Chapter 104

"Mimette, is there some reason why you failed?" the Dark One said.

" see Dark One, I..." Mimette began.

"Silence," the Dark One said. "There is once again no excuse for your failure. Just how hard is it to capture pure hearts anyway?"

"With all due respect Dark One, it is not easy. The Sailor Scouts are very powerful, and Sailor Mars displayed yet more force."

"That is true, but I need those crystals. I fear that another force is moving to obtain the holy grail."

"Another force?"

"Yes, and that brings me to another important point, Mimette, the Guardian Scouts and the Outer Sailor Scouts are not on Earth at this moment, you have an opportunity."

"What? Where are they?"

"That's unimportant for the moment, but it does force you to be more discrete. You must capture pure hearts without the Sailor Scouts finding out."

"I was thinking that maybe if I took a bunch of daimons we could destroy the scouts and end our problems."

"Unfortunately that is not an option anymore."

"What? Why not?"

"The Sailor Scouts must be kept alive. At least some of them anyway. You're goal is to obtain hearts, nothing else."


"Don't contradict me! Now...I want you to go and find a pure heart!"

"Just one?"


"Of course Dark One!" Mimette said and hurried out of the room.

Fool. With that nuisance Queen Nehelenia moving against the moon I now face a war on two fronts. The only way to keep Nehelenia from interfering is if those scouts on the moon prevent her from capturing the power of the moon kingdom. Otherwise she will arrive on this planet even more powerful. But if I destroy the Sailor Scouts now, the Guardians and the Outer Scouts are sure to return, leaving the door open to Nehelenia, no I must keep all of their forces divided.

"Why does the Dark One treat me so badly?" Mimette muttered as she walked down the dark hallway to her office.

And now these strange new orders? Well I have to follow them. One pure heart. And the Sailor Scouts can't know? I have to be careful, they stumble into everything I do. I know! I'll find someone on the other side of Tokyo. The scouts would have to walk miles just to interfere. That'll do it! Yes! Why didn't I think of it before? But who will it be?

Elsewhere in Amy's room.

"There doesn't seem to be a pattern to the attacks," Amy said letting her hands fly across the computer keyboard like she usually did.

"But there has to be something, and why are they still going after pure hearts?" Lita asked.

"I don't know, it doesn't make sense," Amy said.

"Maybe that's the plan, they want to confuse us," Mina said.

"It just might be, and they've succeeded, but what's their goal, and who's organizing all this anyway?" Lita said.

"Doctor Tomoe's still comatose, it couldn't be him, and we healed him too," Amy said.

"Do you think that the attack on the moon has something to do with the Death Buster's new strategy down here?" Mina asked.

"It might, but to what extent I have now way of knowing," Amy said.

"We're really in the dark here, Luna and Artemas aren't around, Pluto's on the Moon, there's no one to clue us in on what's really happening," Lita said.

"I hate this, we shouldn't have to be so uninformed," Mina said.

"Who are we going to complain to?" Lita said.

"Guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens," Amy said.

"Uh huh," the other two said.

"Anyone seen Serena or Raye?" Mina asked.

"I think Darrien was taking Serena somewhere this afternoon," Lita said.

"And Raye?" Mina asked.

"I think Raye and Chad were trying desperately to fix the roof of the temple. Apparently their last roofing job wasn't too good and snow could come any day now," Amy said.

"Maybe we should go over there and help them?" Mina said.

"I think Raye would appreciate it," Lita said.

"I told her I'd be over as soon as I finished my work, but then you two came over, so I guess it'll have to wait," Amy said.

"We should go, I'm already seeing snowflakes," Mina said.

"Maybe we'll get out of school tomorrow," Lita said.

"It's only supposed to be an inch Lita," Amy said.

"We can always hope," Lita said.

"Yep," Mina said.

"Well, I guess you can," Amy said.

"Come on hammer faster! The snow's coming down already," Raye said as she and Chad were frantically trying to get her wooden roof fixed.

"I'm going as fast I can," Chad said.

"It's not fast enough, come on, we need to finish," Raye said. "What's the problem with this hammer?"

She hit a nail again. It barely went in.

"Jeez.." she said and swung the hammer up and then swung it down. The hammer hit the nail and then went flying into the roof, making a hole. Seconds later the whole piece of roof fell in and the two went falling into Raye's room in a heap.

"Woah...good thing we landed on your bed," Chad said.

"You also landed on me," Raye muttered.

"Sorry..." Chad said.

"Ehh!" Raye shouted and threw the hammer she was still holding out the hole in the roof in disgust.

"Looks like it isn't going well," Mina said as the three girls walked towards the temple.

"Hit the deck!" Lita said.

The three ducked as the hammer went sailing over them.

"That's something that doesn't happen often," Amy observed.

