"Mercury Ice Storm Blast!" Mercury shouted. Red Warrior noticed a little too late that the attack was heading straight for him. He was knocked forward, plunging into the wall and falling to the ground. Mercury stood in the doorway. The mist didn't descend though. Mercury knew Raye couldn't see through it in human form.

"I don't know who you are and I don't care, but I don't appreciate you sneak attacking my friends," Mercury said.

"Don't you?" Red Warrior said and whirled his sword around to attack. Raye moved quickly and chopped it out of his hand.

"Wha..." Red Warrior said.

"Mercury Ice Storm Blast!" Mercury yelled again. The blast hit and knocked Red Warrior clear through the wall. The mist set in this time.

"Come on Raye," Mercury said and pulled her friend out the door.

"He hit Chad hard, I've gotta transform," Raye said and pulled out her power stick.

"Mars Star Power!" She shouted.

"It was a good thing I was in the bathroom or he would have caught both of us by surprise," Mercury said. "Mars, can you handle him? The other scouts are in trouble, I've got to help."

"Yeah, I'll manage," Mars said.

"Good luck," Mercury said and leapt away into the twilight.

"Now, Sailor Moon, you may have great power, but you're no match for us," Argosante said flanked by his troops.

"Use your scepter, quick," Luna said.

"But won't it hurt the humans," Sailor Moon said.

"I don't think so, it only works on neganergy and forms like it at the moment," Luna said.

"Okay," Sailor Moon said and made her scepter appear in her hand.

"Get her!" Argosante shouted. The army surged forward.

"Moon Scepter Elimination!" Sailor Moon shouted. The white blast shot out and hit several of the army. They fell to the ground and began to shout in pain, but it missed several who rushed at her.

"Ahh!" Sailor Moon shouted and leapt into the air. Luna leapt onto the roof. Sailor Moon in a feat that surprised even her, called forth Venus' aura and flipped forward landing on her feet behind the negaverse army.

"Moon Scepter Elimination!" She shouted. The blasts hit more of the army and more fell. Argosante charged at her. She brought her scepter up, he swung his sword at her. She stuck the scepter in front of her and blocked.

Argosante grunted and swung again. Sailor Moon blocked it, but Argosante elbowed her with his free arm. She fell backwards still tightly holding her weapon.

"Army! Retreat!" Argosante shouted and, what remained of the army grabbed their comrades and raced down the street to several waiting vans.

"No time to pursue them, I've got to help the others," Sailor Moon said and hurried off. Luna followed.

"Give it to him!" General Nagumo shouted as a major force of the army dashed into battle in front of Police headquarters. Meanwhile Police were streaming out of the HQ and tackling the negaverse army.

"Hmm..this doesn't seem are we overwhelming them?" Nagumo asked.

"Well sir, we have the entire police force here," an aide said.

"Most of the police were involved in previous battles. They aren't all here that's why!" Nagumo shouted.

"Of course they aren't! They're coming down that road," came the voice of Maxfield Stanton, popping out his red sports car. He was pointing at the vans of negaverse soldiers that had just recently left the battle with Sailor Moon and had arrived at this battle. Several more troops and Argosante staggered out.

"I have to hold these forces off until the warriors can defeat the Sailor Scouts," Argosante said and lead the rest of the troops into battle.

"More of them! That's explains it. I wonder where they were coming from," Nagumo said.

"I don't know, but you'd better get ready," Stanton said. Nagumo started redirecting troops.

Lita crawled along the floor of the supermarket. When the two warriors had shown up, Mina and herself had run away, and soon split up. Where Mina was she didn't know, but what she did know was that the grocery store looked like the best place to hide. The people inside had already been blasted Green Warrior's sword or had escaped. She had managed to elude Green Warrior in the massive aisles, but she probably only had seconds.

"I may have a chance," Lita said and pulled out her power stick. "Jupiter Star Power!" She shouted and transformed. Green Warrior appeared at the end of the aisle and fired his thunder sword. Jupiter barely had time to raise her hands to block it before it hit. She was pushed backwards into a stack of baked beans cans which as they are known to do, collapsed on top of her. Green Warrior rushed forward, his sword ready to strike.

Mina threw the pie. It smashed into Gold Warriors' face and caused him to stagger backwards. She leapt up over the counter and kicked him in the head with her own drop kick. He fell backwards again and crashed into the front window display of a wedding cake. Mina dashed through the remnants of the door and out into the street.

When she and Lita had split up, she found herself with now obvious place to run or hide. Then she noticed the bakery and figured it was her only chance. She had pushed the door opened and dived behind the counter stunning the surprised clerk, who was only more surprised when Gold Warrior blew the door apart with his beam sword and stepped through. The hysterical bakery employee was soon nailed with the sword and knocked unconscious, but then Mina saw the pie. Now in the safety of an alley she could finally transform.

"Venus Star Power!" She shouted as Gold Warrior emerged from the bakery covered in pastry and very, very, angry.

