QFirst seen on Stardate 41153.7 in the TNG episode "Encounter at Farpoint", the Q have presented themselves before humans three of their kind, and of the three, one in particular has taken an especial liking towards Federation Captains and "interesting" humans. Their omnipotence comes with a price of great responsibility, and a moral code is stringently observed among the Q. The Q that paid several visits Picard, though flamboyantly playful, never bore any true ill-will towards humans. To them, we are what they were billions of years ago.

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Q Physiology

The Q are extradimensional entities with unlimited powers. On the Richter scale of cultural development, they rank as the highest known level of evolutionary development. A Q can assume any shape, any phenomena, and even manipulate the space/time continuum itself if he so desired. It is speculated that they can harness immense amounts of energy and manipulate them through thought alone.The Q originally existed in an extradimensional universe, known as the Q Continuum, but can switch between dimensions at will. Though a Q can live for eternity, he can also choose to end his existence by changing into a mortal form and taking his life. The Q are as close to immortality as anyone has seen.

Q society

The Q don't have any form of hierarchal government so far as the Federation know, but they do have a system that imposes order and disciplines troublesome members by punishment. Every Q is called just that, "Q", but one entity in particular has made it a point to amuse himself with the Federation comes to mind most often. The Q don't intentionally inflict harm on other life, though they may interfere and become a major distraction. Their eternal lifespan probably is what instilled the Q with a quirky sense of humor and an unshakable sense of superiority.

Encounters with the Q

Q tries Picard for inferiority
Picard is tried on behalf of humankind
Captain Jean-Luc Picard recorded first contact with a Q when he assumed command of the Enterprise-D. Q enacted a mock hearing accusing humans the crime of inferiority and savagery. To make his point even more convincing, Q circled the arena with bedraggled survivors of the nuclear holocaust, snickering at the gallery of low-lifes as they called and hooted for Picard and his officers' execution.

Picard argued eloquently that though the past history of Earth was indeed dark, improvements of the human condition and mind have created a better world, one where the days of the holocaust will never be allowed to happen again. Q brushed aside his talk and continued his airs of superiority. He was certain the captain could not defend his own Federation regulations and arguments of higher human aspiration. In fact, he conveniently used the Farpoint station incident as a test to gauge the Enterprise crew's reaction and method of solution in a foreign circumstance. In the end, Picard solved the Farpoint puzzle thrown to him by Q, and did not falter as Q had predicted. Though Q left them alone, he was piqued by this primitive little civilization and would continue pestering them, especially Picard, time and time again.

It wasn't long before Q came aboard to play with the Enterprise-D again. He tempted First Officer Riker with Q-like powers the second time he appeared on the Enterprise, seeing how power might corrupt a human, but Picard declared that Q's intentions were not merely to laugh at the lowly lifeforms. Q was there to investigate what quality humans possess that will enable them to develop into and perhaps even surpass lifeforms like himself in the distant future. Q was afraid.

A year later, Q returned to Enterprise-D, requesting -- no -- ordering the captain to admit him as a crew member. When Picard denied him, Q responded by hurling the Enterprise 7,000 light years away into the Delta Quadrant, coming to a halt in the J-25 system where they intersected a Borg cubicle. First contact with the Borg happened decades earlier than it should, and the Federation got a glimpse of what dangers there were in the galaxy they so eagerly explored. The Borg were intrigued by this alien ship of unknown design and sent drones to interface with its computers. The Collective's thousand voices boomed for the first time on human ears. The Borg had superior technology, efficient communications, and easily passed the Enterprise's defense. The Enterprise probably would have been assimilated had Picard not asked for Q's help when it was apparent the Borg cube would overtake them. Picard believed however, that though first contact with the Borg was made earlier by Q's interference, the Federation and all the Alpha Quadrant would probably be better prepared now that they know the Borg were coming. Q had only meant to show the Federation how inadequate they were for the arrival of the Borg, but in Picard's words, "He did the right thing for the wrong reason."

Q the ordinary appears on the Enterprise
Q materializes on the bridge of the Enterprise-D without a stitch on
In 2366, Q was stripped of his powers by his own kind for having spread chaos throughout the galaxy. Before he was thrown out of his dimension, he could choose to become whatever he wanted. It was a last wish sort of thing. Out of ideas and knowing he had enemies everywhere, Q at the last minute opted to become a human and landed totally unclothed on the bridge of the Enterprise. Picard did no more than scowl at the reappearance of Q, whom he assumed had come to be a nuisance again. However, Q could not use any of his powers, and was at the mercy of all his enemies, and there were many. Guinan was among one of them and she showed him some spite by poking him with a fork. But her little dose of malice could not compare with the Calamarain ship that was intent on taking out the whole Enterprise when they learned of Q's vulnerability. To save the ship and atone for his crime, Q stole a small shuttle and lured away the Calamarain ship in a rare gesture of nobility. Q was subsequently forgiven and restored his powers by the Continuum.

However, Q did not cease his antics, and he came back in 2367 once again to the Enterprise-D. During a meeting of the Federation Archaeological Council, he cast everyone into a simulation of Robin Hood and his merry men. He did this to "help" Picard see that his vulnerability was women, and that he must turn away from them if he is to remain even-headed. However, when the game ended, Q himself was smitten by Picard's old flame Vash and vanished with her into the Gamma Quadrant, where he promised to care for her while touring planets and archaeological sites never before seen by human eyes.

