Bok
Daimon Bok
Cousin Gaila

Quotes -- Click on Ferengi Emblem to hear clips

My name is Quark, chief business executive of the Ferengi Alliance, and -- I've got a business proposition for you. ~Quark 90kb
Greed is the purest, most noble of emotions. ~Quark 61kb
All I ask is a tall ship -- and a load of contraband to load it with.
~Quark 130kb
Come to Quark's. Quark's is fun. Come right now, run! ~Jingle for Quark's bar 127kb
Garak: (Spitting rootbear out) It's vile!
Quark: I know. It's so bubbly and cloy and happy...
Garak: Just like the Federation.
Quark: But you know what's really frightening? If you drink enough of it, you begin to like it.
Garak: It's insidious.
Quark: Just like the Federation. 378kb
I don't want to spend the rest of my life doing business with these people. I want the Federation back, I want to sell root beer again. ~Quark 170kb
Jadzia: I better go talk to Sisko.
O'Brien: I'll go draw up some specs.
Rom: I've got to go to waste extraction. 80kb
Nog: Can you believe it? They made me an ensign.
O'Brien: I didn't know things were so bad.
Nog: Scary, isn't it? 97kb
Rom: You've been promoted?
Nog: I'm an engineer.
Rom: We'll be working together.
Nog: Actually, you'll be working for me. 134kb

Selections from the Rules of Acquisition

ROA # 18: A Ferengi without profit is no Ferengi at all.
~Quoted by Quark 116kb
ROA # 21: Never place friendship above profit.
~Quoted by Quark 60kb
ROA # 75: Home is where the heart is, but the stars are made of latinum. ~Quoted by Quark 80kb
ROA # 94 Females and finances don't mix. Rules of Acquisition no. 94.
~Quoted by Rom 53kb
ROA # 111: Treat people in your debt like family, exploit them.
~Quoted by Sisko 73kb
ROA # 139: Wives serve, brothers inherit.
~Quoted by Odo 49kb
ROA # 211: Employees are the rungs on the ladder of success - don't hesitate to step on them. ~Quoted by Quark 227kb

Links to Ferengi Sites

    Ferengi Cultural Hub Experience the Ferengi culture in this structured site meant to introduce everyone to the Ferengis.

    Quark's Bar Come to Quark's, where everyone with some money is invited. Crowd round the Dabo tables, take a sip of rootbeer, and enjoy the high-decibled atmosphere.

    The Official Armin Shimmerman Web Site Quark, the indomitable bartender, is honored in this beautifully done official site.

    Dabok Emporium Italiano site with striking graphics and decipherable language, provided your monitor comes with a universal translator.

    Steve's Star Trek Page Ferengi Dictionary Doing business with a particularly slippery Daimon? Never fear, just bring along this dictionary with useful words and survival phrases.

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