Chapter 105

Mimette stepped into the chamber slowly, fearful of what awaited her. The room was very dark. She approached the throne with her head bowed. When she reached the spot she usually took, she stopped.

"Dark One I have come as you asked," She said and looked up, the throne was empty.

"What?" Mimette said.

"I can see that you are here," came Hotaru Tomoe's voice from behind her. Mimette spun around.

"That had the desired effect," Tomoe muttered and stepped up to her throne. "I do not deny that fighting the Sailor Scouts is not an easy task. However, I am finding it hard to believe that you have not succeeded once. Tokyo is a large city. It seems to defy all logic that this small group can have someone everywhere we chose to attack."

"Dark One, if I had more daimons."

"No, the Sailor Scouts cannot be destroyed."

"But why?"

"Do not question me!" the Dark One shouted and a bolt of energy flew above Mimette's head.

"Uh..Dark I don't destroy the Sailor Scouts, but maybe I could just keep them busy..I mean...there are so many of them..if I had five daimons to keep them from attacking."

"That will use up a large amount of energy. I will consider it. In fact Mimette, if you can acquire for me one crystal heart on your own, then I will give you your daimons, but you will receive no daimons for this mission. It is up to you."

"I understand. I will find a crystal heart."

"Then do so Mimette," The Dark One said. Mimette bowed and walked out.

"She is so incompetent," Hotaru Tomoe said.

"Yes she is isn't she," two voices said in unison. Out of the shadows came two females, one with long blue hair and blue eyes, the other with long red hair and long red eyes. They were otherwise identical.

"Puchirol, Cyprine, I have a feeling that this mission will soon be given to you two, so...I want you to go out into the city and learn all you can. Observe Mimette and the mistake she makes," the Dark One said.

"Of course Dark One," they said in unison and walked out in perfect step with each other.

"Well we got the roof fixed," Chad said staring up at the newly completed roof of the temple.

"Yep, finally, thanks for handling the business arrangements with the contractor, I didn't really want to worry about it," Raye said.

"Sure Raye, anytime," Chad said.

"You know it's funny..." Raye said.

"What is?"

"Well...I've never told anybody what I really want to do with my life...and maybe I should..."

"What brought this up?"

"I just thought about it."

"Don't you want to be a singer?" Chad asked.

"Well I like to sing and I like being in a band, but I don't want that to my life."


"You know Chad, they say that sometimes when you love doing something you shouldn't have that as a job, because..then you're not doing it for yourself anymore. I sing because I like to, it shouldn't matter what other people think of it."

"That's true, but I'm sure you like it when people compliment your singing."

"You bet I do, but I don't want to rely on those compliments to have a happy life."

"So what do you plan on doing?"

"I'm going to be a record executive," Raye said.

"Executive? you're aiming high."

"Yep, see I figure if I'm an executive, I can still sing whenever I want, but I can also fly around the world, make all sorts of deals and make lots of money," Raye said becoming quite starry eyed.

"Hey that's great, then you can give me a recording contract," Chad said and started laughing.

"I don't think so Chad, if someone found out I was the one who unleashed you onto the world of music, well, they'd probably lynch me," Raye said.

"Heh heh...maybe...but it would still be nice, my first album cover. You know I have a name all picked out too....I'd call my band CHAV."

"CHAV?" Raye asked.


"Okay..." Raye said unsurely.

"Well I couldn't just call the band "Chad Vanderbilt and his band" could needs to be trendy."

"It is true that CHAV sounds trendy, even if it's not," Raye said with a grin.

" doesn't matter, you're not a record executive yet, and until you are, my chances of getting a recording career are zip, and even after you're a record executive my chances are only slightly better then zip. Heck, you'd probably give Rick a contract first anyway..."

"Who?" Raye asked.

"Rick? Your boyfriend."

"Him...Rick..right...oh..yeah..sure...thing.." Raye said and then wondered why that critical name had slipped from her memory.

"Well..anyway...I should make dinner..I'll try to make sure it isn't too hot," Chad said.

"Please do, I didn't think I could spit a piece of sausage that far until yesterday," Raye said.

"Uh probably did set a world record," Chad said.

Raye smiled.

"I'll just do a fire reading in the meantime,' Said.

"Good idea...oh..and should wear a ribbon or something, your hair might catch on fire by mistake," Chad said and reached into his pocket. "Here, take this one," he said handing her a white ribbon.

"Oh..thanks," Raye said and took it.

The two then headed inside.

A few minutes later.

Raye sat at the fire preying and waiting for a vision, the ribbon now contained her hair.

Then the vision came to her. There was Chad standing there smiling.

"What?" Raye said breaking out of her trance and looking around. The room was empty.

"I don't get it, why did the fires show me Chad?" Raye said to herself and then held her hands together and tried to concentrate again.