"It's a good thing you had a car Darrien, it's so cold and this place is pretty far away from my house," Serena said as she and Darrien got out of his red sports car.

"Say..where are we anyway?" Serena asked.

"We're going to visit a guy I know," Darrien said.

"Oh..okay..any reason why?"

"Sure," Darrien said with a grin.

"And that is?"

"Why would I want to spoil the surprise?"

"Because I want to know."

"Not good enough."


They walked into what seemed to be an old warehouse. They walked up several flights of stairs.

"Doesn't have an elevator does it?" Serena asked puffing slightly.

" elevator...of course it does," Darrien said. "Hah..we should have taken that."

"You know you're not only cute guy in this city," Serena snapped.

"Yeah, but I'm the only one who will go out with you..heh heh."

"Not true!"

"How would you know?" Darrien said grinning.

"Uh...well...I'm just guessing," Serena snapped.

"Never mind, here we are," Darrien said and knocked on a door.

"Come in," Came a male voice from inside. Darrien pushed open the door and walked in followed by Serena said. It was a fairly large room, covered with dust. In a corner was a cot, several other house wares were strewn about. The room was filled with large glass windows giving a good view of the Tokyo skyline. Sitting in front of one of them was a man with an easel, painting the scene.

"This is Himura," Darrien said. "The best art student at Tokyo University."

"Darrien, I've told you I don't take compliments well," Himura said turning to face them. "Oh..and this must be Serena."

"Hi," Serena said. "Wow, that's a nice painting."

"Uh..thank you..but..." Himura said.

"Himura hates compliments, because he feels that if he gets complimented enough he'll believe he doesn't need to try anymore. He wants to constantly be creative and always try his best, if no one ever compliments him, he'll have a reason to keep trying," Darrien said.

"But...compliments are good things too, how will you ever know if you have done your best if no one can tell you that?" Serena asked.

"I don't need to know," Himura said. "The people who look at my paintings can like them or dislike them, I don't need to know what they think."

"Uh..okay..if you insist," Serena said.

"Art is subjective, what's nice to one person can be annoying to another, I can't let other people's judgements cloud my own, I want what I create to be what I want, not anyone else, I don't want to ever stop painting because I believe someone won't like it, I have to do what I believe is right," Himura said. "But enough of my philosophy. How are you Darrien?"

" know it's good to be on winter break, but I have to work on a research project during that time so it isn't exactly no work," Darrien said.

"But I'm sure that can wait till the last minute can't it?" Serena asked.

"Hah! She's right Darrien, you'd be much happier if you didn't put so much effort into your studies," Himura said.

"But then I'd have your GPA Himura," Darrien said.

"Heh..true, but I'm an art student, I care little for other academics," Himura said. "In fact I don't care much for art class either, but I will need a job eventually, and if I don't have the credentials I probably won't get one."

"Of course the truth is you don't exactly like relying on some teacher's opinion of your work do you?" Darrien asked.

"No, but I have to put up with that," Himura said. "So...Serena..tell me about yourself."

"Uh...I'm five foot four, fun to talk to..have a nice...but that's probably not what you wanted to hear," Serena said.

"You act like you've had that statement ready for some time," Darrien muttered.

"Well...I have to keep my options open," Serena said.

"Ehh..." Darrien said. "Do yourself a favor Himura and never fall in love."

"I don't plan on it," Himura said.

"So you live here?" Serena asked.

"Yep, it didn't cost much, being an old warehouse and all, and it gives me such a great view, even if it is a dump, the fire marshal still hasn't found it dangerous enough to throw me out," Himura said.

"You really should find a place to settle down though Himura," Darrien said. "I could give you some money."

"No Darrien, that's quite all right, I need to stand on my own, besides, this place is great, no one ever bothers me, I have solitude and I can work in peace, and the snow falling, well this will be a beautiful painting when I'm done, no need to say it will be though, I'm already convinced," Himura said.

"That's good," Serena said. "I should be happy."

"Well that's true enough," Himura said. "Ever had a painting made of you Serena?"

"Uh..well..I modeled once for Loni Lenai, or what was her real name again?" Serena said.

"Oh..gee...I know it...was..." Darrien said.

"Jones right?" Himura said. "Yes I've seen her work, it's very good. Well you are the perfect model Serena."

"You think so?" Serena said.

"Yeah, I'd be glad to paint you sometime," Himura said.

"Anytime you want," Serena said. "I'm not very busy....but you know I have these friends who would probably love to be sketched too..."

"Really?" Himura said. "Well you should bring them all by, I like the practice. Though you have to warn them that I don't like to know what they think of it."

"Uh..well..I could try and tell them to tone it down," Serena said. Like that would ever work. She thought.

"Well..if the snow doesn't fall too much, maybe you can bring them by tomorrow, I'd be glad to give each of them a portrait."

"Sure," Serena said.