Q assigned to evaluate Amanda Rodgers
Q as mentor to Amanda Rodgers in 'True Q'.
Q returned once again to evaluate a human who was actually one of his own kind to determine if she was fit to wield the power of a full Q. This woman, Amanda Rodgers, experienced the exhilaration of possessing god-like powers, but was not corrupted by them. She was accepted back into the Continuum when she voluntarily cleaned the atmosphere of a planet endangered by poisonous gases.

Shortly after, Picard suffered a heart failure and entered a brilliant white world where he met ... Q! Q welcomed him to the afterlife, to which Picard vehemently refused to believe, retorting, "I refuse to believe you run the afterlife, Q. The world doesn't work that way." Q told him that his death resulted solely from his rash actions as a youth and offered him a chance to relive his life to avoid the mistakes that would lead to this untimely death. Picard was whisked back to his Academy days, before the incident where a brawl in a bar would end up with his heart being pierced by a Naussican. But when he did avoid the fight, the future Picard turned out to be a stellar cartographer, a lieutenant junior grade aboard the Enterprise who spent days mapping out star systems. Picard could not live with the alternative life presented by Q, and he returned to his former life, having learned that though the brashness of his youth was responsible for his "death", by avoiding the incident he changed himself to someone he couldn't live with.

Q and Vash on Deep Space Nine
Q and Vash on Deep Space Nine in 'Q-Less'.
Having finished with Picard, Q returned to Vash, who was rescued from the Gamma Quadrant by Dax and returned to the Alpha Quadrant. He tried to coax her into returning to the Continuum with him, but while she refused, Q found plenty of time to play with the Deep Space Nine crew. It was then that he realized just how tirelessly patient and diplomatic Picard had been with him. While Picard would only verbalize his impatience and displeasure, Sisko didn't scruple to punch Q when his usual air of omnipotent smugness frayed whatever shred of patience Sisko had left. Q's feelings were injured, and he never bothered the Deep Space Nine crew again.

Q sends Picard to the past and the future
Q confronts an old Picard
Q appeared to Picard one last time in 2370, again trying him for the crimes of the human race. Q sent Picard into the future, just before the human race would be wiped out, and into the past, when he had devised and utilized the famous Picard maneuver. In both incidences and in the present timeline, there was one factor common in each: an unusual cosmic anomaly, only he had failed to investigate them in all these cases before Q had selected them for him to examine. It was exactly this oversight that threatened the universe. Q was trying him for knowledge humans ignored though it was right in front of their eyes. Picard was finally restored to the present timeline and investigated the anomaly.

Q also paid trips to the Voyager, lost in the Delta Quadrant to all but himself. He was there to apprehend a renegade Q in 2372. Both he and the other Q, had Captain Janeway mediate a hearing where the renegade Q argued he was tired of eternal existence and wanted to turn into mortals and end his life. Q tried to lobby for Janeway's support by offering to return the Voyager to the Alpha Quadrant if she sided with him, but Janeway let her conscience decide and agreed with the argument of the renegade Q. The renegade Q was named "Quinn" by the crew and when he changed into mortal flesh, Q assisted in his suicide.

Q courting Janeway
Q courting Captain Janeway's favor in 'The Q and the Grey'
Q suddenly felt an urge to procreate in 2373, when he again appeared on the Voyager. He selected Janeway as his "mate", but the captain refused in no uncertain terms. Tired of her repeated refusals, Q brought her to the Continuum to see why he wanted to mate and produce a child. The Continuum was warring, the turmoil caused by split sentiments over Quinn's death. When Q and a female Q, Miss Q, bore a child, the war subsided. Incidentally, the child was also named Q.

| U.S.S. Defiant || Borg Space || Federation |

The Q

Amanda Rodgers
Amanda Rodgers

Quotes -- Click on Q Letter to hear clips

We call ourselves the Q. ~Q 18kb
Be of good cheer! I bring you wonderful news... I'm back. ~Q 77kb
You know you're going to miss me. ~Q 23kb
I like your new tailor. ~Q on DS9 23kb
You hit me! Picard never hit me! ~Q to Sisko 70kb
This is as real as your so-called life gets. ~Q 38kb
I'm merely trying to assist a pitiful species. ~Q 57kb
May whatever god you believe in (smirk) have mercy on your soul. ~Q 116kb
Thou art notified that thy kind have infiltrated the galaxy too far already. Thou art directed to return to thy own solar system immediately. ~Q going medieval 176kb
Now go back, or thou shalt most certainly die. ~Q 41kb
Typical. So typical. Savage lifeforms never follow even their own rules. ~Q 124kb
You will now answer to the charge of being a grievously savage race. ~Q 105kb
Q: I have no powers! Q the ordinary. Picard: Q the liar. Q the misanthrope. Q: Q the miserable. Q the desperate. ~Desperate Q 163kb
Don't worry. With time you will overcome disadvantages you suffered as a child. No one will hold it against you for having been human. ~Q to Amanda
Q: The trial never ended. We never reached a verdict. But now we have. You're guilty. Picard: Guilty of what? Q:Of being inferior. 225kb
Tossed aside for someone 5 billion years younger. Miss Q ~77kb

Links to Borg Sites

    Alt.Fan.Q Q's home on the internet. A large archive of quotes, media, book reviews, and John de Lancie. Cross-referenced and fast loading.

    The Q Great organization of various Q media and resources.

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