"Sacred fires, tell me what this means," Raye said.

She saw the vision. She was there and Chad was there and they were walking down the street together arm and arm. Then they met up with someone who stood there. Raye instantly recognized the figure and grimaced as she tried to keep the vision solid. There was Rick. He glared at them and pushed his way through the two and walked down the street. Raye's trance broke, her eyes opened wide.

"What did that mean?" Raye said. "I am going to dump Rick for Chad? No...I wouldn't..I couldn't...Rick and I are together...we...what.."

"Raye! Dinner!" Chad yelled.

"Uh...uh..right!" Raye called back and stared at the fires. "This just doesn't make sense," she said and slowly stood up and headed for the door.


"Sometimes, Darrien, I'm sure there is a higher power in this world," Serena said as she and her boyfriend were sharing a takeout dinner at Darrien's apartment. Serena took a bite full of lettuce and chewed and swallowed it.

"See, if there wasn't, I wouldn't stumble into all this trouble. Yesterday for instance. Himura wasn't even supposed to be in his apartment and he gets attacked, and there we all are," Serena said. "Life just doesn't work that way."

"You're right of course," Darrien said. "But I try not to think about it. Life has been in no hurry to involve me in any of this."

"Yeah, you've been lucky. Everyone was talking about how they miss you're entrances," Serena said.

"Well for one thing with all this snow falling, there's not much for my roses to stick into, so it's fortunate I'm not called into battle. It would be missing something," Darrien said.

"And to be perfectly honest, it's not like you've been needed. We've all got these new powers, and the enemies are pushovers," Serena said.

"Don't get overconfident Serena."

"I'm not overconfident. It's just a fact."

"I'd just be wary of them. Evil always comes up with new ways to surprise you."

"Still..our last battle was undoubtedly one of the simplest I had ever fought. In fact the scouts finished the creature off without me."

"So you got lucky. There has to be a reason that we needed to find that holy grail. Something tells me things are going to get harder. You should enjoy this while it lasts," Darrien said.

"Aren't I right now?" Serena asked.

"I'd like to think so," Darrien said.

"You know another good thing is that you're here. All the girl's boyfriends are off on the moon. I think it's driving Mina insane."

"Yeah, I noticed that."

"There is nothing wrong with seeing other men while your boyfriend's on the moon, you just have to dump them all before he gets back," Mina said.

"But Mina.." Lita said.

"I don't make the rules Lita, but that's how it is."

"Mina I think you're really overreacting."

"Am I?" Mina said and stared out the window of her room. "Tell me Lita...when was the last time you had a real satisfying night out."

"Well..that would be two weeks ago today. Steve and I went to the rodeo," Lita said.

Mina grimaced.

"The rodeo? I see...well...I could call that satisfying. Though don't you miss the romance of walking through a rose garden after a slight rain has fallen? Don't you miss your man telling you just how much it means to him to have you with him. Don't you miss being kissed? I think you do."

"I'm fine," Lita said and turned away from Mina.

"No...I can feel it, eating away inside of you. I am perfectly attuned with the spirit of love you flows through me. And I can see you want to feel that love again....come with me Lita, I can give you what you seek," Mina said.

"Uh..really...I don't think that's necessary," Lita said.

"Join me Lita, it is your destiny," Mina said in a low monotone still facing the window.

"Now you're just going off the deep end Mina," Lita said. Surprisingly both turned and spun towards each other at the exact same time. Their eyes met.

"You cannot run from the truth Lita," Mina said with determination. "I can help you."

Lita sighed.

"I know this can't be right..." she muttered.

"You're all mine now," Mina said and began to cackle. "Come Lita, there is work to be done."

"Like what?" Lita said.

"Oh..many, many, wondrous things."

"To be perfectly honest I'm afraid of what will happen if Lita spends too much time with Mina," Serena said.

"Afraid she'll be turned to the dark side?" Darrien asked and started laughing.

"Darrien, I didn't mean she'd become evil and try to get pure hearts," Serena said.

"That's not what I meant."

"Oh. What did you mean?"

"Never mind."

"Raye, you look troubled," Chad said. "You've hardly touched your..oh never mind that..I can't believe how many times I've watched someone say something like that on TV. You just look troubled."

"I am Chad, but I can't tell you why," Raye said.

"Why not? Considering the circumstances, you should be able to tell me anything. You trust me don't you?"

"Yes, but it's not that I don't trust you, it's just I'm not comfortable talking about it with..a guy.."

"'s one of those kind of problems....bummer.." Chad said.

"No, not that either..but Chad...I just can't tell you, please believe me I would..but I think I should talk to someone else."

"Here's a phone," Chad said and handed a cellular phone towards her.

"Where'd you get that?"

"These things are good to have."

"Oh..well..all right," Raye said and took it. "I'll be back in a few minutes."