"I don't think I can give them a ride though, I have to be at the university all of tomorrow," Darrien said.

"We'll manage," Serena said.

"Okay," Himura said.

"One inch...." Mina muttered as the five girls trudged to school the next morning. "This is just annoying."

"Actually it's quite nice out," Amy said.

"That's not the point," Lita said.

" be honest, I really couldn't have handled any more than an inch, I still have to somehow get my roof fixed, it's clear that Chad and I are not capable of accomplishing this, and while I appreciate all your help yesterday, we really only managed to make the hole bigger," Raye said.

"Sorry about that heh heh," Mina said.

"This is okay though, this means you can all go meet Himura," Serena said.

"Himura?" The other four asked.

"Sure, Himura, he's the artist, he's really good, though a bit strange, but he said he would give us all free portraits," Serena said.

"Oh he did..." Mina said stopping. The other four walked a few more steps before realizing she had stopped.

"What is it?" Serena asked.

"I have only one question?" Mina asked.

"And that is?" Serena said.

"How cute is he?"

"Uh...quite cute actually," Serena said.

"Very well..." Mina said and started walking again.

The other four just stood there watching until she passed over a hill and was well out of view.

"What's going on?" Lita asked.

"No idea, but ever since Mike left she's been acting very strangely," Raye said.

"I have not," Mina said popping out a bush beside them.

"WHA?" the other four said.

"It has been necessary for me to take into account many issues since Mike has left, these issues include the encountering of several very cute young men. This requires much contemplation as I must endeavor to make a judgment," Mina said pointing her finger at all of them. The four stepped back worriedly.

"Judgement about what? Lita asked.

"Judgement about who shall be my substitute boyfriend silly," Mina said. "Oh..I wish it were easy, but there are just so many choices."

"Poor Mina," the other four said sarcastically.

"You don't understand I see, very well...I have no need of your counsel anyway," she said and walked off.

"How'd she get in the bush?" Serena asked.

The other three shook their heads.

"Not only has Mina seemingly become psychotic, she's also using many large words, and that worries me," Serena said.

"Why?" Amy said. "I use verbiage like that all the time."

"Yeah, but you're supposed to," Serena said.

"Not only has Mina become maniacal she's also become grammatical," Lita said.

"Exactly," Serena said. "And when those two factors are combined..."

She trailed off. The other three looked at her.

"Well..what happens when those two factors are combined?" Raye asked.

"I don't know!" Serena screeched. "And isn't that the problem!"

The phone rang. Himura got up from his easel and picked it up.

"Yes," he said.

"Is this Himura Masaki?" came a female voice.

"Yes, what can I do for you?"

" name is...Mimi, I'm an art dealer, word has it that you do some good work."

Where'd you hear that? I'm not very well known."

"I'm well connected."

"I guess you must be."

"I would like to sample some of your work. Could you perhaps come down to my office, it's only a few blocks away."

"Uh..can't you come here?"

"Uh..well..I could...but...I'd prefer to conduct my business here, I only need to see a few samples."

"Um...I'm kinda busy right now."

"You're willing to pass up this opportunity because you're busy?"

"Well yes, the sun is out and it's melting the snow. I need to finish my painting before it does."

"Oh..I see...well..could you come by later then."

"Uh..sure, how about one."

"One's fine, we're above the Rakuza Art Gallery."

"I'll be there."

"What a bother. But at least he's coming," Mimette muttered standing in the office she had commandeered. "Now the Sailor Scouts will have no chance to stop us. Even if by chance they knew this man, they won't know where he is, and there's no way anyone is getting in here. This plan is flawless."

"You know Serena, that artist of yours lives quite away across town," Lita said as the group all sat in a bus.

"It'll be worth the trip though," Serena said.

"It had better," Mina said.

"I really should be making sure Chad has called the roof company," Raye said.

"And my studying.." Amy said.

"Guys..relax...jeez..I try and do a good thing for you and this is what I get," Serena said.

"We're just used to your hare brained schemes not working out that's all," Raye said.

"It's not hare brained, it's just strange, that's all," Serena said. "You'll like meeting him."

"It will be necessary if he is to be my future husband," Mina said.

"You haven't even met him," Lita said.

"Very true, which means he's still under consideration," Mina said. "If he passes the Mina Deveraux Partner Compatibility Test he will continue to be under consideration afterward."

"The Mina Deveraux Partner Compatibility Test?" Lita asked.

"Yep, the MDPCT," Mina said.

"Mina...are you okay? I mean seriously?" Lita asked.

"I will be even better when I have found the perfect replacement for my perfect boyfriend."

"Well, we all can't wait to see that," Raye muttered.

Minutes later Serena was knocking on Himura's door.

"Himura? You there?" she asked.

Nothing happened.

"Don't tell me he isn't here," Raye muttered.

"Yes, Himura must be home," Mina said.