"Let's do it men!" Nagumo shouted, as wave after wave of army soldier surged into battle. It was true that guns were of no use, and thus kept safely hidden from the negaverse army, but brute force mattered. The two armies were now in a full fledged brawl. The negaverse force was still quite formidable. Argosante had also managed to single handedly rejuvenate the army members that Sailor Moon had hit using some of his stored up energy which gave him his full force to work with.

A jeep skidded up.

"How goes it?" Mr. Patterson said jumping out.

"We're holding our own," Nagumo said.

"Well I'm missing all the fun!" Mr. Patterson shouted and raced into the battle with a large fighting staff.

"Sir, do you have any bazookas on you?" D.V. Patterson asked emerging from the other side of the jeep.

"Bazookas?" Nagumo asked in surprise.

"You know they won't do any good and might in fact harm those humans," Stanton said.

"You know he's right," Nagumo said.

"I'm not going to aim it at the humans," Patterson said.

"What?" The two said.

Green Warrior ducked as a can of baked beans flew at his head. He didn't expect to be kicked in his face on the way down however. Jupiter sprang up from the pile and followed up with an uppercut. The warrior stumbled backwards, but stabbed out with his sword and caught Jupiter in the right arm. She let out a cry of pain and stepped backwards. Green Warrior swung again. Jupiter ducked under the attack and punched him in the chest with her left arm, continuing on and knocking into him with all the power she could find.. Green Warrior was pushed backward into shelf of cereals, which collapsed on top of him. Jupiter began to call forth her maximum energy as Green Warrior stood up. To her surprise he was glowing green.

"Looks like I have to call out all the stops," Green Warrior said and lunged at her. Jupiter met him and blocked. The two bounced off of each other. Green Warrior flew backwards down the aisle and tripped to the ground fifteen feet away and hit the back wall covered with bologna. Jupiter flew the same distance and smashed into a window pane, which didn't break. She fell forward and moaned. Green Warrior stood up first, still glowing with energy, and ran at her. She staggered up and readied herself.

Venus jumped out of the way of the sword blast and did a flip. With the gained momentum she propelled herself forward down the street and finally landing on her feet only to lunge forward and leap into the air using her own special power. To both Gold Warrior and her surprise she flew at least twice her usual jumping height before beginning her descent. She aimed herself and landed on the roof of a building. She quickly turned only to see Gold Warrior now glowing with gold energy leap onto the top of the building.

"This roofs only 50 feet high. I could jump on top of it any day," he said.

"How'd you'd get over here so fast though?" Venus asked in frustration.

"Oh, I just leapt twice, with my power, I can do that quite well, especially when you flew through the air for so long," Gold Warrior said. "Now, let's end this."

"Mercury Ice Storm Blast!"

The blue water attack hit Green Warrior full force and knocked him backwards again into the shelf of bologna, he emerged covered in slices of the meat.

"This is embarrassing," he muttered.

"Jupiter Thunderclap Zap!" Jupiter yelled. The attack hit Green Warrior just as he was standing up and knocked him into the meats again.

"All right! You win the battle, but not the war! I'll be back! And next time pastrami won't save you!" Green Warrior said and dashed to a nearby employee's only door.

"Jupiter. You all right?" Mercury asked.

"I've felt better. How are the others doing?" Jupiter asked.

"Don't know. You're the first one I ran into, Mars was fighting Red Warrior when I left her to come help you," Mercury said.

"We'd better go help her," Jupiter said.

"You're in no condition," Mercury said. She was quite exhausted herself. A red sports car sped up in front of them. Tuxedo Mask hopped out.

"Can I give you ladies a lift somewhere?" he asked.

"As a matter of fact," Jupiter said.

Gold Warrior, filled with energy charged. Venus rolled out of the way. Gold Warrior turned and swung with his sword quickly. Venus barely missed it. She came up quickly. Gold Warrior swung with his free arm and caught her in the face. She was knocked backward.

"Hah!" he shouted and swung his sword again. Venus dived out of the way and called forth her aura as much as she could. Her agility increased. The warrior swung his sword again. She jumped quickly and using perfect balance and execution did a handspring landing a few feet away. She whirled around.

"Venus Love Chain Encircle!"

The attack flew out of her. Gold Warrior swatted it away with his sword.

"No I don't think so," he said.

"Moon Scepter Elimination!" Came a familiar voice.

"Wha...." Gold Warrior said and jumped out of the way a second before he would have been hit by the white attack of Sailor Moon.

"Hmm...this fight isn't fair anymore," he muttered and leapt off the roof.

Venus turned to see Sailor Moon standing there by the edge of the roof clutching her scepter.

"Guess I got here just in time," Sailor Moon said.

"I could have handled it," Venus said, but then smiled. "But I'm glad you were here to make sure," she added.

"Any time," Sailor Moon said.

"Hey!" Came a cry from below. The two looked over to see Mercury and Jupiter sticking their heads out Darrien's car.

"We have to check on Mars!" Jupiter shouted.

"We're coming!" Venus said and the two scouts leapt off the roof and landed right beside the car. Soon it was speeding towards the Temple On Cherry Hill.