"Sure, take all the time you need," Chad said.

Boy he's gotten chivalrous lately, of course he has, he's still madly in love with me that's why. Raye thought as she walked out the door and towards her room.

Wonder who I should call? Serena's spending an evening with Darrien, and I wouldn't want her advice anyway. Mina's not the person to ask either. Guess I'll call Lita first. She thought.

She dialed.

"Hi, is Lita there? No...okay. Thank you, bye." Raye said and hung up. Okay..Lita isn't in. Guess I'll call Amy. She thought.

She dialed the number.

"It just doesn't make any sense. They must want the crystal hearts, but if they're an energy source why vary attacks from several hearts to one? I should be able to reason this out...." Amy was saying, she stared at her wall, which had pictures of all of her friends tacked to it.

"Greg would be able to help. He'd be able to analyze my line of thought and tell me anything I've missed...and...Patterson..he'd already have found the answer...I'm sure..whether he told us is another question. Those two would be very useful right now. Off course they have other jobs to do."

The phone rang.

"Yes, Anderson Residence," Amy said even though she was the only Anderson in residence at the moment, it was just a habit.

"Oh..hi Raye," Amy said.

"Hey Amy, listen I know this isn't really your thing, but I have this problem," Raye said.

"I'll do my best. What is it?"

"Well..Rick's away you know."


"And..uh..well...I'm here with Chad..and I'm not sure, but know..."

"Oh..I see...." Amy said.

"What do I do Amy?"

"Well..that depends Raye. Have you already given up on Rick or not?"

" you's just that I like Chad so much and..."

"So take him out as a friend."

"But isn't that dating him?"

"I don't think so. As long as both of you know that."

"But...are you sure?"

"Well...uh...take Greg and myself for instance. We're not boyfriend and girlfriend."

"Yes you are," Raye said.

"No...not really.."

"Yes you are," Raye said managing a grin.

"Well we don't know that. Listen Raye, is there anything wrong with spending time with a real good friend? No, there isn't, I'm sure Rick would understand as long as Chad doesn't ending up being your boyfriend somewhere along the way."

"But that could happen Amy," Raye said with concern.

"Then I can't help you, but if you can keep yourself under control, it could work out."

"'ve got it easy, both of your love interests are on the moon, you're not tempted at all."

"What do you mean by both?" Amy said in shock.

"Oh..nothing, you've been a lot of help, bye," Raye said and hung up.

"Maybe it could work," Raye said to herself.

There was a knock on the door. Raye moved over and opened it. Standing there amidst a slight snow fall was a tall man with a scar across his face and jet black hair. A Kendo sword was slung across his back.

"Uh...can I help you?" Raye asked in surprise.

"I am Urawa Motoki, I seek shelter for the night," the man said. "You must be Raye."


"I knew your grandfather."


"I will be glad to tell you if I might stay."

" can at least come in and talk a bit," Raye said nervously. "We'll see."

"Thank you," Motoki said.

"We were just eating dinner, there should be some for you if you'd like it."

"I thank you again," Motoki said.

Raye walked to the living room keeping a close eye on Motoki as she went.

"Two love interests? What are my friends saying about me behind my back?" Amy asked herself. "She can't did he tell them wouldn''s all impossible. All of it! Still...they must be just joking around. Yes that's it...that's all...ehh....I need to rest. Next thing I know I'll be getting love dreadful."

Raye, Chad, and Motoki were soon sitting in the dining room. Motoki was just finishing his meal.

"Your grandfather was my teacher twenty years ago," Motoki began. "Back then he was a well respected teacher of martial arts. Though all of his pupils knew he had a weakness for pretty women, his skill was never in question. When it was necessary for him to become focused he was."

"I didn't really know his history, I knew he had a background, and I knew he ran into trouble with certain sects," Raye said.

"That he did, his lustful ways did not go over well with disciplined members of our circle. Many fellow instructors had no use for him, but my Sensei Hizuka told me one day that while he had his problems, your grandfather was also the only man he knew who could teach me certain skills and that could unlock certain parts of me. So I went to see him like many of Hizuka's students did. Your grandfather all tried to convince us that there was more to life then our training and tried to get us dates with a great many women, but that didn't work out. Still..we all did learn there was more to life then training, and that made us more complete. When I heard of his death I hoped to visit here to pay honor to him. As you can see I arrived, but with night falling, I cannot leave till tomorrow."

"You can stay in one of our guest rooms," Raye said.

"I thank you for your gratitude, but perhaps I could ask you something," Motoki said.

"Yes," Raye said.

"Who is your teacher now?"

"Uh...well..I never got involved much in what my Grandfather did. I kept up the shrine and I believe in the religion, but the fighting aspect itself. I prefer just standard martial arts," Raye said.

"Then you are not skilled with the Bokken," Motoki said drawing his bamboo sword from his back.