"Himura!" Serena shouted knocking on the door.

There was still no answer.

"Well Serena?" Raye asked.

"This doesn't make any sense," Serena said.

"Enough talk, I'm going in," Mina said.

"What?" the other four said.

"I shall break the door down," Mina said.

"Mina you can't just break in," Lita said.

"But I must," Mina said.

"I have to know what's going on, I'll help," Serena said and the two readied themselves to bash the door in.

"Uh..maybe the doors unlocked," Lita said and turned the knob. The door slid open.

"So the door is unlocked, how am I supposed to prove my love to Himura if I cannot bash the door in looking for him," Mina said.

"I'm sure Mina that the crime of trespassing should do," Lita muttered.

"Perhaps," Mina said.

Serena opened the door.

"Himura!" she shouted as she walked in.

"It's empty," Serena said in realization. "Where could he have gone?"

"Oh hello," Himura said walking in the door.

"Hi..." Mina said dreamily.

"Sorry I'm late, I had this appointment at the Rakuza Art Gallery, but they didn't know what I was talking about, so I just go back here, I can't figure it out."

"There are two Rakuza Art Galleries!" Mimette said and threw her map out the window. "That explains why he isn't here. Very well..I will go to his place and get him there...jeez..this is hard."

"So who wants to be first?" Himura asked.

"It is me you want," Mina said.


"Remember Mina, you can't talk while he's painting you," Lita said.

"It is a small price to pay."

Minutes later. Mina was sitting on a chair still, while Himura worked.

The door swung open. Everyone turned. A daimon stood there.

"What is that?" Himura said.

"Bad news," Lita said.

"Go thing," Himura said advancing towards it. The creature grinned. Seconds later an energy blast flew at Himura and blasted his heart out of him. Himura collapsed. The girls all let out a shout.

"What do we do?" Serena said.

"Don't know..why don't you distract it while I transform quickly," Raye said.

"Why me?"

"You'll pay for this!" Mina shouted and raced forward picking up Himura's stool as she did so.

The creature grabbed her and threw her towards the window. Lita caught her and pulled her down. The creature grabbed the heart and turned towards the door.

"Wait till he goes, and then..." Raye said.

"I must stop them," Mina said standing up. The Daimon moved out of the doorway.


"Wait," came a voice. They all looked to see Artemas sitting there.

"How'd you get here?" Mina asked.

"No time for explanations, you three need your new power items," Artemas said and did his own flip. Three power sticks appeared. Amy, Lita, and Mina took there respective ones.

"Now transform."

The five did.

"You've got it, excellent," Mimette said leaning against the seventy eight Buick that was her transportation. The Daimon held the heart out to her. She moved to grab it. A figure jumped between them and grabbed the heart.

"What?" Mimette said.

"Stop right there evil people!" Sailor Moon shouted. The five Sailor Scouts stood several feet away.

"DANG IT!" Mimette shouted. "Daimon, stop them!" she shouted and climbed into her car which was soon racing away.

"Venus why don't you get the heart back to Himura," Sailor Moon said.

"Right," Venus said and hurried back inside the building.

"As for him..." Sailor Moon said.

"Ehh..I know the drill," the daimon said and ran at them.

"Mars Fire Ignite!"

"Jupiter Thunder Zap!"

The two attack flew out instantly and nailed the daimon throwing him back.

"Mercury Ice Storm Blast!" Mercury shouted within two seconds, the creature was encased in ice, but the ice broke apart and the creature stood again.

"I may not look like much, but I can take many hits, so here I come again!" the creature shouted and ran at them.

"Mars Fire Ignite!"

"Jupiter Thunder Zap!"

The two attacks flew out and slammed into the creature, only he kept coming.

"I adapt very quickly!" he shouted as the scouts scattered.

"Mercury Bubbles Blast!" Mercury shouted in mid air and filled the street with fog.

"This is annoying," the Daimon said.

"Jupiter Oak Evolution!" Jupiter shouted calling on her new power.

"Mercury Aqua Rhapsody!" Mercury shouted.

"Mars Fire Soul!" Mars began to shout. The three attacks flew at the daimon and blew him apart.

" aren't leaving any for me," Sailor Moon muttered as the mist cleared. The daimon was gone and so was Mimette.

Later on the bus ride back.

"Hmm..this picture doesn't capture the true me.." Mina said staring at her sketch.

"What's wrong with it?" Lita asked.

"I just told you."

"Would you like to be a little more specific?" Lita muttered.

"It's can't explain it."

"Yeah..that's art for you.." Serena said starring at her own picture. "My meatballs are too big."

"No..they're really that size..." Raye said. "Hence the name meatball hea.."

"I know," Serena said.

"Maybe I should have posed nude..." Mina said still looking over her picture.

The other scouts glared at her.

"What?" She asked.










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