As Mars had finished her transformation and Mercury had hurried off to help the others, she waited as the mist that surrounded her now heavily damaged room cleared. Her eyes narrowed, and she set herself in a fighting stance outside the door to her room. One minute passed. The mist disappeared revealing the hole in the door and the wall. Red Warrior wasn't there. Two minutes passed. Her heart quickened.

Three minutes passed, and then Red Warrior leapt over the roof of the house and flew at her. She sidestepped as he landed and swung his sword at her. She kicked hard, he swept her foot away with his free hand. She pushed back and kicked again. He sidestepped and swung his sword. She ducked and kicked at his legs. He stepped backwards again and chopped down with his sword. Mars rolled to the right. The sword hit the stone ground, which sparked with the impact Mars came up quickly and chopped Red Warrior in the head. He stepped back. She chopped again before he raised his sword up. He staggered back again. She leapt backward several feet.

"Mars Fireball Surround!" She shouted. The attack flew out and encircled air as Red Warrior leapt out of the way and onto the roof of the temple. He fired a blast from his sword. She jumped out of the way and leapt at him. He jumped and met her on the way up. Both tried to hit and only succeeded in blocking each other. They both crashed to the stone ground.

Red Warrior was up first and he swung his sword at Mars, who still was catching her wind. She rolled sideways and barely avoided it. He kicked her in the ribs. She coughed and reached out grabbing a hold of his leg and pulling. Red Warrior was so surprised at the strangeness of the move that he fell to the ground. Mars rolled backward, stood up, and readied herself. Red Warrior did the same and he began to glow red.

"It's time we stopped playing," he said. Mars began to build up her own aura as the trepidation mounted inside of her. Red Warrior moved faster than he expected and stabbed. She ducked in the nick of time and the fire sword barely missed except for a few strands of black hair that floated to the ground.

"Jerk!" Mars said and kneed Red Warrior in the groin. He staggered back a few feet.

"Fortunately, my power prevents me from feeling that much pain," he stammered. Mars kicked him in the face. He staggered back again, but his brought his sword up quickly and blasted her with it. She was propelled backwards into a tree. She hit hard and barely managed to stand up as he approached.

"Mars Fireball Surround!" She shouted. The attack flew at him again. He swung his sword in a circle and knocked the red fire bolts away.

"Care to try again," he said.

"No!" Mars shouted and kicked the sword of out Red Warrior's hand before falling back to the ground. Red Warrior hurried to pick the sword and ready himself before he heard the sound of feet hitting the stone ground. He whirled around to see the other four Sailor Scouts standing there.

"How annoying," he said and jumped into the nearby forest.

"Where's Mars?" Sailor Moon said.

"Right here," Mars muttered staggering up.

"Are you all right?" Venus asked.

"I'll be fine...," Mars replied. "Someday," she muttered.

"Here are the bazookas, but we hardly have any men to use them," Nagumo said producing two bazookas.

"'re here aren't you?" Patterson said taking one.

"Wait a minute. Patterson do you know how to use that thing?" Nagumo asked a bit nervously.

"Sure...I've had practice," Patterson said and put the bazooka on his shoulder.

"Are you sure about this General?" Stanton asked obviously nervous.

"Why not? It can't hurt," Nagumo said.

"Hmm..maybe I'd better stand back," Stanton said.

"Here goes," Patterson said. "Fire in the hole!"

He pulled the trigger. A large shell burst from the magazine and flew through the air and right on target slamming into one of the trucks that had been used to transport the negaverse troops. It exploded and started a small fire.

"My turn," Nagumo said and aimed. Another truck went up.

Patterson fired again. A third truck exploded.

"What's going on!" Argosante shouted in shock.

"You're failed me!" came Jaedite's voice.

"What?" Argosante said. Jaedite, now clad in his original negaverse uniform of grey trimmed with red and with his usual blonde hairdo, was hovering in the air.

"This operation is a disaster. Several of our trucks were destroyed. We cannot retrieve all our troops now using conventional means. The three warriors and you have failed! I will have to use a massive amount of energy to save my forces," Jaedite said angrily and blasted the two forces with negaenergy. The humans collapsed, but the negaverse army disappeared in a flash along with Argosante and the remaining trucks. Jaedite blew the burning ones apart with a fiery blast and disappeared. Patterson, Nagumo, and Stanton peeked out from behind Nagumo's car.

"What just happened?" Nagumo asked.

"We just met their leader I think," Patterson said feigning ignorance.

"He looks pretty powerful," Stanton said also feigning ignorance.

"No duh," Nagumo said as the human troops began to stand up.


"Uh..hey Raye," Chad said drowsily emerging from Raye's room.

"You've got some nerve. 'Hey Raye.' After you went and said my boyfriend was with the negaverse!" Raye said angrily.

"I never said that," Chad said.

"You did this afternoon," Raye said.

"I don't remember saying that. I mean if I had I would have been wrong. I mean I don't like Rick, but would I make something like that up?"

"That's better..." Raye said. "Now maybe you can start acting like a mature human being again."

"Yeah, I guess," Chad said and walked out.

                CHAPTER 21 CHAPTER 22  CHAPTER 23 CHAPTER 24





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