"She's not, but I am," Chad said.

"'ve received basic training," Raye said.

"Yes, but when I went away I trained more, I found a dojo looking for guys like me. They let me train a little. Then I practiced. I'm pretty good. I have reasons to want to defend you Raye," Chad said.

"You were a pupil?" Motoki asked.

"My grandfather's last," Raye said solemnly.

"Then let's see your skill," Motoki said.

"Uh..okay," Chad said.

"Chad you don't have to..I mean.." Raye said.

"It's's just a little practice fight," Chad said.

"Yes, no one should be hurt," Motoki said, and walked out into the plaza. Chad emerged from his room with his own Bokken.

The two stood off, the moonlight was bright enough for them to be seen well.

"But the snow," Raye said. "There's at least an inch of it."

"A warrior must be prepared for any eventuality," Chad and Motoki said in unison.

"But..." Raye said.

"I see...that he told you the cardinal rules," Motoki said.

"Yes, second lesson, the first was when he threw me off the roof," Chad said.

"Hmm..yes..I remember the first lesson," Motoki said. "Are you ready?"

"Yes," Chad said.

The two stepped off and thrust at each other. They both met each other's blows and parried.

"Basic skill," Motoki said and stepped back, swinging his arm around into a stroke. Chad blocked it.

"Moderate skill," Motoki said and stepped backward again. Chad thrusted upward. Motoki blocked it and swung his sword around coming under Chad's and flinging it up at his neck, stopping inches away.

"But that is Advanced," Motoki said flashing a slight grin.

"I never said I was better," Chad said.

"A true warrior never makes a claim before a battle, only after," Motoki said and pulled his Bokken away. " could use some work, as could you Raye Hino. You have a tradition to uphold."

"I fight my own way," Raye said. And wouldn't you be surprised at what I fight with. She thought.

"That maybe so, but you have not been taught from a true master."

"I don't need to be," Raye said.

"I beg to differ, but if that is the way you feel, so be it, but I warn you, you may regret that."


"There are reasons," Motoki said.

"Like what?" Raye said.

"I see no need to explain them now," Motoki said. "I must meditate," he said.

"Your rooms right there I guess," Chad said pointing to one of the guest rooms.

Motoki nodded and walked in.

"What is he all about?" Raye asked.

"I don't know, but he's very skilled," Chad said.

"But why? We don't have sword fights in the 1990's," Raye said.

"Yeah, still...his skill is impressive, and he wasn't even showing off his best stuff."

"I don't like him," Raye said.

"Ehh...he's just straightforward."

"So am I."

"Ehh..maybe..I'm going in, it's cold out."

" too..I'll clean up the plates."

"Okay," Chad said.

The two went inside. They didn't see Mimette finishing her walk up the steps and approaching the temple holding her pure heart sensor crystal in her hand.

"He's perfect...just arrived. He hasn't had time to make friends," Mimette whispered to herself. "But this place looks temples look like this..that's all."

She moved to the door to Motoki's room and slowly slid it open. He stood there holding his Bokken right at her.

"And you are?" Motoki asked.

Mimette shrieked. The other doors opened and Chad and Raye looked out.

"Her!" Raye shouted and ducked back inside.

Mimette stepped back.

"Your sword won't protect you!" She shouted and sent energy flying at Motoki. He leapt forward around it and swung his Bokken, it connected sending Mimette flying backward, she skidded along the ground.

"Ahh..." she muttered and she began to pulsate with energy. Motoki stood there waiting for her next attack. She sent energy flying right at him. He dived out of the way.

"Stand up so I shall not have the dishonor of hitting you while you are down," Motoki said.

"Absolutely not!" Mimette shouted and threw another energy attack. Motoki steeped out of the way.


The blast flew at Mimette she was hit and the fire burned into her. She shrieked and started hopping around. Sailor Mars landed on the ground nearby.

"You have attacked this temple far too many times you scum, and now it's all over," Mars said.

"You'll never get me," Mimette said and vanished.

"Oh..gee..she ran away again," Puchirol and Cyprine said observing from nearby. "Ol'' Darkie's going to toast her."

"Who are you?" Motoki asked.

"Sailor Mars," Mars said. "Protector of the universe."

"Hmm..I see what you meant before Raye Hino," Motoki said calmly.

"What? How did you know!" Mars shrieked.

"That is not important as that I do know. But I do not spread secrets like that around. Still if you have to rely on some sort of mystical power to live, you have failed to understand what life is yet," Motoki said. "But perhaps you shall learn someday, good night," Motoki said and walked back inside his room.

"You all right?" Chad asked.

"How does he take this all so calmly?" Mars asked.

"It's part of the training," Chad said.

"I don't like him at all you know," Mars said.

"Too bad, he's cool," Chad said with reverence.

"Ehh.." Mars said.










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